import { artworld } from "./world.js"; import { Vector2 } from "./math.js"; import { Color } from "./color.js"; import { Random } from "./random.js"; export class Drawable { constructor(parent) { this._parent = parent; this._updates = []; this._fill = parent ? parent._fill : null; this._stroke = parent ? parent._stroke : null; this._strokeWeight = parent ? parent._strokeWeight : null; this._z_index = parent ? parent._z_index : null; this._posVec = new Vector2(0, 0); if (this._parent) { this._parent.addChild(this); } artworld.register(this); } copy() { throw new Error("copy() must be implemented on child class"); } draw() { throw new Error("draw() must be implemented on child class"); } // setters fill(color) { this._fill = color; return this; } stroke(color) { this._stroke = color; return this; } strokeWeight(scalar) { this._strokeWeight = scalar; return this; } pos(vec) { this._posVec = vec; return this; } x(scalar) { this._posVec.x = scalar; return this; } y(scalar) { this._posVec.y = scalar; return this; } z(scalar) { this._z_index = scalar; return this; } // Modifiers /////////////////////////// move(byVec) { this._posVec = this._posVec.add(byVec); return this; } random() { this._posVec = new Vector2( Random.under(artworld.width), Random.under(artworld.height), ); this._stroke = new Color( Random.under(360), Random.between(30, 60), Random.between(30, 60), ); this._fill = new Color( Random.under(360), Random.between(30, 60), Random.between(30, 60), ); return this; } // getters ///////////////////////////// get worldPos() { // offset from parent if needed return this._parent ? this._parent.worldPos.add(this._posVec) : this._posVec; } } export class Group extends Drawable { constructor() { super(); this._children = []; } copy() { // new empty group let newGroup = new Group(); for (let child of this._children) { // make a copy of each child item // use child class copy, with forced override of group // this registers each one as a child of newGroup // as part of the copy behavior child.copy({ _parent: newGroup }); } // attach own parent if present if (this._parent) { newGroup._parent = this._parent; newGroup._parent.addChild(newGroup); } return newGroup; } draw() {} addChild(drawable) { this._children.push(drawable); drawable._parent = this; return this; } fill(color) { for (let child of this._children) { child.fill(color); } return this; } stroke(color) { for (let child of this._children) { child.stroke(color); } return this; } strokeWeight(scalar) { for (let child of this._children) { child.strokeWeight(scalar); } return this; } }