/******************************************************************************* This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development. Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk Licensed under a BSD-style license. The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net) and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net *******************************************************************************/ /*! \par File Header: File: ZE_ZImage.cpp
Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Image or Texture Object.
Author(s): James Turk, Gamer Tazar
$Id: ZE_ZImage.cpp,v 1.25 2003/02/10 04:55:48 cozman Exp $
\file ZE_ZImage.cpp \brief Source file for ZImage. Implementation of ZImage, the Image class for ZEngine. **/ #include "ZE_ZImage.h" namespace ZE { ZImage::ZImage() { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = 255; Release(); } ZImage::ZImage(const ZImage &rhs) { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = rhs.Alpha(); OpenFromImage(rhs.Surface(),0,0,(Sint16)rhs.Width(),(Sint16)rhs.Height()); } ZImage::ZImage(string filename) { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = 255; Open(filename); } ZImage::ZImage(SDL_Surface *surface) { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = 255; Attach(surface); } ZImage::ZImage(SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h) { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = 255; OpenFromImage(img,x,y,w,h); } ZImage::ZImage(const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h) { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); rImage = NULL; rAlpha = 255; OpenFromImage(img.Surface(),x,y,w,h); //call SDL_Surface* version instead of taking the long way } ZImage::~ZImage() { Release(); } void ZImage::Open(string filename) { SDL_Surface *image; image = rEngine->LoadImage(filename.c_str()); Attach(image); } void ZImage::OpenFromImage(SDL_Surface *image, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h) { SDL_Surface *screen = rEngine->Display(); SDL_Surface *cutImg = NULL; SDL_Rect rect; SDL_VideoInfo *videoInfo; //either set hardware or software surface// videoInfo = const_cast(SDL_GetVideoInfo()); rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.w = w; rect.h = h; if(!image) rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOIMAGE,"OpenFromImage"); cutImg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, rect.w, rect.h, rEngine->BPP(), screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, screen->format->Amask); if(!cutImg) rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_SDL_INTERNAL,FormatStr("SDL_CreateRGBSurface failed in ZImage::OpenFromImage: %s.",SDL_GetError())); SDL_BlitSurface(image,&rect,cutImg,NULL); Attach(cutImg); } void ZImage::OpenFromImage(const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h) { OpenFromImage(img.Surface(),x,y,w,h); } void ZImage::Attach(SDL_Surface *surface) { GLfloat coord[4]; Release(); //avoid most user inflicted memory leaks //surface conversion// SDL_Surface *temp = surface; surface = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp); if(surface) { FreeImage(temp); } else //can't convert { rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_SDL_INTERNAL,FormatStr("SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha failed in ZImage::Attach: %s",SDL_GetError())); surface = temp; } if(surface) { rWidth = surface->w; rHeight = surface->h; rTexID = SDL_GL_LoadTexture(surface,coord); rTexMinX = coord[0]; rTexMinY = coord[1]; rTexMaxX = coord[2]; rTexMaxY = coord[3]; rImage = surface; } else rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOIMAGE,"Attach"); } void ZImage::Reload() { SDL_Surface *temp = rImage; rImage = NULL; Attach(temp); } void ZImage::Release() { if(glIsTexture(rTexID)) glDeleteTextures(1,&rTexID); rTexMinX = rTexMinY = rTexMaxX = rTexMaxY = 0.0f; rTexID = rWidth = rHeight = 0; FreeImage(rImage); } void ZImage::SetAlpha(Uint8 alpha) { rAlpha = alpha; } void ZImage::SetColorKey(Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue) { SDL_Surface *temp=NULL; Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(rImage->format,red,green,blue); if(rImage) { if(SDL_SetColorKey(rImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, color) < 0) rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_SDL_INTERNAL,FormatStr("SDL_SetColorKey failed in ZImage::SetColorKey: %s",SDL_GetError())); else { temp = rImage; rImage = NULL; Attach(temp); //do the reattach } } else rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOIMAGE,"SetColorKey"); } void ZImage::Flip(bool horizontal, bool vertical) { GLfloat temp; if(horizontal) { temp = rTexMinX; rTexMinX = rTexMaxX; rTexMaxX = temp; } if(vertical) { temp = rTexMinY; rTexMinY = rTexMaxY; rTexMaxY = temp; } } void ZImage::Stretch(float xFactor, float yFactor) { rWidth = static_cast(xFactor*rWidth); rHeight = static_cast(yFactor*rHeight); } void ZImage::Resize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { rWidth = width; rHeight = height; } void ZImage::Bind() const { if(!rTexID) rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOIMAGE,"Bind"); else { glColor4ub(255,255,255,rAlpha); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, rTexID); } } void ZImage::Draw(float x, float y) const { Bind(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glTexCoord2f(rTexMinX,rTexMinY); glVertex2f(x,y); glTexCoord2f(rTexMaxX,rTexMinY); glVertex2f(x+rWidth,y); glTexCoord2f(rTexMinX,rTexMaxY); glVertex2f(x,y+rHeight); glTexCoord2f(rTexMaxX,rTexMaxY); glVertex2f(x+rWidth,y+rHeight); glEnd(); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); //return to standard color state } void ZImage::DrawRotated(int x, int y, float angle) const { float cX,cY; //center variables cX = rWidth/2.0f; cY = rHeight/2.0f; glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x+cX,y+cY,0); glRotatef(angle,0,0,1.0f); Bind(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glTexCoord2f(rTexMinX,rTexMinY); glVertex2f(-cX,-cY); glTexCoord2f(rTexMaxX,rTexMinY); glVertex2f(-cX+rWidth,-cY); glTexCoord2f(rTexMinX,rTexMaxY); glVertex2f(-cX,-cY+rHeight); glTexCoord2f(rTexMaxX,rTexMaxY); glVertex2f(-cX+rWidth,-cY+rHeight); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } bool ZImage::IsLoaded() const { return glIsTexture(rTexID) == GL_TRUE; } SDL_Surface* ZImage::Surface() const { return rImage; } int ZImage::Width() const { return rWidth; } int ZImage::Height() const { return rHeight; } Uint8 ZImage::Alpha() const { return rAlpha; } }