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index 0000000..152523f
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+/include/ZE_Defines.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Defines.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_defines_h__
+00025 #define __ze_defines_h__
+00030 #define VERSION "0.8.3"
+00033 #define USE_SDL_TTF
+00035 #define USE_SDL_IMAGE
+00037 #define USE_SDL_MIXER
+00044 #define MAX_MSG_LEN 10240
+00046 typedef char ZByte ;
+00048 #endif //__ze_defines_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ZE_Defines.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Defines.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_Defines.h
+ Description: Defines header file for ZEngine class, where all #define statements to control compilation options are placed.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_Defines.h ,v 1.12 2003/04/27 18:55:00 cozman Exp
+Definition file, holds #define statements describing optional features of ZEngine.
+Go to the source code of this file.
+#define VERSION "0.8.3"
+ Version number.
+#define USE_SDL_TTF
+ Define to include font support.
+#define USE_SDL_IMAGE
+ Define to include non-bmp image file support.
+#define USE_SDL_MIXER
+ Define to include sound support.
+#define MAX_MSG_LEN 10240
+ Maximum message length (for SDL_net). (10kb [10240] default).
+typedef char ZByte
+ Define a ZByte as a plain char (for SDL_net).
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__Includes_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__Includes_8h-source.html
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index 0000000..1ed0f49
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+/include/ZE_Includes.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Includes.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00025 #ifndef __ze_includes_h__
+00026 #define __ze_includes_h__
+00028 #include "ZE_Defines.h "
+00030 #include "SDL.h"
+00031 #include "SDL_opengl.h"
+00032 #include "external/SDLGL_Util.h"
+00033 #ifdef USE_SDL_IMAGE
+00034 #include "SDL_image.h"
+00035 #endif
+00036 #ifdef USE_SDL_TTF
+00037 #include "SDL_ttf.h"
+00038 #endif
+00039 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00040 #include "SDL_mixer.h"
+00041 #endif
+00042 #ifdef USE_SDL_NET
+00043 #include "SDL_net.h"
+00044 #endif
+00045 #ifdef USE_PHYSFS
+00046 #include "physfs.h"
+00047 #include "external/physfsrwops.h"
+00048 #endif
+00049 #include "external/mt19937ar.h"
+00051 #include <string>
+00052 #include <vector>
+00053 #include <queue>
+00054 #include <list>
+00055 #include <fstream>
+00056 #include <cstdio>
+00057 #include <cstdlib>
+00058 #include <cstdarg>
+00059 #include <cctype>
+00060 #include <ctime>
+00061 using namespace std;
+00063 #endif //__ze_includes_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ZE_Includes.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Includes.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_Includes.h
+ Description: Header file for ZEngine universal includes.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_Includes.h ,v 1.8 2003/04/27 22:05:25 cozman Exp
+ZE_*.h files should only include this file and any other ZE_*.h files that they need, External Library or C/C++ Standard Library files should be included from within this file.
+#include "ZE_Defines.h "
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "SDL_opengl.h"
+#include "external/SDLGL_Util.h"
+#include "SDL_image.h"
+#include "SDL_ttf.h"
+#include "SDL_mixer.h"
+#include "external/mt19937ar.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <queue>
+#include <list>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <ctime>
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace std
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6055ad1
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_Utility.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_Utility.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_Utility.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for ZEngine Utilities.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_Utility.cpp ,v 1.4 2003/01/19 01:03:57 cozman Exp
+Source file containing open utilities for use inside and alongside ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_Utility.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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index 0000000..7524292
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/include/ZE_Utility.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Utility.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00025 #ifndef __ze_utility_h__
+00026 #define __ze_utility_h__
+00028 #include "ZE_Includes.h "
+00030 namespace ZE
+00031 {
+00042 string FormatStr (const char *fmtstr, ...);
+00051 #define FreeImage(image) if(image){SDL_FreeSurface(image); image = NULL;}
+00053 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00057 #define FreeSound(sound) if(sound){Mix_FreeChunk(sound); sound = NULL;}
+00061 #define FreeMusic(music) if(music){Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = NULL;}
+00062 #endif
+00064 #ifdef USE_SDL_TTF
+00068 #define FreeFont(font) if(font){TTF_CloseFont(font); font = NULL;}
+00069 #endif
+00072 }
+00074 #endif //__ze_utility_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c8d63d
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ZE_Utility.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_Utility.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_Utility.h
+ Description: Header file for ZEngine Utilities.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_Utility.h ,v 1.1 2003/01/15 05:31:51 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZEngine Utilities which are used throughout the engine and can be used in conjunction with ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_Includes.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+#define FreeImage (image) if(image){SDL_FreeSurface(image); image = NULL;}
+#define FreeSound (sound) if(sound){Mix_FreeChunk(sound); sound = NULL;}
+#define FreeMusic (music) if(music){Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = NULL;}
+#define FreeFont (font) if(font){TTF_CloseFont(font); font = NULL;}
+Define Documentation
+ #define FreeImage
+ (
+ image
+ )
+ if(image){SDL_FreeSurface(image); image = NULL;}
+Safely free an SDL_Surface* and set it to NULL.
+ #define FreeSound
+ (
+ sound
+ )
+ if(sound){Mix_FreeChunk(sound); sound = NULL;}
+Safely free a Mix_Chunk* and set it to NULL.
+ #define FreeMusic
+ (
+ music
+ )
+ if(music){Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = NULL;}
+Safely free a Mix_Music* and set it to NULL.
+ #define FreeFont
+ (
+ font
+ )
+ if(font){TTF_CloseFont(font); font = NULL;}
+Safely free a TTF_Font and set it to NULL.
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZClient_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZClient_8cpp.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53a2ca4
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZClient_8cpp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ZE_ZClient.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZClient.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZClient.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine TCP Client Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZClient.cpp ,v 1.5 2003/04/27 19:12:48 cozman Exp
+Implementation file for ZClient, the TCP Client class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZClient.h "
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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index 0000000..a150875
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/include/ZE_ZClient.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZClient.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zclient_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zclient_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 #ifdef USE_SDL_NET
+00031 namespace ZE
+00032 {
+00040 class ZClient
+00041 {
+00042 protected :
+00044 ZEngine *rEngine;
+00046 TCPsocket rSocket;
+00048 SDLNet_SocketSet rSocketSet;
+00050 bool rVerbose;
+00052 int rWaitTime;
+00054 public :
+00061 ZClient(bool verbose=false );
+00068 virtual ~ZClient();
+00078 bool Connect(char *server, Uint16 port);
+00085 void Disconnect();
+00094 void SetWaitTime(int wait);
+00104 bool Send(ZByte *data, int size);
+00113 int Receive(ZByte *data);
+00121 bool Connected();
+00129 int WaitTime();
+00130 };
+00132 }
+00134 #endif //USE_SDL_NET
+00136 #endif //__ze_zclient_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23ecab3
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZClient.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZClient.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZClient.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine TCP Client Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZClient.h ,v 1.4 2003/04/27 22:05:25 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZClient, the TCP Client class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34be26a
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8cpp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for ZConfigFile, the ZEngine INI-Style Config File.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp ,v 1.7 2003/04/08 03:30:50 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZConfigFile, the ZEngine INI-Style Config File.
+#include "ZE_ZConfigFile.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8h-source.html
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index 0000000..6220bca
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8h-source.html
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/include/ZE_ZConfigFile.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZConfigFile.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00025 #ifndef __ze_zconfigfile_h__
+00026 #define __ze_zconfigfile_h__
+00028 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00030 namespace ZE
+00031 {
+00038 class ZConfigFile
+00039 {
+00040 private :
+00050 class ZCF_Variable
+00051 {
+00052 public :
+00054 string var ;
+00056 string val ;
+00057 };
+00064 class ZCF_Section
+00065 {
+00066 public :
+00068 string section ;
+00070 list<ZCF_Variable> varList ;
+00071 };
+00073 protected :
+00075 list<ZCF_Section> rFileLayout ;
+00077 string rFilename ;
+00086 string CleanString (string str) const ;
+00095 bool Exists (string sec) const ;
+00105 bool Exists (string sec, string var) const ;
+00115 void SetVariable (string sec, string var, string val);
+00126 string GetVariable (string sec, string var, string defVal) const ;
+00128 public :
+00135 ZConfigFile ();
+00143 ZConfigFile (string filename);
+00150 virtual ~ZConfigFile ();
+00158 void Process (string filename);
+00170 float GetFloat (string section, string var, float defVal) const ;
+00181 int GetInt (string section, string var, int defVal) const ;
+00193 bool GetBool (string section, string var, bool defVal) const ;
+00204 string GetString (string section, string var, string defVal) const ;
+00216 void SetFloat (string section, string var, float val);
+00227 void SetInt (string section, string var, int val);
+00238 void SetBool (string section, string var, bool val);
+00249 void SetString (string section, string var, string val);
+00256 void Flush ();
+00263 void Close ();
+00264 };
+00266 }
+00268 #endif //__ze_zconfigfile_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c0192
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZConfigFile_8h.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZConfigFile.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZConfigFile.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: Types/ZE_ZConfigFile.h
+ Description: Header file for ZEngine INI-Style Config Files.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZConfigFile.h ,v 1.9 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZConfigFile, an INI-style Config format.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZEngine_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZEngine_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ee05c
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZEngine.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZEngine.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZEngine.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for ZEngine library main singleton class.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZEngine.cpp ,v 1.36 2003/04/27 22:05:25 cozman Exp
+Actual implementation of ZEngine singleton class, the core of ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZEngine_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZEngine_8h-source.html
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index 0000000..6abcf16
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+/include/ZE_ZEngine.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZEngine.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zengine_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zengine_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_Defines.h "
+00028 #include "ZE_Utility.h "
+00029 #include "ZE_Includes.h "
+00030 #include "ZE_ZError.h "
+00037 namespace ZE
+00038 {
+00046 class ZEngine
+00047 {
+00049 private :
+00051 static ZEngine *sInstance ;
+00053 int mWidth ;
+00055 int mHeight ;
+00057 int mBPP ;
+00059 bool mFullscreen ;
+00061 bool mInitialized ;
+00063 SDL_Surface *mScreen ;
+00065 bool mPaused ;
+00067 bool mUnpauseOnActive ;
+00069 Uint8 mDesiredFramerate ;
+00071 Uint32 mNextUpdate ;
+00073 Uint32 mLastPause ;
+00075 Uint32 mPausedTime ;
+00077 Uint32 mLastTime ;
+00079 double mSecPerFrame ;
+00081 bool mNeedReload ;
+00083 bool mActive ;
+00085 bool mQuit ;
+00087 Uint8 *mKeyIsPressed ;
+00089 bool mKeyPress [SDLK_LAST];
+00091 int mMouseX ;
+00093 int mMouseY ;
+00095 Uint8 mMouseB ;
+00097 queue<ZError> mErrorQueue ;
+00099 ZError mCurError ;
+00101 bool mLogAllErrors ;
+00103 FILE *mErrlog ;
+00105 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00107 int mRate ;
+00109 bool mStereo ;
+00110 #endif
+00116 private :
+00122 ZEngine ();
+00124 public :
+00132 static ZEngine * GetInstance ();
+00139 static void ReleaseInstance ();
+00147 static string GetVersion ();
+00163 void SetupDisplay (int width, int height, int bpp, bool fullscreen);
+00165 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00174 void SetupSound (int rate, bool stereo);
+00175 #endif
+00188 bool CreateDisplay (string title, string icon="" );
+00195 void CloseDisplay ();
+00204 void ToggleFullscreen ();
+00213 bool Initialized ();
+00225 SDL_Surface *Display ();
+00233 void Update ();
+00244 void Clear (float red=0.0f, float green=0.0f, float blue=0.0f, float alpha=1.0f);
+00256 void SetGL2D ();
+00268 void Delay (Uint32 milliseconds);
+00276 Uint32 GetTime ();
+00283 void PauseTimer ();
+00290 void UnpauseTimer ();
+00298 double GetFrameTime ();
+00307 double GetFramerate ();
+00318 void SetDesiredFramerate (Uint8 rate);
+00327 Uint8 GetDesiredFramerate ();
+00335 bool IsPaused ();
+00347 bool IsActive ();
+00355 void RequestQuit ();
+00364 bool QuitRequested ();
+00370 void SetReloadNeed (bool state);
+00379 bool ImagesNeedReload ();
+00389 void SetKeyRepeatRate (int rate);
+00398 bool KeyIsPressed (SDLKey key);
+00407 bool KeyPress (SDLKey key);
+00414 void HideCursor ();
+00421 void ShowCursor ();
+00429 int MouseX ();
+00437 int MouseY ();
+00445 bool LButtonPressed ();
+00453 bool RButtonPressed ();
+00462 bool MouseInRect (SDL_Rect *rect);
+00469 void CheckEvents ();
+00481 void SetEventFilter (SDL_EventFilter filter);
+00483 #ifdef USE_PHYSFS
+00493 void InitPhysFS(string argv);
+00501 void AddPhysFSDir(string dir);
+00503 #endif //USE_PHYSFS
+00516 void LogError (ZError error);
+00518 public :
+00529 void SetErrorLog (bool logAll, string logFile="" );
+00541 void ReportError (ZErrorCode code, string desc="" , string file="" , unsigned int line=0);
+00550 ZErrorCode GetLastError ();
+00559 void WriteLog (string str);
+00567 void FlushErrors ();
+00580 void SeedRandom (unsigned long seed);
+00590 unsigned long RandLong (unsigned long max);
+00601 long RandLong (long min, long max);
+00610 double RandDouble ();
+00621 double RandDouble (double min, double max);
+00633 SDL_Surface* LoadImage (string filename);
+00635 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00643 Mix_Chunk* LoadSound (string filename);
+00652 Mix_Music* LoadMusic (string filename);
+00653 #endif
+00655 #ifdef USE_SDL_TTF
+00664 TTF_Font* LoadFont (string filename, int size);
+00665 #endif
+00677 int Width ();
+00685 int Height ();
+00693 int BPP ();
+00701 bool IsFullscreen ();
+00702 };
+00704 }
+00706 #endif //__ze_zengine_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE_ZEngine.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZEngine.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZEngine.h
+ Description: Header file for ZEngine class, the core of the ZEngine.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZEngine.h ,v 1.22 2003/04/27 21:50:47 cozman Exp
+ZEngine Game Engine core Engine definition.
