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{"hearing": {"chamber": "House", "citation": "H.Hrg.118-15", "committees": [{"name": "House Small Business (Select) Committee", "systemCode": "hssm00", "url": "https://api.congress.gov/v3/committee/house/hssm00?format=json"}], "congress": 118, "dates": [{"date": "2023-05-23"}], "formats": [{"type": "Formatted Text", "url": "https://congress.gov/118/chrg/CHRG-118hhrg52326/generated/CHRG-118hhrg52326.htm"}, {"type": "PDF", "url": "https://congress.gov/118/chrg/CHRG-118hhrg52326/CHRG-118hhrg52326.pdf"}], "jacketNumber": 52326, "libraryOfCongressIdentifier": "LC71618", "number": 15, "title": "MARKUP OF: H.R 1644, \"7(A) LOAN AGENT OVERSIGHT ACT\", H.R. 1651, \"THE SMALL BUSINESS 7(A) LOAN AGENT TRANSPARENCY ACT\", H.R 1541, \"SMALL BUSINESS WORKFORCE PIPELINE ACT OF 2023\", H.R 1730, \"SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES AND CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ACT OF 2023\", H.R 1606, \"VETERAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING ACT OF 2023\", H.R 3511, \"SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN OPPORTUNITIES IN SMALL BUSINESS ACT\"", "updateDate": "2024-06-13T12:39:34Z"}, "request": {"chamber": "house", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json", "jacketNumber": "52326"}} |