    authors.txt         Listing of all authors.
    changelog.txt       Listing of changes made by version.
    config              Configure file used by makefile. (Linux)
    files.txt           This file, listing of all files.
    licensing.txt       Information on ZEngine licensing and usage.
    makefile            Makefile for make tool. (Linux)
    readme.txt          General information on ZEngine.
    tab2space.py        Python script to convert tabs to spaces recursively.
    thanks.txt          List of indirect contributors to ZEngine.
    todo.txt            Things that the ZEngine project needs to do.
    doc/                Contains doxygen files.
        html/           HTML version of documentation.
    include/            Include files for ZEngine.
        external/       Include files needed by ZEngine but not written for ZEngine.
    lib/                Output directory of libraries to link with application.
    src/                Source of ZEngine, needed to build ZEngine.
        external/       Source files needed by ZEngine but not written for ZEngine.
    test/               Source for test programs.
        bin/            Test programs and files about using them.
            data/       Data needed for test programs.
    vc6/                Visual C++ 6 Project files for ZEngine.
    vc7/                Visual C++ 7 Project files for ZEngine.