# Animation & Interaction ## CAPP 30239 --- ### How can we use animation and interaction to improve understanding? ### How can we implement this with the tools we have? --- ## Review: Potential Benefits of Interactives - Reducing Cognitive Load - Personalization for Reader - Making Information Playful - Prompting Self-Reflection (examples in 06.narrative slides) --- ## Applications of Animation - Demonstrate change over time - Highlight relationships - Focus attention: - Show subsets of data - Draw attention to changes - Show uncertainty --- TODO: examples of each of above --- ## Reasons for Interaction - Enable user-driven exploration of data. - Allow personalization (e.g. enter your zip code) - Increased engagement/retention --- TODO: examples of each of above --- ## Selection For user-driven data explorations, **selection** is an important concept. How do you want to let a user select individual records or groups of records? ### Spectrum: From Click to Query Lang - click on selection - hover effect - drag/region selection - pre-written query with dropdowns/selects - query lang --- TODO: examples of each of the above --- ### Example: Voronai Diagram For Selection of Small Points --- ## More Resources - - - TODO: - CSS Transitions Docs - D3 Chapter - My Notebook