+#include "ZE_Defines.h "
+#include "ZE_Utility.h "
+#include "ZE_Includes.h "
+#include "ZE_ZError.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9ccb74
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZError_8cpp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZError.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZError.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZError.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Error Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZError.cpp ,v 1.5 2003/03/01 20:43:41 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZError, the ZEngine internal error information storage class.
+#include "ZE_ZError.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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index 0000000..e80326d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/include/ZE_ZError.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZError.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00025 #ifndef __ze_zerror_h__
+00026 #define __ze_zerror_h__
+00028 #include "ZE_Utility.h "
+00029 #include <string>
+00030 using namespace std;
+00032 namespace ZE
+00033 {
+00040 enum ZErrorCode
+00041 {
+00042 ZERR_NONE ,
+00044 ZERR_SDL_INIT ,
+00045 ZERR_MIX_INIT ,
+00046 ZERR_TTF_INIT ,
+00047 ZERR_NET_INIT ,
+00056 ZERR_NOFONT ,
+00060 ZERR_LAST
+00061 };
+00069 class ZError
+00070 {
+00071 protected :
+00073 static string *sErrorDesc ;
+00075 ZErrorCode rCode ;
+00077 string rDescription ;
+00079 string rFilename ;
+00081 unsigned int rLine ;
+00083 public :
+00089 static void CreateStringTable ();
+00096 static void DestroyStringTable ();
+00107 ZError (ZErrorCode code=ZERR_NONE, string desc="" , string file="" , int line=0);
+00114 virtual ~ZError ();
+00125 void Create (ZErrorCode code, string desc="" , string file="" , int line=0);
+00137 ZErrorCode Code () const ;
+00144 string LogString () const ;
+00145 };
+00147 }
+00149 #endif //__ze_zerror_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE_ZError.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZError.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZError.h
+ Description: Header file for ZEngine Error Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZError.h ,v 1.7 2003/03/01 20:42:52 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZError, the Error logging class for ZEngine. This class should never be used by the average user, it is used by ZEngine to store information on an error.
+#include "ZE_Utility.h "
+#include <string>
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZFont_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZFont_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ZE_ZFont.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZFont.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZFont.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Font Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZFont.cpp ,v 1.8 2003/04/08 03:34:25 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZFont, the basic Font class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZFont.h "
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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index 0000000..45a2734
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/include/ZE_ZFont.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZFont.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zfont_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zfont_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00028 #include "ZE_ZImage.h "
+00030 #ifdef USE_SDL_TTF
+00032 namespace ZE
+00033 {
+00040 class ZFont
+00041 {
+00042 protected :
+00044 ZEngine * rEngine ;
+00046 TTF_Font *rFont ;
+00048 string rFilename ;
+00050 SDL_Color rColor ;
+00052 SDL_Color rBGColor ;
+00054 public :
+00065 ZFont ();
+00074 ZFont (string filename, int size);
+00081 virtual ~ZFont ();
+00090 void Open (string filename, int size);
+00097 void Release ();
+00110 void DrawText (string text, ZImage &image) const ;
+00119 void DrawShadedText (string text, ZImage &image) const ;
+00129 void SetColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b);
+00139 void SetBGColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b);
+00149 void SetStyle (bool bold, bool italic, bool underline);
+00157 void Resize (int size);
+00169 bool IsLoaded () const ;
+00177 bool IsBold () const ;
+00185 bool IsItalic () const ;
+00193 bool IsUnderlined () const ;
+00201 int Height () const ;
+00209 int LineSkip () const ;
+00218 int StringWidth (string text) const ;
+00227 int StringHeight (string text) const ;
+00228 };
+00230 }
+00232 #endif //USE_SDL_TTF
+00234 #endif //__ze_zfont_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..676008b
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ZE_ZFont.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZFont.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZFont.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Font Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZFont.h ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZFont, the basic Font class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+#include "ZE_ZImage.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5fd44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8cpp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZImage.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZImage.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZImage.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Image or Texture Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk, Gamer Tazar
+ Id ZE_ZImage.cpp ,v 1.30 2003/04/18 21:52:49 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZImage, the Image class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZImage.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885c540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZImage_8h-source.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/include/ZE_ZImage.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZImage.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zimage_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zimage_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 namespace ZE
+00030 {
+00037 class ZImage
+00038 {
+00039 protected :
+00041 ZEngine * rEngine ;
+00043 GLfloat rTexMinX ;
+00045 GLfloat rTexMinY ;
+00047 GLfloat rTexMaxX ;
+00049 GLfloat rTexMaxY ;
+00051 SDL_Surface *rImage ;
+00053 unsigned int rTexID ;
+00055 unsigned int rWidth ;
+00057 unsigned int rHeight ;
+00059 Uint8 rAlpha ;
+00061 public :
+00068 ZImage ();
+00076 ZImage (const ZImage &rhs);
+00084 ZImage (string filename);
+00092 ZImage (SDL_Surface *surface);
+00105 ZImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h);
+00118 ZImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h);
+00125 virtual ~ZImage ();
+00137 void Open (string filename);
+00150 void OpenFromImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h);
+00163 void OpenFromImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h);
+00171 void Attach (SDL_Surface *surface);
+00178 void Reload ();
+00185 void Release ();
+00198 void SetAlpha (Uint8 alpha);
+00208 void SetColorKey (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue);
+00217 void Flip (bool horizontal, bool vertical);
+00226 void Stretch (float xFactor, float yFactor);
+00235 void Resize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
+00243 void Bind () const ;
+00252 void Draw (int x, int y) const ;
+00262 void Draw (float x, float y) const ;
+00272 void DrawRotated (int x, int y, float angle) const ;
+00283 void DrawRotated (float x, float y, float angle) const ;
+00295 bool IsLoaded () const ;
+00302 SDL_Surface *Surface () const ;
+00310 int Width () const ;
+00318 int Height () const ;
+00327 Uint8 Alpha () const ;
+00328 };
+00330 }
+00332 #endif
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7841ab7
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZImage.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZImage.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZImage.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Image and Texture Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk, Gamer Tazar
+ Id ZE_ZImage.h ,v 1.16 2003/02/10 05:26:18 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZImage, the OpenGL version of the ZImage class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f3dda
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ZE_ZMusic.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZMusic.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZMusic.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Music Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZMusic.cpp ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:02:38 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZMusic, the basic Music class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZMusic.h "
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f47bf1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8h-source.html
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/include/ZE_ZMusic.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZMusic.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zmusic_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zmusic_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00031 namespace ZE
+00032 {
+00039 class ZMusic
+00040 {
+00041 protected :
+00043 ZEngine * rEngine ;
+00045 Mix_Music *rMusic ;
+00047 public :
+00049 static const int LoopInfinite ;
+00060 ZMusic ();
+00068 ZMusic (string filename);
+00075 virtual ~ZMusic ();
+00083 void Open (string filename);
+00090 void Release ();
+00104 void Play (int loopNum=0, int fadeTime=0) const ;
+00111 void Pause () const ;
+00118 void Unpause () const ;
+00125 void Rewind () const ;
+00133 void Stop (int fadeTime=0) const ;
+00141 void SetVolume (int volume);
+00153 bool IsLoaded () const ;
+00161 bool IsPlaying () const ;
+00169 bool IsPaused () const ;
+00177 int Volume () const ;
+00178 };
+00181 }
+00183 #endif //USE_SDL_MIXER
+00185 #endif //__ze_zmusic_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d82d4
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZMusic_8h.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZMusic.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZMusic.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZMusic.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Music Wrapper Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZMusic.h ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZMusic, the Music file wrapper for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZRect_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZRect_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31dc1b3
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZRect.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZRect.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZRect.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Rectangle Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZRect.cpp ,v 1.9 2003/02/10 05:40:28 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZRect, the Rectangle class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZRect.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZRect_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZRect_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0899cb8
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/include/ZE_ZRect.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZRect.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zrect_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zrect_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 namespace ZE
+00030 {
+00037 class ZRect
+00038 {
+00039 protected :
+00041 float rX ;
+00043 float rY ;
+00045 float rWidth ;
+00047 float rHeight ;
+00049 public :
+00056 ZRect ();
+00067 ZRect (float x, float y, float width, float height);
+00075 ZRect (const SDL_Rect &rect);
+00083 ZRect (const ZRect &rhs);
+00092 const ZRect & operator= (const ZRect &rhs);
+00099 virtual ~ZRect ();
+00109 bool operator< (const ZRect &rhs) const ;
+00120 void Draw (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue, Uint8 alpha=255) const ;
+00129 void Move (float x, float y);
+00138 void MoveRel (float xMove, float yMove);
+00147 void Resize (float width, float height);
+00156 void ResizeRel (float widthChange, float heightChange);
+00165 bool Intersects (const ZRect &rect) const ;
+00175 bool Contains (float x, float y) const ;
+00184 bool Contains (const ZRect &rect) const ;
+00193 ZRect Intersection (const ZRect &rect) const ;
+00201 SDL_Rect SDLrect () const ;
+00209 float X () const ;
+00217 float Y () const ;
+00225 float Left () const ;
+00233 float Right () const ;
+00241 float Top () const ;
+00249 float Bottom () const ;
+00257 float Width () const ;
+00265 float Height () const ;
+00266 };
+00268 }
+00270 #endif //__ze_zrect_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c46be64
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZRect_8h.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZRect.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZRect.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZRect.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Rectangle Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZRect.h ,v 1.9 2003/02/16 21:54:29 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZRect, the Rectangle class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZServer_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZServer_8cpp.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff79167
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ZE_ZServer.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZServer.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZServer.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine TCP Server Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZServer.cpp ,v 1.4 2003/04/08 03:30:50 cozman Exp
+Implementation file for ZServer, the TCP Server class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZServer.h "
