/******************************************************************************* This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development. Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk ZEngine is Licensed under a BSD-style license. This example file is in the public domain, it may be used with no restrictions. The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net) and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net *******************************************************************************/ /*$Id: ZTimerTest.cpp,v 1.17 2003/09/24 02:05:56 cozman Exp $*/ #include <ZEngine.h> #include <string> using namespace std; using namespace ZE; bool Initialize() { ZEngine *engine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); ZConfigFile cfg("tests.zcf"); int w,h,bpp,rate; bool fs; std::string title; w = cfg.GetInt("ZTimerTest","width",800); h = cfg.GetInt("ZTimerTest","height",600); bpp = cfg.GetInt("ZTimerTest","bpp",32); fs = cfg.GetBool("ZTimerTest","fullscreen",false); title = cfg.GetString("ZTimerTest","title","ZTimer Test"); rate = cfg.GetInt("ZTimerTest","framerate",60); engine->SetupDisplay(w,h,bpp,fs); engine->SetDesiredFramerate(rate); return engine->CreateDisplay(title); } void Test() { ZEngine *engine = ZEngine::GetInstance(); std::string TimerName[3] = {"ZEngine Timer", "ZEngine Hooked Timer", "SDL Hooked Timer"}; int curTimer = 0; //Open and Setup Font and Create Images and Timers// ZImage text[5]; ZFont font("data/almontew.ttf",24); ZTimer TimerOne, TimerTwo(false); //Timer Two is on the SDL Timer. //do this only once// font.DrawText("(T)oggle | (P)ause | (U)npause",text[4]); do { //In the active loop, check events first// engine->CheckEvents(); if(engine->IsActive()) { if(engine->KeyIsPressed(SDLK_ESCAPE)) engine->RequestQuit(); //pause current timer// if(engine->KeyIsPressed(SDLK_p)) { switch(curTimer) { case 0: engine->PauseTimer(); break; case 1: TimerOne.Pause(); break; case 2: TimerTwo.Pause(); break; } } //unpause current timer// if(engine->KeyIsPressed(SDLK_u)) { switch(curTimer) { case 0: engine->UnpauseTimer(); break; case 1: TimerOne.Unpause(); break; case 2: TimerTwo.Unpause(); break; } } //switch// if(engine->KeyIsPressed(SDLK_t)) { if(++curTimer > 2) curTimer = 0; engine->Delay(200); } //Render all the fonts// font.DrawText(FormatStr("Current Timer: %s",TimerName[curTimer].c_str()),text[0]); font.DrawText(FormatStr("%s Time: %d",TimerName[0].c_str(),engine->GetTime()),text[1]); font.DrawText(FormatStr("%s Time: %d",TimerName[1].c_str(),TimerOne.GetTime()),text[2]); font.DrawText(FormatStr("%s Time: %d",TimerName[2].c_str(),TimerTwo.GetTime()),text[3]); engine->Clear(); //clear screen for(int i=0; i <= 4; i++) text[i].Draw(0,i*30); engine->Update(); //update the screen } } while(!engine->QuitRequested()); //quit only when engine has encountered a quit request } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(Initialize()) Test(); ZEngine::ReleaseInstance(); return 0; }