ZEngine Version Log for Version 0.7.4 $Id: changelog.txt,v 2002/11/21 05:40:49 cozman Exp $ 0.7.5 -Converted all tabs to spaces. -Added CVS lines to files for date tracking. -Fixed file layout for CVS and reuploaded files to CVS. 0.7.4 -Modified behavior of ZImage::Attach and changed ZImageTest to use it. -Added makefile for Linux build support. -Renamed old makefile to makefile.mingw32 -Fixed problem in ZImage::SetAlpha when failure occured. -Added warnings in ZImage for when the display format fails. -Completely rewrote ZConfigFile to avoid problems with STL map. -Fixed problem in ZImage with transparency. -Added doxygen script for linux, and renamed old doxygen script. 0.7.3 -Globally evised source variable naming standards. -Fixed Error Logging in ZImage. -Added SDL_DisplaySurface and SDL_DisplaySurfaceAlpha calls to speed up blitting in ZImage. -Fixed bug in ZConfigFile that caused a NULL file to be closed. -Several Documentation errors corrected. -Added ZRect class, and ZRectTest. 0.7.2 -Fixed small source problem in PhysFS handling of non-supported types. -Added makefile for Cygwin and Mingw32 -Removed AFL license, and switched to BSD-style license. 0.7.1 -Changed directory layout. -Changed source files to compile without PhysicsFS. -Added newline to end of all source files. 0.7.0 -Changed slash direction in example programs (fixed non-windows problems). -Added support for PhysicsFS. -Added ZConfigFile. -Updated all examples to be cleaner style and use more features. -Addes ZConfigFile for test programs. 0.6.3 -Fixed directory issues in distribution. -Updated to specify SDL 1.2.5 compatibility. -Added IsLoaded method to ZSound,ZMusic,ZImage and ZFont -Added music.ogg warning to ZMusicTest. -Minor fixes in Doxygen settings. -Fixed issues compiling the ZObject Inherited Wrapper types caused by changes in documentation. -Added file-level documentation for doxygen in src directory. 0.6.2 -Updated License to APL 1.1 and all files with it. 0.6.1 -Added Mouse Example -Changed Email Address to james@conceptofzero.net -Added more test data and information on where data came from -Removed Ogg file from distribution. -Changed names of the libraries. 0.6.0 -Updated all documentation (including doxygen docs). -Rewrote Licensing.txt -Added Authors.txt and Credits.txt -Added VC7 Non-Debug Projects. -Removed LGPL.txt (legacy) and Added APL.txt -Fixed a bug occuring in ZSound and ZFont test programs. -Proofread and fixed some documentation errors. 0.5.0 -Added APL Notice to source files. -Updated source guidelines file for APL licensing. -Added ZSound and test program. -Updated examples to have similar coding guidelines. 0.4.0 -Added Source Guidelines file. -Added ZMusic and test program. -Fixed a small keypress checking error in fullscreen mode. -Redesigned entire data storage system (aka ZDataPtr classes) -Fixed USE_SDL_MIXER and USE_SDL_TTF bugs in ZEngine. -Removed LGPL licensing messages from source. -Rewrote buggy ZImage::Attach code that was affecting the test program. 0.3.0 -Added ZTimer and ZFont classes and test programs. -Fixed major hardware setting bugs in ZImage and ZEngine. -Added alpha blending to tests. -Reorganized Directory Structure and VC7 Project Files 0.2.0 -Doxygen Documentation and LGPL license addition -Added ZImage, and test program. -Fixed bugs throughout core of ZEngine and changed methods used to keep static vectors of data. -Designed ZObject class with virtual destructor. 0.1.0 -Initial ZEngine Proof of Concept, core ZEngine class.