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZServer_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZServer_8h-source.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cd950d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/include/ZE_ZServer.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZServer.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zserver_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zserver_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 #ifdef USE_SDL_NET
+00031 namespace ZE
+00032 {
+00041 class ZServer
+00042 {
+00043 private :
+00045 ZEngine *rEngine;
+00047 TCPsocket rSocket;
+00049 SDLNet_SocketSet rSocketSet;
+00051 TCPsocket *rClientSockets;
+00053 int rMaxClients;
+00055 bool rVerbose;
+00057 int rWaitTime;
+00065 void CloseSocket(int num);
+00067 public :
+00074 ZServer(bool verbose=false );
+00081 virtual ~ZServer();
+00091 bool Start(int maxClients, Uint16 port);
+00098 void Stop();
+00107 void SetWaitTime(int wait);
+00115 void CheckSockets();
+00123 int Clients();
+00131 int WaitTime();
+00132 };
+00134 }
+00136 #endif //USE_SDL_NET
+00138 #endif //__ze_zserver_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..badd0eb
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZServer_8h.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZServer.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZServer.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZServer.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine TCP Server Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZServer.h ,v 1.5 2003/04/27 22:05:25 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZServer, the TCP Server class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7290b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8cpp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ZE_ZSound.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZSound.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZSound.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Sound Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZSound.cpp ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:02:39 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZSound, the basic Sound class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZSound.h "
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9671de
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/include/ZE_ZSound.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZSound.h Go to the documentation of this file. 00001
+00024 #ifndef __ze_zsound_h__
+00025 #define __ze_zsound_h__
+00027 #include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+00029 #ifdef USE_SDL_MIXER
+00031 namespace ZE
+00032 {
+00039 class ZSound
+00040 {
+00041 protected :
+00043 ZEngine * rEngine ;
+00045 Mix_Chunk* rSound ;
+00047 int rChannelID ;
+00049 public :
+00051 static const int LoopInfinite ;
+00062 ZSound ();
+00070 ZSound (string filename);
+00077 virtual ~ZSound ();
+00085 void Open (string filename);
+00092 void Release ();
+00106 void Play (int loopNum=0, int fadeTime=0);
+00113 void Pause () const ;
+00120 void Unpause () const ;
+00128 void Stop (int fadeTime=0) const ;
+00136 void SetVolume (int volume);
+00148 bool IsLoaded () const ;
+00156 bool IsPlaying () const ;
+00164 bool IsPaused () const ;
+00172 int Volume () const ;
+00173 };
+00176 }
+00178 #endif //USE_SDL_MIXER
+00180 #endif //__ze_zsound_h__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca0d7c
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+++ b/doc/html/ZE__ZSound_8h.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZSound.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZSound.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZSound.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Sound Wrapper Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZSound.h ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZSound, the Sound Effect wrapper for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZTimer_8cpp.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZTimer_8cpp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59902ef
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ZE_ZTimer.cpp File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/src/ZE_ZTimer.cpp File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZTimer.cpp
+ Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Timer Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZTimer.cpp ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:40:30 cozman Exp
+Implementation of ZTimer, the basic Timer class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZTimer.h "
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/ZE__ZTimer_8h-source.html b/doc/html/ZE__ZTimer_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d1c3f5
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/include/ZE_ZTimer.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZTimer.h Go to the documentation of this file. Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a3f07e
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ZE_ZTimer.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZE_ZTimer.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZE_ZTimer.h
+ Description: Header file for core ZEngine Timer Object.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZE_ZTimer.h ,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp
+Definition file for ZTimer, the Timer class for ZEngine.
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+namespace ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
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+/include/ZEngine.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZEngine.h Go to the documentation of this file. Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZEngine.h File Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/ZEngine.h File Reference Detailed Description
+File Header: File: ZEngine.h
+ Description: Public Header File for ZEngine.
+ Author(s): James Turk
+ Id ZEngine.h ,v 1.24 2003/04/27 18:55:00 cozman Exp
+Header file for ZEngine Game Engine from Concept of Zero, this is the file that programs that wish to utilize ZEngine should include.
+#include "ZE_Defines.h "
+#include "ZE_ZEngine.h "
+#include "ZE_Utility.h "
+#include "ZE_ZImage.h "
+#include "ZE_ZTimer.h "
+#include "ZE_ZConfigFile.h "
+#include "ZE_ZRect.h "
+#include "ZE_ZFont.h "
+#include "ZE_ZSound.h "
+#include "ZE_ZMusic.h "
+Go to the source code of this file.
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+Annotated Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine Compound List Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZConfigFile , including all inherited members.
+ CleanString (string str) constZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ Close ()ZE::ZConfigFile
+ Exists (string sec) constZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ Exists (string sec, string var) constZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ Flush ()ZE::ZConfigFile
+ GetBool (string section, string var, bool defVal) constZE::ZConfigFile
+ GetFloat (string section, string var, float defVal) constZE::ZConfigFile
+ GetInt (string section, string var, int defVal) constZE::ZConfigFile
+ GetString (string section, string var, string defVal) constZE::ZConfigFile
+ GetVariable (string sec, string var, string defVal) constZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ Process (string filename)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ rFileLayout ZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ rFilename ZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ SetBool (string section, string var, bool val)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ SetFloat (string section, string var, float val)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ SetInt (string section, string var, int val)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ SetString (string section, string var, string val)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ SetVariable (string sec, string var, string val)ZE::ZConfigFile [protected]
+ ZConfigFile ()ZE::ZConfigFile
+ ZConfigFile (string filename)ZE::ZConfigFile
+ ~ZConfigFile ()ZE::ZConfigFile [virtual]
Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZConfigFile class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile Class Reference #include <ZE_ZConfigFile.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZConfigFile class for INI-style configuration files for games or applications. Inherited from ZObject.
+Public Methods
+ ZConfigFile ()
+ Default constructor.
+ ZConfigFile (string filename)
+ Constructor which takes filename.
+virtual ~ZConfigFile ()
+ Destructor, flushes file.
+void Process (string filename)
+ Parse a file.
+float GetFloat (string section, string var, float defVal) const
+ Get value in floating point format from file.
+int GetInt (string section, string var, int defVal) const
+ Get value in integer format from file.
+bool GetBool (string section, string var, bool defVal) const
+ Get value in boolean format from file.
+string GetString (string section, string var, string defVal) const
+ Get value in string format from file.
+void SetFloat (string section, string var, float val)
+ Set value in floating point format in file.
+void SetInt (string section, string var, int val)
+ Set value in integer format in file.
+void SetBool (string section, string var, bool val)
+ Set value in boolean format in file.
+void SetString (string section, string var, string val)
+ Set value in string format in file.
+void Flush ()
+ Write all values to file.
+void Close ()
+ Close the file.
+Protected Methods
+string CleanString (string str) const
+ Reformat a string in a form more suitable to parsing.
+bool Exists (string sec) const
+ Check if a section exists.
+bool Exists (string sec, string var) const
+ Check if a variable exists.
+void SetVariable (string sec, string var, string val)
+ Internal function to set variables.
+string GetVariable (string sec, string var, string defVal) const
+ Internal function to get value of a variable.
+Protected Attributes
+list< ZCF_Section > rFileLayout
+ List of sections of internal type.
+string rFilename
+ Filename of file currently open.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZConfigFile::ZConfigFile
+ (
+ )
+A no-op default constructor.
+ ZE::ZConfigFile::ZConfigFile
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Constructor takes filename, and calls process on it.
+ ZE::ZConfigFile::~ZConfigFile
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Flushes the file, ensures a flush if the file is left open.
+Member Function Documentation
+ string ZE::ZConfigFile::CleanString
+ (
+ string
+ str
+ )
+ const [protected]
+Removes whitespace from a string and makes all characters lowercase.
+ str The string to get a clean version of.
+Returns: Cleaned string.
+ bool ZE::ZConfigFile::Exists
+ (
+ string
+ sec
+ )
+ const [protected]
+Find out if a section currently exists.
+ sec Section to check for.
+Returns: bool, true if section exists in file.
+ bool ZE::ZConfigFile::Exists
+ (
+ string
+ sec ,
+ string
+ var
+ )
+ const [protected]
+Find out if a variable currently exists.
+ sec Section to check in.
+ var Variable to check for.
+Returns: bool, true if section exists in file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::SetVariable
+ (
+ string
+ sec ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ string
+ val
+ )
+ [protected]
+Set variable to value, called internally only.
+ sec Section for variable.
+ var Variable to set.
+ val Value to set variable to.
+ string ZE::ZConfigFile::GetVariable
+ (
+ string
+ sec ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ string
+ defVal
+ )
+ const [protected]
+Get value of variable, called internally only.
+ sec Section for variable.
+ var Variable to get.
+ defVal Value to return if variable doesnt exist.
+Returns: Value of variable.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::Process
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Parses the file, reading the contents into the fileLayout map.
+ filename File to parse and attach this ZDataFile to.
+ float ZE::ZConfigFile::GetFloat
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ float
+ defVal
+ )
+ const
+Get the current value of a variable in the file, or defVal if not found in file.
Since: 0.8.3
+ section Name of section to seek variable under.
+ var Name of variable to seek value for.
+ defVal Value to return if var does not exist within section.
+Returns: Contents of the variable in floating point format.
+ int ZE::ZConfigFile::GetInt
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ int
+ defVal
+ )
+ const
+Get the current value of a variable in the file, or defVal if not found in file.
+ section Name of section to seek variable under.
+ var Name of variable to seek value for.
+ defVal Value to return if var does not exist within section.
+Returns: Contents of the variable in integer format.
+ bool ZE::ZConfigFile::GetBool
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ bool
+ defVal
+ )
+ const
+Get the current value of a variable in the file, or defVal if not found in file. (Valid values are "0","1","true" and "false")
+ section Name of section to seek variable under.
+ var Name of variable to seek value for.
+ defVal Value to return if var does not exist within section.
+Returns: Contents of the variable in boolean format.
+ string ZE::ZConfigFile::GetString
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ string
+ defVal
+ )
+ const
+Get the current value of a variable in the file, or defVal if not found in file.
+ section Name of section to seek variable under.
+ var Name of variable to seek value for.
+ defVal Value to return if var does not exist within section.
+Returns: Contents of the variable in string format.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::SetFloat
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ float
+ val
+ )
+Set the new value of a variable in the file to val, creating the section and variable if not already found in file.
Since: 0.8.3
+ section Name of section to edit variable under.
+ var Name of variable to set value for.
