Modern data visualization is largely a product of the sheer amount of data we produce.

In part this is a function of the digitization of most of our lives.
15 years ago there was no, it has added 300k data sets since then.

As technology advances, our data gets to be incredibly fine grained.
This is a sample of ride share rides over a six year period. Each pixel is a pick up or drop off.
OK, there is **a lot** of data, but isn't that a **good thing**?
"What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it."
~Herb Simon
_as quoted by Hal Varian. Scientific American, September 1995_
## What is Visualization?
“... finding the **artificial memory** that best supports our natural means of perception.”
_[Bertin 1967]_
“Transformation of the symbolic into the geometric”
_[McCormick et al. 1987]_
“The use of computer-generated, interactive, visual representations of data to **amplify cognition**.”
_[Card, Mackinlay, & Shneiderman 1999]_
## Information Visualization
"The use of computer-generated, interactive, visual representations of (abstract) data to **amplify cognition**."
What does it mean to amplify cognition?
Why do we often seek visualizations?
## Why do we create visualizations?
- What visualizations have you created?
- What visualizations have you seen that you remember?
## Reasons for Data Visualization
- Means of reasoning about large quantities without reduction/over-simplification.
- Assist in gaining unique insights into data: clustering, correlation, trends, etc.
We will be learning Altair, which generates Vega JSON, which in turn is drawn using D3.
D3 underpins dozens of other charting libraries as well, and D3's own documentation says:
D3 makes things possible, not necessarily easy; even simple things that should be easy are often not. To paraphrase Amanda Cox: “Use D3 if you think it’s perfectly normal to write a hundred lines of code for a bar chart.”
Learning D3 both requires working in an unfamiliar environment (JavaScript) and with a very unique style of programming based around their concept of the ["data join"](, which requires a decent understanding of the HTML Document Object Model.
So, if you are here to learn visualization, I think that it is fair that you can succeed in this class without putting yourself through that.
## Course Structure
- **Lecture and Discussion**: Introduce and explore key concepts, mostly focused on theory.
- **Readings**: Supplement course materials with more examples, technical tutorials.
- **2 "minor" assignments: Altair & D3** - Gain practice with commonly used tools in a structured setting.
- **Projects**: Learn to explore a topic on your own from conception to practice. Leave here with a portfolio you can show off.