diff --git a/src/ZE_ZClient.cpp b/src/ZE_ZClient.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e58cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ZE_ZClient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
+ Licensed under a BSD-style license.
+ The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net)
+ and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net
+\par File Header:
+File: ZE_ZClient.cpp
+Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine TCP Client Object.
+Author(s): James Turk
+ \file ZE_ZClient.cpp
+ \brief Source file for ZClient.
+ Implementation file for ZClient, the TCP Client class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZClient.h"
+namespace ZE
+string num2dotted4(unsigned int num)
+ vector ip;
+ int d=256*256*256;
+ int m;
+ while(d > 0)
+ {
+ m = num/d;
+ num %= d;
+ ip.push_back(m);
+ d /= 256;
+ }
+ return FormatStr("%d.%d.%d.%d",ip[3],ip[2],ip[1],ip[0]);
+ZClient::ZClient(bool verbose)
+ rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance();
+ rSocket = NULL;
+ rSocketSet = NULL;
+ rVerbose = verbose;
+ rWaitTime = 0;
+ Disconnect();
+bool ZClient::Connect(char *server, Uint16 port)
+ IPaddress ip;
+ if(SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip,server,port) < 0)
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_CLIENT,FormatStr("Failed to resolve host: %s:%d",server,port));
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZClient: resolved host: %s:%d",server,port));
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("IP: %s",num2dotted4(ip.host).c_str()));
+ rSocket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); //try to open rSocket
+ if(!rSocket)
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_CLIENT,"Failed to open TCP socket.");
+ Disconnect();
+ return false;
+ }
+ rSocketSet = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); //get a set for the single socket
+ if(!rSocketSet || SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(rSocketSet,rSocket) == -1)
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_CLIENT,"Failed to create socket set.");
+ Disconnect();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void ZClient::Disconnect()
+ if(rSocket)
+ {
+ SDLNet_TCP_Close(rSocket);
+ rSocket = NULL;
+ }
+ if(rSocketSet)
+ {
+ SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(rSocketSet);
+ rSocketSet = NULL;
+ }
+void ZClient::SetWaitTime(int wait)
+ rWaitTime = wait;
+bool ZClient::Send(ZByte *data, int size)
+ int sent = 0;
+ if(rSocket)
+ {
+ sent = SDLNet_TCP_Send(rSocket,data,size);
+ if(sent < size)
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_CLIENT,FormatStr("Failed to send data, closing socket: %s", SDLNet_GetError()));
+ Disconnect();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZClient: Sent %d bytes to server.",sent));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOSOCKET,"Send");
+ return false;
+ }
+int ZClient::Receive(ZByte *data)
+ int received = 0;
+ if(rSocket)
+ {
+ if(SDLNet_CheckSockets(rSocketSet, rWaitTime) > 0 && SDLNet_SocketReady(rSocket))
+ {
+ received = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(rSocket,data,MAX_MSG_LEN);
+ if(received <= 0)
+ {
+ Disconnect();
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_CLIENT,FormatStr("TCP_Recv failed [%s]",SDLNet_GetError()));
+ }
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZClient: received %d bytes.",received));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NOSOCKET,"Receive");
+ return received;
+bool ZClient::Connected()
+ return rSocket?true:false;
+int ZClient::WaitTime()
+ return rWaitTime;
+} //namespace ZE
diff --git a/src/ZE_ZServer.cpp b/src/ZE_ZServer.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03d9942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ZE_ZServer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
+ Licensed under a BSD-style license.
+ The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net)
+ and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net
+\par File Header:
+File: ZE_ZServer.cpp
+Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine TCP Server Object.
+Author(s): James Turk
+ \file ZE_ZServer.cpp
+ \brief Source file for ZServer.