+ val Floating point value to set variable to in file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::SetInt
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ int
+ val
+ )
+Set the new value of a variable in the file to val, creating the section and variable if not already found in file.
+ section Name of section to edit variable under.
+ var Name of variable to set value for.
+ val Integer value to set variable to in file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::SetBool
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ bool
+ val
+ )
+Set the new value of a variable in the file to val, creating the section and variable if not already found in file.
+ section Name of section to edit variable under.
+ var Name of variable to set value for.
+ val Boolean value to set variable to in file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::SetString
+ (
+ string
+ section ,
+ string
+ var ,
+ string
+ val
+ )
+Set the new value of a variable in the file to val, creating the section and variable if not already found in file.
+ section Name of section to edit variable under.
+ var Name of variable to set value for.
+ val String value to set variable to in file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::Flush
+ (
+ )
+Writes all values and sections to file.
+ void ZE::ZConfigFile::Close
+ (
+ )
+Flush the file and clear the filename.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZConfigFile_1_1ZCF__Section-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZConfigFile_1_1ZCF__Section-members.html
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+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Section Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Section , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Section class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Section Class Reference List of all members. Detailed Description
+ZConfigFile class for mapping a section name to a list of variables in that section.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZConfigFile_1_1ZCF__Variable-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZConfigFile_1_1ZCF__Variable-members.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Variable Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Variable , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Variable class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZConfigFile::ZCF_Variable Class Reference List of all members. Detailed Description
+ZConfigFile class for mapping a variable name to it's value, stored in string form (later converted to bool or int if needed).
+Public Attributes
+string var
+ Variable name.
+string val
+ Value associated with variable.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZEngine-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZEngine-members.html
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+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZEngine Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZEngine , including all inherited members.
+ BPP ()ZE::ZEngine
+ CheckEvents ()ZE::ZEngine
+ Clear (float red=0.0f, float green=0.0f, float blue=0.0f, float alpha=1.0f)ZE::ZEngine
+ CloseDisplay ()ZE::ZEngine
+ CreateDisplay (string title, string icon="")ZE::ZEngine
+ Delay (Uint32 milliseconds)ZE::ZEngine
+ Display ()ZE::ZEngine
+ FlushErrors ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetDesiredFramerate ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetFramerate ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetFrameTime ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetInstance ()ZE::ZEngine [static]
+ GetLastError ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetTime ()ZE::ZEngine
+ GetVersion ()ZE::ZEngine [static]
+ Height ()ZE::ZEngine
+ HideCursor ()ZE::ZEngine
+ ImagesNeedReload ()ZE::ZEngine
+ Initialized ()ZE::ZEngine
+ IsActive ()ZE::ZEngine
+ IsFullscreen ()ZE::ZEngine
+ IsPaused ()ZE::ZEngine
+ KeyIsPressed (SDLKey key)ZE::ZEngine
+ KeyPress (SDLKey key)ZE::ZEngine
+ LButtonPressed ()ZE::ZEngine
+ LoadFont (string filename, int size)ZE::ZEngine
+ LoadImage (string filename)ZE::ZEngine
+ LoadMusic (string filename)ZE::ZEngine
+ LoadSound (string filename)ZE::ZEngine
+ LogError (ZError error)ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mActive ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mBPP ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mCurError ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mDesiredFramerate ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mErrlog ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mErrorQueue ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mFullscreen ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mHeight ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mInitialized ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mKeyIsPressed ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mKeyPress ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mLastPause ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mLastTime ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mLogAllErrors ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mMouseB ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mMouseX ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mMouseY ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mNeedReload ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mNextUpdate ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ MouseInRect (SDL_Rect *rect)ZE::ZEngine
+ MouseX ()ZE::ZEngine
+ MouseY ()ZE::ZEngine
+ mPaused ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mPausedTime ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mQuit ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mRate ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mScreen ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mSecPerFrame ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mStereo ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mUnpauseOnActive ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ mWidth ZE::ZEngine [private]
+ PauseTimer ()ZE::ZEngine
+ QuitRequested ()ZE::ZEngine
+ RandDouble ()ZE::ZEngine
+ RandDouble (double min, double max)ZE::ZEngine
+ RandLong (unsigned long max)ZE::ZEngine
+ RandLong (long min, long max)ZE::ZEngine
+ RButtonPressed ()ZE::ZEngine
+ ReleaseInstance ()ZE::ZEngine [static]
+ ReportError (ZErrorCode code, string desc="", string file="", unsigned int line=0)ZE::ZEngine
+ RequestQuit ()ZE::ZEngine
+ SeedRandom (unsigned long seed)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetDesiredFramerate (Uint8 rate)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetErrorLog (bool logAll, string logFile="")ZE::ZEngine
+ SetEventFilter (SDL_EventFilter filter)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetGL2D ()ZE::ZEngine
+ SetKeyRepeatRate (int rate)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetReloadNeed (bool state)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetupDisplay (int width, int height, int bpp, bool fullscreen)ZE::ZEngine
+ SetupSound (int rate, bool stereo)ZE::ZEngine
+ ShowCursor ()ZE::ZEngine
+ sInstance ZE::ZEngine [private, static]
+ ToggleFullscreen ()ZE::ZEngine
+ UnpauseTimer ()ZE::ZEngine
+ Update ()ZE::ZEngine
+ Width ()ZE::ZEngine
+ WriteLog (string str)ZE::ZEngine
+ ZEngine ()ZE::ZEngine [private]
Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZEngine class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZEngine Class Reference #include <ZE_ZEngine.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZEngine Singleton Class, accessible from anywhere in a ZEngine-based program by nature. Controls core elements of program and does majority of SDL wrapping. Also keeps track of loaded data and helps programs avoid memory leaks and dangling pointers.
+Public Methods
+void SetupDisplay (int width, int height, int bpp, bool fullscreen)
+ Setup Display for SDL.
+void SetupSound (int rate, bool stereo)
+ Initialize Sound for SDL.
+bool CreateDisplay (string title, string icon="")
+ Create Display with predefined settings.
+void CloseDisplay ()
+ Quit SDL and any Subsystems.
+void ToggleFullscreen ()
+ Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode.
+bool Initialized ()
+ Check state of ZEngine .
+SDL_Surface * Display ()
+ Allow access to Screen Surface.
+void Update ()
+ Update display contents.
+void Clear (float red=0.0f, float green=0.0f, float blue=0.0f, float alpha=1.0f)
+ Clear screen to a certain color (Black by default).
+void SetGL2D ()
+ Setup OpenGL ortho mode.
+void Delay (Uint32 milliseconds)
+ Sleep for a certain amount of time.
+Uint32 GetTime ()
+ Get Global ZEngine time.
+void PauseTimer ()
+ Pause ZEngine .
+void UnpauseTimer ()
+ Unpause ZEngine .
+double GetFrameTime ()
+ Get Seconds Per Frame.
+double GetFramerate ()
+ Get Frames Per Second.
+void SetDesiredFramerate (Uint8 rate)
+ Set Desired Framerate.
+Uint8 GetDesiredFramerate ()
+ Get Desired Framerate.
+bool IsPaused ()
+ Check Engine Paused State.
+bool IsActive ()
+ Find out if application is active.
+void RequestQuit ()
+ Request A Quit.
+bool QuitRequested ()
+ Find out if user has requested to quit.
+void SetReloadNeed (bool state)
+ Set State of ImagesNeedReload.
+bool ImagesNeedReload ()
+ Find out if images should be reloaded.
+void SetKeyRepeatRate (int rate)
+ Set Key repeat rate.
+bool KeyIsPressed (SDLKey key)
+ Find the state of a key.
+bool KeyPress (SDLKey key)
+ Find if key has been pressed since last check.
+void HideCursor ()
+ Hide mouse cursor.
+void ShowCursor ()
+ Show mouse cursor.
+int MouseX ()
+ Get X Position of Mouse.
+int MouseY ()
+ Get Y Position of Mouse.
+bool LButtonPressed ()
+ Get Status of Left Button.
+bool RButtonPressed ()
+ Get Status of Right Button.
+bool MouseInRect (SDL_Rect *rect)
+ Check if mouse is in given rectangle.
+void CheckEvents ()
+ Check for Activation, Window Manager, and Quit Events.
+void SetEventFilter (SDL_EventFilter filter)
+ Add a SDL Event Filter for user processing of events.
+void SetErrorLog (bool logAll, string logFile="")
+ Modify Error Logging.
+void ReportError (ZErrorCode code, string desc="", string file="", unsigned int line=0)
+ Report an error.
+ZErrorCode GetLastError ()
+ Get the last error.
+void WriteLog (string str)
+ Write to the log.
+void FlushErrors ()
+ Flush Stack of Errors to file.
+void SeedRandom (unsigned long seed)
+ Seed random number generator.
+unsigned long RandLong (unsigned long max)
+ Obtain random integer [0,max).
+long RandLong (long min, long max)
+ Obtain random integer [min,max].
+double RandDouble ()
+ Obtain random double [0,1).
+double RandDouble (double min, double max)
+ Obtain random double [min,max].
+SDL_Surface * LoadImage (string filename)
+ Load an Image.
+Mix_Chunk * LoadSound (string filename)
+ Load a Sound.
+Mix_Music * LoadMusic (string filename)
+ Load a Music File.
+TTF_Font * LoadFont (string filename, int size)
+ Load a Font.
+int Width ()
+ Get Current Display Width.
+int Height ()
+ Get Current Display Height.
+int BPP ()
+ Get Current Display BPP.
+bool IsFullscreen ()
+ Get Fullscreen setting.
+Static Public Methods
+ZEngine * GetInstance ()
+ Get Instance.
+void ReleaseInstance ()
+ Release Instance.
+string GetVersion ()
+ Get Current Version.
+Private Methods
+ ZEngine ()
+ Constructor for ZEngine .
+void LogError (ZError error)
+ Writes an error to file.
+Private Attributes
+int mWidth
+ Width of Display.
+int mHeight
+ Height of Display.
+int mBPP
+ BPP Setting of Display.
+bool mFullscreen
+ Fullscreen setting of Display.
+bool mInitialized
+ If ZEngine display has been setup.
+SDL_Surface * mScreen
+ Pointer to Display.
+bool mPaused
+ Keep track of paused state of game.
+bool mUnpauseOnActive
+ Keep track of if ZEngine should unpause on active event.
+Uint8 mDesiredFramerate
+ Value framerate strives to be at, set by SetDesiredFramerate.
+Uint32 mNextUpdate
+ Time scheduled for next update (used for framerate locked movement).
+Uint32 mLastPause
+ Keep track of time game was last paused.
+Uint32 mPausedTime
+ Keep track of total globally paused time.
+Uint32 mLastTime
+ Keep track of last screen update time.
+double mSecPerFrame
+ Seconds per frame.
+bool mNeedReload
+ bool which is only set to true if the engine thinks the images need to be reloaded (loss of focus in fullscreen).
+bool mActive
+ bool describing Active or Inactive State of Game
+bool mQuit
+ bool for checking if a Quit event has been detected
+Uint8 * mKeyIsPressed
+ Pointer to array of Keys.
+bool mKeyPress [SDLK_LAST]
+ Array of keys, used by KeyPress.
+int mMouseX
+ X Position of Mouse.
+int mMouseY
+ Y Position of Mouse.
+Uint8 mMouseB
+ Mouse Button Information.
+queue< ZError > mErrorQueue
+ Stack of Errors which have occured.
+ZError mCurError
+ Current error.
+bool mLogAllErrors
+ Option controlling how logfile is used.
+FILE * mErrlog
+ C-style FILE* for error logging.
+int mRate
+ Sound Bitrate.
