import marimo __generated_with = "0.8.20" app = marimo.App(width="medium") @app.cell def __(): import marimo as mo import altair as alt import polars as pl from pathlib import Path return Path, alt, mo, pl @app.cell def __(mo): """ ## Tidy Data Altair expects our data to be [tidy]( - Each variable is a column. - Each observation is a row. - Each type of observational unit is a table. You can use `pandas` or `polars` DataFrames. """ ) return @app.cell def __(Path, __file__, pl): # first let's load and look at a dataframe with three columns # there is an observation for each state legislature, showing how many bills they introduced in a given year df = pl.read_csv(Path(__file__).parent / "midwest_bills.csv") # (having a dataframe or chart as the last line in a notebook cell will automatically display it) df return (df,) @app.cell def __(alt, df): # Let's make our own charts of this dat, first we bind the data to a new chart object chart = alt.Chart(df) return (chart,) @app.cell def __(chart): # we add a geometry, we'll start with a point (at this point *something* can be displayed, but it won't be useful) chart.mark_point() return @app.cell def __(chart): # We use encodings to map our data to particular dimensions. # Altair will make then make appropriate choices based upon the type of data. chart.mark_point().encode( y="state", x="num_bills" ) return @app.cell def __(): return @app.cell def __(alt, chart): # what happens when we try to add color? chart.mark_point().encode( alt.Y("state"), alt.X("num_bills"), alt.Color("session_start_year"), ) return @app.cell def __(alt, chart): # the prior example treated year as an Ordinal because it was numeric # instead we would treat it as Nominal for this data # we can use :Q, :O, :N, :T to mark the type that should be used by_year = chart.mark_point().encode( alt.Y("state:N"), alt.X("num_bills:Q"), alt.Color("session_start_year:N"), ) # we're saving this one for later by_year return (by_year,) @app.cell def __(alt, chart): # Here we make a different chart from the same base data # by re-using our `chart` variable. # # We choose a different shape (parameters that don't need to vary can be passed into the mark_* functions) # We also use an aggregate function average(num_bills) avgs = chart.mark_point(shape="wedge", color="black").encode( alt.Y("state"), alt.X("average(num_bills)"), ) avgs return (avgs,) @app.cell def __(avgs, by_year): # two charts with compatible data can be layered with + by_year + avgs return @app.cell def __(alt, by_year, chart): # perhaps we don't want to use mark_point anymore, maybe a bar? bar_avgs = chart.mark_bar(color="#ccc").encode( alt.Y("state"), alt.X("average(num_bills)"), ) bar_avgs + by_year return (bar_avgs,) @app.cell def __(alt, chart): # We can customize titles and other details by using `.title` and `.properties` # the latter sets chart-wide properties. final = chart.mark_point(shape="diamond").encode( alt.Y("state:N"), alt.X("num_bills:Q"), alt.Color("session_start_year:N").title("Session Year"), ) + chart.mark_bar(color="#70905050").encode( alt.Y("state"), alt.X("average(num_bills)").title("Number of Bills Introduced"), ) title='Midwest Bills by State', background='#f5f5dc' ) return (final,) @app.cell def __(alt, chart): # Let's say we instead want to see if there are trends by year. # create a new chart object with year on the X-axis, and bills on the Y-axis # Also, make the chart print/colorblind friendly by encoding state in multiple ways. new_chart = chart.mark_point().encode( alt.Y("num_bills"), alt.X("session_start_year:N"), alt.Color("state"), alt.Shape("state"), ) title='Midwest Bills by Year', background='#f5f5dc' ) return (new_chart,) @app.cell def __(mo): """ ### Recommended Reading Altair Tutorial - Specifying Data (you can stop when you hit 'Generated Data') - Encodings - Encodings -> Channels (skim Channel Options) - Marks (skim a few of the mark guides, including Bar & Point) - Data Transformations (skim a few, including Regression) - Layered and Multi-View Charts - Customizing Visualizations Once you've read the above you have the core ideas of Altair. The remaining sections are useful as reference, and as you use Altair you will find your way to them as you ask yourself questions like "how do I work with geospatial data" or "how can I combine these axes"? The other common thing you will use the documentation for is "what arguments can I pass to this?" For that, use the [API Reference]( and find the class you're working with. Example: - Let's say we want to adjust the color scheme, start with <> - Note that it can take a scale, and click to <> """ ) return @app.cell def __(alt, chart): color_scheme = alt.Scale(scheme="set2") chart.mark_line().encode( alt.Y("num_bills"), alt.X("session_start_year:N"), alt.Color("state", scale=color_scheme), ) + chart.mark_point().encode( alt.Y("num_bills").title("Bills Introduced"), alt.X("session_start_year:N").title("Session Year"), alt.Color("state", scale=color_scheme), alt.Shape("state"), ).properties( title='Midwest Bills by Session', ) return (color_scheme,) @app.cell def __(): return if __name__ == "__main__":