        This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
                   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk

                     Licensed under a BSD-style license.

    The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net) 
     and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net

\par File Header: 
File: ZE_ZObject.h <br>
Description: Header file for ZEngine core Object ZObject, base of most ZEngine objects. <br>
Author(s): James Turk <br>
$Id: ZE_ZObject.h,v 1.3 2002/12/29 06:50:19 cozman Exp $<br>

    \file ZE_ZObject.h
    \brief Definition file for ZObject Base Class.

    Definition file for ZObject the Virtual Base Class for majority of the ZEngine Objects.

#ifndef __ze_zobject_h__
#define __ze_zobject_h__

#include "ZE_ZEngine.h"

namespace ZE
    \brief ZObject base class for other ZEngine objects.

    This is the base class from which all ZEngine internal objects are derived from.
class ZObject
        //! Pointer to ZEngine Object
        ZEngine* rEngine;
            \brief ZEngine Constructor.

            ZEngine Constructor, gets Engine pointer for Object.
        ZObject() { rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); };

            \brief ZEngine Virtual destructor.

            ZEngine destructor, provided to make class safely inheritable.
        virtual ~ZObject() {};

#endif //__ze_zobject_h__