+bool mStereo
+ Stereo setting of Sound Subsystem.
+Static Private Attributes
+ZEngine * sInstance = NULL
+ Static Pointer to Instance of ZEngine for Singleton.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZEngine::ZEngine
+ (
+ )
+ [private]
+Initialize ZEngine values to defaults. (Private so that only one instance may be created.)
+Member Function Documentation
+ ZEngine * ZE::ZEngine::GetInstance
+ (
+ )
+ [static]
+Static function, returns pointer to instance of ZEngine , creating an instance if none exist.
Returns: Instance to the ZEngine .
+ void ZE::ZEngine::ReleaseInstance
+ (
+ )
+ [static]
+Release memory held by instance of engine and closes window.
+ string ZE::ZEngine::GetVersion
+ (
+ )
+ [static]
+Get Version Number of ZEngine . (Major.Minor.Extension#)
Returns: string containing version number
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetupDisplay
+ (
+ int
+ width ,
+ int
+ height ,
+ int
+ bpp ,
+ bool
+ fullscreen
+ )
+Sets display parameters to specified parameters. (called before CreateDisplay)
+ width Desired width of screen or window.
+ height Desired height of screen or window.
+ bpp Desired BPP for screen, generally use 8,16 or 32, pass -1 if you want ZEngine to guess the best choice.
+ fullscreen A bool for fullscreen setting.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetupSound
+ (
+ int
+ rate ,
+ bool
+ stereo
+ )
+Set sound settings to specified parameters. (If not called before CreateDisplay rate will default to 22050+mono)
+ rate Desired sound bitrate.
+ stereo A bool for stereo setting.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::CreateDisplay
+ (
+ string
+ title ,
+ string
+ icon = ""
+ )
+SetupDisplay and SetupSound should be called prior to this to change settings, settings from those do not go into effect until this function is called. Specify no icon file to use default icon for OS. Returns result of setting up ZEngine , and logs error if false is returned (Trys not to fail + returns bool in versions >= 0.8.2).
+ title Window Title.
+ icon Path to Icon File.
+Returns: result of setting up the display, true if everything went ok, false if any setup failed (check GetLastError).
+ void ZE::ZEngine::CloseDisplay
+ (
+ )
+Shut down SDL (and SDL_ttf,SDL_mixer if necessary) You shouldn't ever have to call this, ReleaseInstance calls this for you.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::ToggleFullscreen
+ (
+ )
+Safely toggles fullscreen/windowed mode, generally toggling modes will bring the need to reload images so it will set the ImagesNeedReload state to true.
Since: 0.8.2
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::Initialized
+ (
+ )
+Checks if ZEngine display has been properly setup.
Since: 0.8.2
+Returns: Boolean status of ZEngine , true if CreateDisplay has been successfully called, false if ZEngine has no display.
+ SDL_Surface * ZE::ZEngine::Display
+ (
+ )
+Get pointer to screen SDL_Surface, allowing direct screen manipulation using SDL.
Returns: Pointer to Display Surface.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::Update
+ (
+ )
+Swap OpenGL buffers, and update screen, if a desired framerate is set it will delay to stay under that rate. Must be called every frame.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::Clear
+ (
+ float
+ red = 0.0f,
+ float
+ green = 0.0f,
+ float
+ blue = 0.0f,
+ float
+ alpha = 1.0f
+ )
+Clears a rectangle on screen to a color, defaults to solid black.
+ red Red component (0.0-1.0) of new color.
+ green Green component (0.0-1.0) of new color.
+ blue Blue component (0.0-1.0) of new color.
+ alpha Alpha component (0.0-1.0) of new color.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetGL2D
+ (
+ )
+Sets the OpenGL scaled orthographic mode, called once at beginning, no need to call unless you change the OpenGL mode manually.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::Delay
+ (
+ Uint32
+ milliseconds
+ )
+Freeze everything for given number of milliseconds.
+ milliseconds Number of milliseconds to freeze.
+ Uint32 ZE::ZEngine::GetTime
+ (
+ )
+Get active time since ZEngine initialization in milliseconds, paused time doesn't count.
Returns: Number of active milliseconds since initialization.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::PauseTimer
+ (
+ )
+ void ZE::ZEngine::UnpauseTimer
+ (
+ )
+ double ZE::ZEngine::GetFrameTime
+ (
+ )
+Get double that describes the time passed between screen updates. (should be used for Framerate Independant Movement)
Returns: Time between screen updates.
+ double ZE::ZEngine::GetFramerate
+ (
+ )
+Get double representing current (approximate) FPS. This value is always the same as 1/GetFrameTime().
Since: 0.8.2
+Returns: Current Framerate.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetDesiredFramerate
+ (
+ Uint8
+ rate
+ )
+Sets desired framerate, if engine gets ahead of desired rate during a frame it will stall in Update until current framerate is closer to that desired. Acceptable values are 1-255, setting this value to 0 will disable this feature. (Desired framerate is disabled upon initialization of ZEngine .)
Since: 0.8.2
+ rate Desired framerate 1-255, or 0 to disable.
+ Uint8 ZE::ZEngine::GetDesiredFramerate
+ (
+ )
+Get desired framerate set by SetDesiredFramerate.
Since: 0.8.2
+Returns: Current setting for desired framerate.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::IsPaused
+ (
+ )
+Find out if engine timer is paused.
Returns: Paused State of engine.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::IsActive
+ (
+ )
+Function to find out if application currently has focus.
Returns: bool telling active/inactive state of application.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::RequestQuit
+ (
+ )
+Tell the engine that it should behave as if a Quit was requested, does not call any shutdown functions.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::QuitRequested
+ (
+ )
+Function to find out if user or operating system has requested program cease execution, can be set by Alt-F4, SDL_Quit event or ZEngine::RequestQuit() .
Returns: bool telling if quit has been requested.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetReloadNeed
+ (
+ bool
+ state
+ )
+ state False if images need to be reloaded, True if images have been reloaded.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::ImagesNeedReload
+ (
+ )
+Function that is good to call every frame to check if images should be reloaded, usually only caused by loss of focus in fullscreen.
Returns: bool, True if images should be reloaded, false otherwise.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetKeyRepeatRate
+ (
+ int
+ rate
+ )
+Calls SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(rate,rate) because usually this is the desired movement style for games. 0 to disable. If 2 different values are needed SDL_EnableKeyRepeat can be called separately: http://sdldoc.csn.ul.ie/sdlenablekeyrepeat.php.
+ rate Desired key repeat rate.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::KeyIsPressed
+ (
+ SDLKey
+ key
+ )
+Function returns true/false based on if key is currently pressed or not.
+ key Code of key to find status of.
+Returns: State of requested key.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::KeyPress
+ (
+ SDLKey
+ key
+ )
+Function returns true/false based on if key has been pressed since last check.
+ key Code of key to find status of.
+Returns: State of requested key.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::HideCursor
+ (
+ )
+Hide the system mouse cursor.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::ShowCursor
+ (
+ )
+Show the system mouse cursor.
+ int ZE::ZEngine::MouseX
+ (
+ )
+Find X Position of Mouse on screen.
Returns: X Position of Mouse.
+ int ZE::ZEngine::MouseY
+ (
+ )
+Find Y Position of Mouse on screen.
Returns: Y Position of Mouse.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::LButtonPressed
+ (
+ )
+Get pressed status of left button of mouse.
Returns: true if left button is pressed, false otherwise.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::RButtonPressed
+ (
+ )
+Get pressed status of right button of mouse.
Returns: true if right button is pressed, false otherwise.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::MouseInRect
+ (
+ SDL_Rect *
+ rect
+ )
+Return status of mouse in current rectangle (used for buttons)
+ rect Rectangle to check if mouse is in.
+Returns: true if mouse is in rectangle, false otherwise
+ void ZE::ZEngine::CheckEvents
+ (
+ )
+Cycle through event queue, processing events, updating all Event Related variables, should be called once per frame.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetEventFilter
+ (
+ SDL_EventFilter
+ filter
+ )
+This is only needed when you need tight control with ZEngine . The parameter is simply passed to SDL_SetEventFilter, generally only those with a good amount of SDL experience should use this function or ZEngine's internal message state could be corrupted. For more information on SDL_SetEventFilter see http://sdldoc.csn.ul.ie/sdlseteventfilter.php.
Since: 0.8.2
+ filter An SDL_EventFilter (A function that takes a const SDL_Event* and returns 0 if the event should be removed from the event queue and 1 otherwise.)
+ void ZE::ZEngine::LogError
+ (
+ ZError
+ error
+ )
+ [private]
+Writes error to current error file.
Since: 0.8.2
+ error ZError to write to file.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SetErrorLog
+ (
+ bool
+ logAll ,
+ string
+ logFile = ""
+ )
+Change the way errors are logged and the file they are logged to, before calling this errors are logged to stderr. (SDL may define stderr.txt on some platforms.)
Since: 0.8.2
+ logAll If set to true every error will be written to file instead of stored in the logfile.
+ logFile Name of file to use as log, passing in stderr or stdio will set the log to the C streams. Passing in nothing will not change the current error log file, which defaults to stderr.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::ReportError
+ (
+ ZErrorCode
+ code ,
+ string
+ desc = "",
+ string
+ file = "",
+ unsigned int
+ line = 0
+ )
+Adds the error to the the error queue, and sets the current error to this error.
Since: 0.8.2
+ code ZErrorCode of error.
+ desc Optional string describing error.
+ file Optional argument specifying the file the error occured in.
+ line Optional argument specifying the line the error occured on.
+ ZErrorCode ZE::ZEngine::GetLastError
+ (
+ )
+Get the last error reported.
Since: 0.8.2
+Returns: ZErrorCode of last error reported.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::WriteLog
+ (
+ string
+ str
+ )
+Write a string to the log, allowing special usage of the error log.
Since: 0.8.2
+ str String to write to log file.
+ void ZE::ZEngine::FlushErrors
+ (
+ )
+Write the error stack to the error log.
Since: 0.8.2
+ void ZE::ZEngine::SeedRandom
+ (
+ unsigned long
+ seed
+ )
+Reseed Mersenne Twister (MT19937) random number generator. NOTE: Generator is initialized upon creation of ZEngine using time. (Faster and more random than rand(), see src/external/mt19937ar.c)
Since: 0.8.3
+ seed Seed for random sequence.
+ unsigned long ZE::ZEngine::RandLong
+ (
+ unsigned long
+ max
+ )
+Obtain random long l where 0 <= l < max.
Since: 0.8.3
+ max Limit for random number.
+Returns: Random unsigned long.
+ long ZE::ZEngine::RandLong
+ (
+ long
+ min ,
+ long
+ max
+ )
+Obtain random long l where min <= l <= max.
Since: 0.8.3
+ min Lower limit for random number.
+ max Upper limit for random number.
+Returns: Random long.
+ double ZE::ZEngine::RandDouble
+ (
+ )
+Obtain random double d where 0 <= d < 1.
Since: 0.8.3
+Returns: Random double [0,1).
+ double ZE::ZEngine::RandDouble
+ (
+ double
+ min ,
+ double
+ max
+ )
+Obtain random double d where min <= d <= max.
Since: 0.8.3
+ min Lower limit for random number.
+ max Upper limit for random number.
+Returns: Random double [min,max].
+ SDL_Surface * ZE::ZEngine::LoadImage
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Loads an Image to an ImageData class which keeps vital information on the Image.
+ filename path to file to load.
+Returns: A SDL_Surface pointer to data.
+ Mix_Chunk* ZE::ZEngine::LoadSound
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Loads a Sound to a SoundData class which keeps vital information on the Sound
+ filename path to file to load.
+Returns: A Mix_Chunk pointer to data.