+ Implementation file for ZServer, the TCP Server class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZServer.h"
+namespace ZE
+void ZServer::CloseSocket(int num)
+ SDLNet_TCP_Close(rClientSockets[num]);
+ rClientSockets[num] = NULL;
+ if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("Closing socket #%d",num));
+ZServer::ZServer(bool v)
+ rEngine = ZEngine::GetInstance();
+ rSocket = NULL;
+ rSocketSet = NULL;
+ rClientSockets = NULL;
+ rMaxClients = 0;
+ rVerbose = v;
+ rWaitTime = 0;
+ Stop();
+bool ZServer::Start(int maxClients, Uint16 port)
+ IPaddress ip;
+ rMaxClients = maxClients;
+ rClientSockets = new TCPsocket[rMaxClients];
+ rSocketSet = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(rMaxClients+1); //need one more (for server socket)
+ if(!rSocketSet)
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_SERVER,FormatStr("Failed to create sockets (%s).",SDLNet_GetError()));
+ Stop();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZServer: Created server with %d available sockets.",rMaxClients));
+ for(int i=0; i < rMaxClients; i++)
+ rClientSockets[i] = NULL;
+ if(SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip,NULL,port) < 0) //try to resolve the host
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_SERVER,FormatStr("Failed to create host server on port %d (%s).",port,SDLNet_GetError()));
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZServer: Created host server on port %d.",port));
+ rSocket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); //try to open socket
+ if(!rSocket || SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(rSocketSet,rSocket) == -1)
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_SERVER,"Failed to open server TCP socket.");
+ Stop();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void ZServer::Stop()
+ if(rSocket)
+ {
+ SDLNet_TCP_Close(rSocket);
+ rSocket = NULL;
+ }
+ if(rSocketSet)
+ {
+ SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(rSocketSet);
+ rSocketSet = NULL;
+ }
+ if(rClientSockets)
+ {
+ for(int i=0; i < rMaxClients; i++)
+ {
+ if(rClientSockets[i])
+ {
+ CloseSocket(i);
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] rClientSockets;
+ }
+ rMaxClients = 0;
+void ZServer::SetWaitTime(int wait)
+ rWaitTime = wait;
+void ZServer::CheckSockets()
+ ZByte buf[MAX_MSG_LEN];
+ int result,size,count;
+ SDLNet_CheckSockets(rSocketSet, rWaitTime);
+ if(SDLNet_SocketReady(rSocket)) //new client
+ {
+ for(count=0; count < rMaxClients; count++) //find first open socket
+ {
+ if(!rClientSockets[count])
+ break;
+ }
+ if(rClientSockets[count]) //if it exists the set is full
+ {
+ rEngine->ReportError(ZERR_NET_SERVER,FormatStr("All %d ports full.",rMaxClients));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rClientSockets[count] = SDLNet_TCP_Accept(rSocket);
+ SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(rSocketSet, rClientSockets[count]);
+ if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZServer: Adding socket #%d.",count+1));
+ }
+ }
+ //check all sockets for activity//
+ for(int i=0; i < rMaxClients; i++)
+ {
+ if(SDLNet_SocketReady(rClientSockets[i])) //incoming message
+ {
+ result = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(rClientSockets[i], buf, MAX_MSG_LEN);
+ if(result <= 0) //disconnect bad sockets
+ CloseSocket(i);
+ else if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr("ZServer: Received %d bytes on Port %d",result,i));
+ size = result;
+ if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog("ZServer: Mirroring data: ");
+ for(int j=0; j < rMaxClients; j++)
+ {
+ if(rClientSockets[j] && i != j) //send to open sockets that aren't the same
+ {
+ result = SDLNet_TCP_Send(rClientSockets[j],buf,size);
+ if(rVerbose)
+ rEngine->WriteLog(FormatStr(" +%d bytes on socket %d.",size,j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int ZServer::Clients()
+ int numClients=0;
+ for(int i=0; i < rMaxClients; i++)
+ {
+ if(rClientSockets[i])
+ numClients++;
+ }
+ return numClients;
+int ZServer::WaitTime()
+ return rWaitTime;
+} //namespace ZE