{"hearing": {"chamber": "House", "citation": "H.Hrg.118-23", "committees": [{"name": "House Small Business (Select) Committee", "systemCode": "hssm00", "url": "https://api.congress.gov/v3/committee/house/hssm00?format=json"}], "congress": 118, "dates": [{"date": "2023-07-18"}], "formats": [{"type": "Formatted Text", "url": "https://congress.gov/118/chrg/CHRG-118hhrg55468/generated/CHRG-118hhrg55468.htm"}, {"type": "PDF", "url": "https://congress.gov/118/chrg/CHRG-118hhrg55468/CHRG-118hhrg55468.pdf"}], "jacketNumber": 55468, "libraryOfCongressIdentifier": "LC72654", "number": 23, "title": "MARKUP OF: H.R. 4666, A BILL TO REQUIRE THE SBA OIG TO SUBMIT QUARTERLY REPORTS ON PPP/EIDL FRAUD; H.R. 4667, THE RECLAIM TAXPAYER FUNDS ACT; H.R. 4480, THE SERV ACT; H.R. 4670, THE SMALL BUSINESS CONTRACTING TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2023; H.R. 4668, POST IT ACT; H.R. 4669, DOE AND SBA RESEARCH ACT; H.R. 4671, THE CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT; H.R. 3995, THE SMALL BUSINESS REGULATORY REDUCTION ACT", "updateDate": "2024-07-09T01:21:26Z"}, "request": {"chamber": "house", "congress": "118", "contentType": "application/json", "format": "json", "jacketNumber": "55468"}}