+ Mix_Music* ZE::ZEngine::LoadMusic
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Loads a Music Clip to a MusicData class which keeps vital information on the Music Data
+ filename path to file to load.
+Returns: A Mix_Music pointer to data.
+ TTF_Font* ZE::ZEngine::LoadFont
+ (
+ string
+ filename ,
+ int
+ size
+ )
+Loads a Font to a FontData class which keeps vital information on the Font
+ filename path to file to load.
+ size point size of font
+Returns: A TTF_Font pointer to data.
+ int ZE::ZEngine::Width
+ (
+ )
+Get Width of Window or Fullscreen mode.
Returns: Width of Display.
+ int ZE::ZEngine::Height
+ (
+ )
+Get Height of Window or Fullscreen mode.
Returns: Height of Display.
+ int ZE::ZEngine::BPP
+ (
+ )
+Get BPP of Window or Fullscreen mode.
Returns: BPP of Display.
+ bool ZE::ZEngine::IsFullscreen
+ (
+ )
+Get Fullscreen setting of Display.
Returns: True if Fullscreen, False if Windowed
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZError-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZError-members.html
new file mode 100755
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+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZError-members.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZError Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZError , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZError.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZError.html
new file mode 100755
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+ZE::ZError class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZError Class Reference #include <ZE_ZError.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZError class for storing and printing information on errors. Inherited from ZObject and tied closely to ZEngine . Since: 0.8.2
+Public Methods
+ ZError (ZErrorCode code=ZERR_NONE, string desc="", string file="", int line=0)
+ Default constructor for ZError .
+virtual ~ZError ()
+ Virtual Destructor.
+void Create (ZErrorCode code, string desc="", string file="", int line=0)
+ Set members of error object.
+ZErrorCode Code () const
+ Get ZErrorCode of error.
+string LogString () const
+ Get formatted string for log file.
+Static Public Methods
+void CreateStringTable ()
+ Construct string table for error strings.
+void DestroyStringTable ()
+ Destroy string table of error strings.
+Protected Attributes
+ZErrorCode rCode
+ Error ID.
+string rDescription
+ Error Description.
+string rFilename
+ File which error occured in.
+unsigned int rLine
+ Line which error occured on.
+Static Protected Attributes
+string * sErrorDesc = NULL
+ Static Array of Error Identifiers.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZError::ZError
+ (
+ ZErrorCode
+ code = ZERR_NONE,
+ string
+ desc = "",
+ string
+ file = "",
+ int
+ line = 0
+ )
+Make new ZError object, by default set rCode to ZERR_NONE with no description.
+ code ZErrorCode to set object to, defaults to ZERR_NONE.
+ desc Description to use for object, defaults to nothing.
+ file Optional argument specifying the file the error occured in.
+ line Optional argument specifying the line the error occured on.
+ ZE::ZError::~ZError
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Virtual destructor making future inheritance safe.
+Member Function Documentation
+ void ZE::ZError::CreateStringTable
+ (
+ )
+ [static]
+Constructs a string table for errors, enabling ZEngine to properly delete the table on exit.
+ void ZE::ZError::DestroyStringTable
+ (
+ )
+ [static]
+Properly delete the string table, freeing all memory used by the strings.
+ void ZE::ZError::Create
+ (
+ ZErrorCode
+ code ,
+ string
+ desc = "",
+ string
+ file = "",
+ int
+ line = 0
+ )
+Set new values in ZError object.
+ code ZErrorCode to set object to.
+ desc Description to use for object, defaults to nothing.
+ file Optional argument specifying the file the error occured in.
+ line Optional argument specifying the line the error occured on.
+ ZErrorCode ZE::ZError::Code
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Access ZErrorCode of the ZError object.
Returns: The error ZErrorCode.
+ string ZE::ZError::LogString
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Return the string to be written to the logfile. Called by ZEngine in LogError.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZFont-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZFont-members.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc0e1c
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZFont Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZFont , including all inherited members.
+ DrawShadedText (string text, ZImage &image) constZE::ZFont
+ DrawText (string text, ZImage &image) constZE::ZFont
+ Height () constZE::ZFont
+ IsBold () constZE::ZFont
+ IsItalic () constZE::ZFont
+ IsLoaded () constZE::ZFont
+ IsUnderlined () constZE::ZFont
+ LineSkip () constZE::ZFont
+ Open (string filename, int size)ZE::ZFont
+ rBGColor ZE::ZFont [protected]
+ rColor ZE::ZFont [protected]
+ Release ()ZE::ZFont
+ rEngine ZE::ZFont [protected]
+ Resize (int size)ZE::ZFont
+ rFilename ZE::ZFont [protected]
+ rFont ZE::ZFont [protected]
+ SetBGColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)ZE::ZFont
+ SetColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)ZE::ZFont
+ SetStyle (bool bold, bool italic, bool underline)ZE::ZFont
+ StringHeight (string text) constZE::ZFont
+ StringWidth (string text) constZE::ZFont
+ ZFont ()ZE::ZFont
+ ZFont (string filename, int size)ZE::ZFont
+ ~ZFont ()ZE::ZFont [virtual]
Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZFont.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZFont.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf7aaf
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+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZFont.html
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+ZE::ZFont class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZFont Class Reference #include <ZE_ZFont.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZFont font container class, class wraps common features of SDL_TTF. Inherited from ZObject.
+Public Methods
+ ZFont ()
+ Default Constructor.
+ ZFont (string filename, int size)
+ Constructor that opens a font with a certain size.
+virtual ~ZFont ()
+ Destructor, frees memory.
+void Open (string filename, int size)
+ Opens a font with a certain size.
+void Release ()
+ Release font.
+void DrawText (string text, ZImage &image) const
+ Draws a string in a color to a ZImage .
+void DrawShadedText (string text, ZImage &image) const
+ Draws a string with a colored background to a ZImage .
+void SetColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
+ Set Text rColor.
+void SetBGColor (Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
+ Set Background rColor.
+void SetStyle (bool bold, bool italic, bool underline)
+ Set display format.
+void Resize (int size)
+ Resize Font.
+bool IsLoaded () const
+ Check if file is loaded.
+bool IsBold () const
+ Get Bold Setting.
+bool IsItalic () const
+ Get Italic Setting.
+bool IsUnderlined () const
+ Get Underlined Setting.
+int Height () const
+ Get Height of Font.
+int LineSkip () const
+ Get Line Skip for Font.
+int StringWidth (string text) const
+ Get String Width.
+int StringHeight (string text) const
+ Get String Height.
+Protected Attributes
+ZEngine * rEngine
+ Pointer to ZEngine Object.
+TTF_Font * rFont
+ Pointer to font data.
+string rFilename
+ Filename, for resizing.
+SDL_Color rColor
+ SDL_Color for current text color.
+SDL_Color rBGColor
+ SDL_Color for background color to be used in shaded draws.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZFont::ZFont
+ (
+ )
+Default Constructor, does nothing.
+ ZE::ZFont::ZFont
+ (
+ string
+ filename ,
+ int
+ size
+ )
+Constructor simply calls ZFont::Open() with same parameters.
+ filename Font to open.
+ size Size to use for font.
+ virtual ZE::ZFont::~ZFont
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Member Function Documentation
+ void ZE::ZFont::Open
+ (
+ string
+ filename ,
+ int
+ size
+ )
+Opens a font given a filename and a point size.
+ filename Font to open.
+ size Size to use for font.
+ void ZE::ZFont::Release
+ (
+ )
+Release memory held by font.
+ void ZE::ZFont::DrawText
+ (
+ string
+ text ,
+ ZImage &
+ image
+ )
+ const
+Draw to a surface in specified color and associate that surface with a ZImage .
+ text String to write.
+ image ZImage to draw to.
+ void ZE::ZFont::DrawShadedText
+ (
+ string
+ text ,
+ ZImage &
+ image
+ )
+ const
+Draw to a surface a string with a background of rBGColor and lettering in the normal color and associate that surface with a ZImage .
+ text String to write.
+ image ZImage to draw to.
+ void ZE::ZFont::SetColor
+ (
+ Uint8
+ r ,
+ Uint8
+ g ,
+ Uint8
+ b
+ )
+Set rColor of Text Output.
+ r Red component of color (0-255).
+ g Green component of color (0-255).
+ b Blue component of color (0-255).
+ void ZE::ZFont::SetBGColor
+ (
+ Uint8
+ r ,
+ Uint8
+ g ,
+ Uint8
+ b
+ )
+Set rColor of Background for Shaded Draw.
+ r Red component of color (0-255).
+ g Green component of color (0-255).
+ b Blue component of color (0-255).
+ void ZE::ZFont::SetStyle
+ (
+ bool
+ bold ,
+ bool
+ italic ,
+ bool
+ underline
+ )
+Set display format (bold, italic, underline).
+ bold Decides bold setting of font.
+ italic Decides italic setting of font.
+ underline Decides underline setting of font.
+ void ZE::ZFont::Resize
+ (
+ int
+ size
+ )
+Release and Reopen font in new size.
+ size New size for font.
+ bool ZE::ZFont::IsLoaded
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if file is loaded and pointer to data is non-NULL.
Returns: Loaded or Unloaded state of data.
+ bool ZE::ZFont::IsBold
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if font output is currently bold.
Returns: True or False state of bold.
+ bool ZE::ZFont::IsItalic
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if font output is currently italic.
Returns: True or False state of italic.
+ bool ZE::ZFont::IsUnderlined
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if font output is currently underline.
Returns: True or False state of underline.
+ int ZE::ZFont::Height
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check font height as reported by SDL_ttf.
Returns: Height of font.
+ int ZE::ZFont::LineSkip
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check font line skip as reported by SDL_ttf.
Returns: Recommended Line Skip of font.
+ int ZE::ZFont::StringWidth
+ (
+ string
+ text
+ )
+ const
+Get Width of String in Current Font in Pixels.
+ text String to get width of.
+Returns: Width of String in Current font.
+ int ZE::ZFont::StringHeight
+ (
+ string
+ text
+ )
+ const
+Get Height of String in Current Font in Pixels.
+ text String to get height of.
+Returns: Height of String in Current font.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage-members.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6073c41
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+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage-members.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZImage Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZImage , including all inherited members.
+ Alpha () constZE::ZImage
+ Attach (SDL_Surface *surface)ZE::ZImage
+ Bind () constZE::ZImage
+ Draw (int x, int y) constZE::ZImage
+ Draw (float x, float y) constZE::ZImage
+ DrawRotated (int x, int y, float angle) constZE::ZImage
+ DrawRotated (float x, float y, float angle) constZE::ZImage
+ Flip (bool horizontal, bool vertical)ZE::ZImage
+ Height () constZE::ZImage
+ IsLoaded () constZE::ZImage
+ Open (string filename)ZE::ZImage
+ OpenFromImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)ZE::ZImage
+ OpenFromImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)ZE::ZImage
+ rAlpha ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ Release ()ZE::ZImage
+ Reload ()ZE::ZImage
+ rEngine ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ Resize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)ZE::ZImage
+ rHeight ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rImage ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rTexID ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rTexMaxX ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rTexMaxY ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rTexMinX ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rTexMinY ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ rWidth ZE::ZImage [protected]
+ SetAlpha (Uint8 alpha)ZE::ZImage
+ SetColorKey (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue)ZE::ZImage
+ Stretch (float xFactor, float yFactor)ZE::ZImage
+ Surface () constZE::ZImage
+ Width () constZE::ZImage
+ ZImage ()ZE::ZImage
+ ZImage (const ZImage &rhs)ZE::ZImage
+ ZImage (string filename)ZE::ZImage
+ ZImage (SDL_Surface *surface)ZE::ZImage
+ ZImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)ZE::ZImage
+ ZImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)ZE::ZImage
+ ~ZImage ()ZE::ZImage [virtual]
Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25da0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZImage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+ZE::ZImage class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZImage Class Reference #include <ZE_ZImage.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZImage image drawing class, class wraps common features of SDL_Surface. Inherited from ZObject.
+Public Methods
+ ZImage ()
+ Default Constructor.
+ ZImage (const ZImage &rhs)
+ Copy constructor for ZImage .
+ ZImage (string filename)
+ Constructor to Construct from File.
+ ZImage (SDL_Surface *surface)
+ Constructor to Construct from SDL_Surface*.
+ ZImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)
+ Constructor to Construct from part of an SDL_Surface*.
+ ZImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)
+ Constructor to Construct from part of another ZImage .
+virtual ~ZImage ()
+ Destructor, frees memory.
+void Open (string filename)
+ Opens a file.
+void OpenFromImage (SDL_Surface *img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)
+ Cuts part of an existing image to create a new image.
+void OpenFromImage (const ZImage &img, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h)
+ Cuts part of an existing ZImage to create a new image.
+void Attach (SDL_Surface *surface)
+ Attach an existing surface to class.
+void Reload ()
+ Reattach a preloaded texture that has been lost.
+void Release ()
+ Releases image.
+void SetAlpha (Uint8 alpha)
+ Set alpha value (translucency) of image.
+void SetColorKey (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue)
+ Set Color Key (transparent color) of image.
+void Flip (bool horizontal, bool vertical)
+ Flip image over one or both axes.
+void Stretch (float xFactor, float yFactor)
+ Stretch the image by a certain X and Y factor.
+void Resize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
+ Resizes an image, stretching to new size.
+void Bind () const
+ OpenGL related bind call.
+void Draw (int x, int y) const
+ Draw Image to Screen.
+void Draw (float x, float y) const
+ Draw Image to Screen.
+void DrawRotated (int x, int y, float angle) const
+ Draw Image rotated to screen.
+void DrawRotated (float x, float y, float angle) const
+ Draw Image rotated to screen.
+bool IsLoaded () const
+ Check if file is loaded.
+SDL_Surface * Surface () const
+ Get SDL_Surface. Get SDL_Surface pointer to actual image data.
+int Width () const
+ Get Width.
+int Height () const
+ Get Height.
+Uint8 Alpha () const
+ Get Alpha component.
+Protected Attributes
+ZEngine * rEngine
+ Pointer to ZEngine Object.
+GLfloat rTexMinX
+ Texture lower X, used internally for flip.
+GLfloat rTexMinY
+ Texture lower Y, used internally for flip.
+GLfloat rTexMaxX
+ Texture X width ratio, used internally by OpenGL.
+GLfloat rTexMaxY
+ Texture Y width ratio, used internally by OpenGL.
+SDL_Surface * rImage
+ Stored texture for future use.
+unsigned int rTexID
+ Texture ID for OpenGL.
+unsigned int rWidth
+ Current draw width of Texture.
+unsigned int rHeight
+ Current draw height of Texture.
+Uint8 rAlpha
+ Stored alpha value for drawing texture.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ )
+Default Constructor, initializes variables.
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ const ZImage &
+ rhs
+ )
+Creates one ZImage using another.
+ rhs A previously created ZImage to copy.
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Constructor is same as calling ZImage::Open() on passed filename.
+ filename File to open as rImage.
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ SDL_Surface *
+ surface
+ )
+Constructor is same as calling ZImage::Attach() on passed SDL_Surface*.
+ surface SDL_Surface* to use as rImage.
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ SDL_Surface *
+ img ,
+ Sint16
+ x ,
+ Sint16
+ y ,
+ Sint16
+ w ,
+ Sint16
+ h
+ )
+Constructor is same as calling ZImage::OpenFromImage with an SDL_Surface*.
+ img Image to take new image from.
+ x X Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ y Y Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ w Width of new image.
+ h Height of new image.
+ ZE::ZImage::ZImage
+ (
+ const ZImage &
+ img ,
+ Sint16
+ x ,
+ Sint16
+ y ,
+ Sint16
+ w ,
+ Sint16
+ h
+ )
+Constructor is same as calling ZImage::OpenFromImage with a ZImage .
+ img Image to take new image from.
+ x X Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ y Y Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ w Width of new image.
+ h Height of new image.
+ ZE::ZImage::~ZImage
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Member Function Documentation
+ void ZE::ZImage::Open
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Open a file using ZEngine . Loads into rImage member of class.
+ filename File to open as rImage.
+ void ZE::ZImage::OpenFromImage
+ (
+ SDL_Surface *
+ img ,
+ Sint16
+ x ,
+ Sint16
+ y ,
+ Sint16
+ w ,
+ Sint16
+ h
+ )
+Cut part of an SDL_Surface to create a new Image.
+ img SDL_Surface* to take new image from.
+ x X Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ y Y Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ w Width of new image.
+ h Height of new image.
+ void ZE::ZImage::OpenFromImage
+ (
+ const ZImage &
+ img ,
+ Sint16
+ x ,
+ Sint16
+ y ,
+ Sint16
+ w ,
+ Sint16
+ h
+ )
+Cut part of another ZImage to create a new Image.
+ img ZImage to take new image from.
+ x X Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ y Y Coordinate in source of top left corner.
+ w Width of new image.
+ h Height of new image.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Attach
+ (
+ SDL_Surface *
+ surface
+ )
+Attach a pointer to instance of ZImage . (NOTE: Should not be used on a surface that is owned elsewhere.)
+ surface SDL_Surface* to use as rImage.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Reload
+ (
+ )
+Attach loaded textures which have been lost due to loss of focus, should be called when ZEngine::ImagesNeedReload is true.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Release
+ (
+ )
+Frees memory via call to SDL_FreeSurface for the image.
+ void ZE::ZImage::SetAlpha
+ (
+ Uint8
+ alpha
+ )
+Set translucency value 0-255 (0 is transparent, 255 = opaque).
Since: 0.8.2
+ alpha Number 0-255 setting translucency for image.
+ void ZE::ZImage::SetColorKey
+ (
+ Uint8
+ red ,
+ Uint8
+ green ,
+ Uint8
+ blue
+ )
+Set color which will not be drawn in image.
+ red Red component of colorkey (0-255).
+ green Green component of colorkey (0-255).
+ blue Blue component of colorkey (0-255).
+ void ZE::ZImage::Flip
+ (
+ bool
+ horizontal ,
+ bool
+ vertical
+ )
+Flip image vertical and/or horizontal.
+ horizontal Boolean, true will flip image horizontally.
+ vertical Boolean, true will flip image vertically.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Stretch
+ (
+ float
+ xFactor ,
+ float
+ yFactor
+ )
+Stretch image using a factor to multiply width and height by.
+ xFactor Stretch factor for width. [newWidth = oldWidth * xStretch]
+ yFactor Stretch factor for height. [newHeight = oldHeight * yStretch]
+ void ZE::ZImage::Resize
+ (
+ unsigned int
+ width ,
+ unsigned int
+ height
+ )
+Stretch image to new width and height.
+ width New width to stretch image to.
+ height New height to stretch image to.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Bind
+ (
+ )
+ const
+OpenGL related bind call, only available in case you want to bind image in 3D. Draw uses this but the average user should never need to call this.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Draw
+ (
+ int
+ x ,
+ int
+ y
+ )
+ const
+Draw Image to screen at specified location.
+ x X coord to draw Image to.
+ y Y coord to draw Image to.
+ void ZE::ZImage::Draw
+ (
+ float
+ x ,
+ float
+ y
+ )
+ const
+Draw Image to screen at specified location.
Since: 0.8.3
+ x X coord to draw Image to.
+ y Y coord to draw Image to.
+ void ZE::ZImage::DrawRotated
+ (
+ int
+ x ,
+ int
+ y ,
+ float
+ angle
+ )
+ const
+Image is rotated about it's own center by specified angle, then drawn to screen.
+ x X coord to draw Image to.
+ y Y coord to draw Image to.
+ angle Angle in degrees to rotate image.
+ void ZE::ZImage::DrawRotated
+ (
+ float
+ x ,
+ float
+ y ,
+ float
+ angle
+ )
+ const
+Image is rotated about it's own center by specified angle, then drawn to screen.
Since: 0.8.3
+ x X coord to draw Image to.
+ y Y coord to draw Image to.
+ angle Angle in degrees to rotate image.
+ bool ZE::ZImage::IsLoaded
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if surface is a valid GL texture. (does not detect surface loss)
Returns: Loaded or Unloaded state of data.
+ SDL_Surface * ZE::ZImage::Surface
+ (
+ )
+ const
Returns: SDL_Surface* of rImage.
+ int ZE::ZImage::Width
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get Current Width of Image.
Returns: Image Width.
+ int ZE::ZImage::Height
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get Current Height of Image.
Returns: Image Height.
+ Uint8 ZE::ZImage::Alpha
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get current alpha value of image.
Since: 0.8.2
+Returns: Image Alpha.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic-members.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802da22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic-members.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZMusic Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZMusic , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa412a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZMusic.html
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+ZE::ZMusic class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZMusic Class Reference #include <ZE_ZMusic.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZMusic music class, class wraps common features for SDL_Mixer's Mix_Music. Inherited from ZObject.
+Public Methods
+ ZMusic ()
+ Default Constructor.
+ ZMusic (string filename)
+ Constructor that opens a music file.
+virtual ~ZMusic ()
+ Destructor, frees memory.
+void Open (string filename)
+ Opens a music file.
+void Release ()
+ Release music.
+void Play (int loopNum=0, int fadeTime=0) const
+ Play currently loaded music.
+void Pause () const
+ Pause music.
+void Unpause () const
+ Unpause music.
+void Rewind () const
+ Rewind music.
+void Stop (int fadeTime=0) const
+ Stop music.
+void SetVolume (int volume)
+ Change Volume.
+bool IsLoaded () const
+ Check if file is loaded.
+bool IsPlaying () const
+ Check if music is Playing.
+bool IsPaused () const
+ Check if music is Paused.
+int Volume () const
+ Find Current Volume of Music.
+Static Public Attributes
+const int LoopInfinite
+ Static Variable For Infinite loop of sound. (Defined as -1).
+Protected Attributes
+ZEngine * rEngine
+ Pointer to ZEngine Object.
+Mix_Music * rMusic
+ Pointer to music data.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZMusic::ZMusic
+ (
+ )
+Default Constructor, does nothing.
+ ZE::ZMusic::ZMusic
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Constructor simply calls ZMusic::Open() with same filename. (WAV,MOD,MID,OGG)
+ filename Music to open.
+ virtual ZE::ZMusic::~ZMusic
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Member Function Documentation
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Open
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Open a music file to be used.
+ filename Music to open.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Release
+ (
+ )
+Release memory held by music data.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Play
+ (
+ int
+ loopNum = 0,
+ int
+ fadeTime = 0
+ )
+ const
+Play music currently loaded in ZMusic , looping loopNum times. (use ZMusic::LoopInfinite to loop forever.) If fade is not zero (which it defaults to) music will fade in over specified number of milliseconds.
+ loopNum Number of times to loop song, defaults to zero.
+ fadeTime Milliseconds to fade to full volume, defaults to zero for no fade.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Pause
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Pause currently playing music.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Unpause
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Unpause currently paused music.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Rewind
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Rewind music to beginning.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::Stop
+ (
+ int
+ fadeTime = 0
+ )
+ const
+Stop currently playing music, if fadeTime is not zero, fade out over specified time.
+ fadeTime Milliseconds to fade out over, defaults to zero for immediate stop.
+ void ZE::ZMusic::SetVolume
+ (
+ int
+ volume
+ )
+Change volume of currently playing music.
+ volume Volume to change to, can be in a range from 0 to 128
+ bool ZE::ZMusic::IsLoaded
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if file is loaded and pointer to data is non-NULL.
Returns: Loaded or Unloaded state of data.
+ bool ZE::ZMusic::IsPlaying
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if music is playing, specifically if it is not stopped. (Paused state should be checked for by IsPaused)
Returns: Playing / Not Playing State of Music.
+ bool ZE::ZMusic::IsPaused
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if music is "playing" but currently paused.
Returns: Paused / Not Paused State of Music.
+ int ZE::ZMusic::Volume
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get current volume of music represented as a value from 0-128.
Returns: Volume of music, 0-128.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect-members.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed6b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect-members.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZRect Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZRect , including all inherited members.
+ Bottom () constZE::ZRect
+ Contains (float x, float y) constZE::ZRect
+ Contains (const ZRect &rect) constZE::ZRect
+ Draw (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue, Uint8 alpha=255) constZE::ZRect
+ Height () constZE::ZRect
+ Intersection (const ZRect &rect) constZE::ZRect
+ Intersects (const ZRect &rect) constZE::ZRect
+ Left () constZE::ZRect
+ Move (float x, float y)ZE::ZRect
+ MoveRel (float xMove, float yMove)ZE::ZRect
+ operator< (const ZRect &rhs) constZE::ZRect
+ operator= (const ZRect &rhs)ZE::ZRect
+ Resize (float width, float height)ZE::ZRect
+ ResizeRel (float widthChange, float heightChange)ZE::ZRect
+ rHeight ZE::ZRect [protected]
+ Right () constZE::ZRect
+ rWidth ZE::ZRect [protected]
+ rX ZE::ZRect [protected]
+ rY ZE::ZRect [protected]
+ SDLrect () constZE::ZRect
+ Top () constZE::ZRect
+ Width () constZE::ZRect
+ X () constZE::ZRect
+ Y () constZE::ZRect
+ ZRect ()ZE::ZRect
+ ZRect (float x, float y, float width, float height)ZE::ZRect
+ ZRect (const SDL_Rect &rect)ZE::ZRect
+ ZRect (const ZRect &rhs)ZE::ZRect
+ ~ZRect ()ZE::ZRect [virtual]
Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf20d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZRect.html
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+ZE::ZRect class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZRect Class Reference #include <ZE_ZRect.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZRect Rectangle class, used to define a rectangular area or perform operations on the defined area.
+Public Methods
+ ZRect ()
+ Default constructor for ZRect .
+ ZRect (float x, float y, float width, float height)
+ Constructor for ZRect that takes inital values.
+ ZRect (const SDL_Rect &rect)
+ Constructor for ZRect that uses an SDL_Rect.
+ ZRect (const ZRect &rhs)
+ Copy constructor for ZRect .
+const ZRect & operator= (const ZRect &rhs)
+ Overload for = operator with ZRect .
+virtual ~ZRect ()
+ Virtual Destructor.
+bool operator< (const ZRect &rhs) const
+ Overload for < operator with ZRect , based upon location then size.
+void Draw (Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue, Uint8 alpha=255) const
+ Draw rectangle. (filled).
+void Move (float x, float y)
+ Changes the location of the rectangle.
+void MoveRel (float xMove, float yMove)
+ Changes the location of the rectangle based upon the current location.
+void Resize (float width, float height)
+ Resize rectangle.
+void ResizeRel (float widthChange, float heightChange)
+ Grows or shrinks current rectangle.
+bool Intersects (const ZRect &rect) const
+ Check if one ZRect intersects another.
+bool Contains (float x, float y) const
+ Check if a rectangle contains a given point.
+bool Contains (const ZRect &rect) const
+ Check if a rectangle contains a given point.
+ZRect Intersection (const ZRect &rect) const
+ Finds intersection of two rectangles.
+SDL_Rect SDLrect () const
+ Returns an SDL_Rect representing the rectangle.
+float X () const
+ Returns X Location.
+float Y () const
+ Returns Y Location.
+float Left () const
+ Return position of left side.
+float Right () const
+ Return position of right side.
+float Top () const
+ Return position of top side.
+float Bottom () const
+ Return position of bottom side.
+float Width () const
+ Returns Width.
+float Height () const
+ Returns Height.
+Protected Attributes
+float rX
+ X Position of top left corner of rectangle.
+float rY
+ Y Position of top left corner of rectangle.
+float rWidth
+ Width of Rectangle.
+float rHeight
+ Height of Rectangle.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZRect::ZRect
+ (
+ )
+Default constructor, initializes all values to zero.
+ ZE::ZRect::ZRect
+ (
+ float
+ x ,
+ float
+ y ,
+ float
+ width ,
+ float
+ height
+ )
+Constructor for ZRect that takes inital values for all four members.
+ x Value for x position.
+ y Value for y position.
+ width Value for width.
+ height Value for height.
+ ZE::ZRect::ZRect
+ (
+ const SDL_Rect &
+ rect
+ )
+Constructor for ZRect that initializes from an SDL_Rect.
+ rect SDL_Rect to intialize from.
+ ZE::ZRect::ZRect
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rhs
+ )
+Takes a ZRect and constructs a new identical rectangle.
+ rhs Rectangle to construct from.
+ ZE::ZRect::~ZRect
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Virtual destructor making future inheritance safe.
+Member Function Documentation
+ const ZRect & ZE::ZRect::operator=
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rhs
+ )
+Copies all values from one ZRect into another.
+ rhs Rectangle to copy values from.
+Returns: New value of the ZRect .
+ bool ZE::ZRect::operator<
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rhs
+ )
+ const
+Rectangles are sorted by y value, followed by x value, if they start at the same place, the smaller of the two is deemed less than the other.
+ rhs Rectangle to compare.
+Returns: True if this rectangle is smaller than the rhs rectangle, false otherwise.
+ void ZE::ZRect::Draw
+ (
+ Uint8
+ red ,
+ Uint8
+ green ,
+ Uint8
+ blue ,
+ Uint8
+ alpha = 255
+ )
+ const
+Draw the ZRect , this function is mainly provided for testing purposes.
+ red Red component of color (0-255).
+ green Green component of color (0-255).
+ blue Blue component of color (0-255).
+ alpha Alpha component of color (0-255).
+ void ZE::ZRect::Move
+ (
+ float
+ x ,
+ float
+ y
+ )
+Changes the current x,y position of the rectangle.
+ x New x position for rectangle.
+ y New y position for rectangle.
+ void ZE::ZRect::MoveRel
+ (
+ float
+ xMove ,
+ float
+ yMove
+ )
+Changes the current x,y position of the rectangle relative to the current location.
+ xMove Offset for new x position from current.
+ yMove Offset for new y position from current.
+ void ZE::ZRect::Resize
+ (
+ float
+ width ,
+ float
+ height
+ )
+Changes the current width and height of the rectangle.
+ width New width for rectangle.
+ height New height for rectangle.
+ void ZE::ZRect::ResizeRel
+ (
+ float
+ widthChange ,
+ float
+ heightChange
+ )
+Changes the current width and height of the rectangle based upon current values.
+ widthChange Amount to add or subtract from width.
+ heightChange Amount to add or subtract from height.
+ bool ZE::ZRect::Intersects
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rect
+ )
+ const
+Checks for overlap and returns boolean value based on if overlap exists.
+ rect Rectangle to check for intersection with.
+Returns: True if intersection occured, false otherwise.
+ bool ZE::ZRect::Contains
+ (
+ float
+ x ,
+ float
+ y
+ )
+ const
+Checks point against boundaries of rectangle and returns result.
+ x X value of point to check.
+ y Y value of poitn to check.
+Returns: Boolean variable, true if point is inside rectangle, false otherwise.
+ bool ZE::ZRect::Contains
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rect
+ )
+ const
+Checks point against boundaries of rectangle and returns result.
+ rect Rectangle to check for point.
+Returns: Boolean variable, true if point is inside rectangle, false otherwise.
+ ZRect ZE::ZRect::Intersection
+ (
+ const ZRect &
+ rect
+ )
+ const
+Checks for intersection, and returns rectangle where the two rectangles intersect.
+ rect Rectangle to check intersection with.
+Returns: ZRect describing intersection area.
+ SDL_Rect ZE::ZRect::SDLrect
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Makes a SDL_Rect representing the rectangle, for use where functions require an SDL_Rect.
Returns: SDL_Rect representing the ZRect .
+ float ZE::ZRect::X
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Access private X location member.
Returns: Value of mX.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Y
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Access private Y location member.
Returns: Value of mY.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Left
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Find X position of left side of rectangle.
Returns: X position of left side.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Right
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Find X position of right side of rectangle.
Returns: X position of right side.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Top
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Find Y position of top side of rectangle.
Returns: Y position of top side.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Bottom
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Find Y position of left side of rectangle.
Returns: Y position of bottom side.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Width
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Access private width member.
Returns: Value of mWidth.
+ float ZE::ZRect::Height
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Access private height member.
Returns: Value of mHeight.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZSound-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZSound-members.html
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+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZSound Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZSound , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZSound class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZSound Class Reference #include <ZE_ZSound.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZSound music class, class wraps common features for SDL_Mixer's Mix_Chunk. Inherited from ZObject.
+Public Methods
+ ZSound ()
+ Default Constructor.
+ ZSound (string filename)
+ Constructor that opens a sound effect file.
+virtual ~ZSound ()
+ Destructor, frees memory.
+void Open (string filename)
+ Opens a sound effect file.
+void Release ()
+ Release sound effect.
+void Play (int loopNum=0, int fadeTime=0)
+ Play currently loaded sound effect.
+void Pause () const
+ Pause sound.
+void Unpause () const
+ Unpause sound.
+void Stop (int fadeTime=0) const
+ Stop sound.
+void SetVolume (int volume)
+ Change Volume.
+bool IsLoaded () const
+ Check if file is loaded.
+bool IsPlaying () const
+ Check if sound is Playing.
+bool IsPaused () const
+ Check if sound is Paused.
+int Volume () const
+ Find Current Volume of Sound Channel.
+Static Public Attributes
+const int LoopInfinite
+ Static Variable For Infinite loop of sound. (Defined as -1).
+Protected Attributes
+ZEngine * rEngine
+ Pointer to ZEngine Object.
+Mix_Chunk * rSound
+ Pointer to music data.
+int rChannelID
+ Channel ID Number from SDL_Mixer.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZSound::ZSound
+ (
+ )
+Default Constructor, does nothing.
+ ZE::ZSound::ZSound
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Constructor simply calls ZSound::Open() with same filename. (WAV,MOD,MID,OGG)
+ filename Sound effect to open.
+ virtual ZE::ZSound::~ZSound
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Member Function Documentation
+ void ZE::ZSound::Open
+ (
+ string
+ filename
+ )
+Open a music file to be used.
+ filename Music to open.
+ void ZE::ZSound::Release
+ (
+ )
+Release memory held by sample data.
+ void ZE::ZSound::Play
+ (
+ int
+ loopNum = 0,
+ int
+ fadeTime = 0
+ )
+Play sound effect, looping loopNum times. (use ZSound::LoopInfinite to loop forever.) If fade is not zero (which it defaults to) music will fade in over specified number of milliseconds.
+ loopNum Number of times to loop song, defaults to zero.
+ fadeTime Milliseconds to fade to full volume, defaults to zero for no fade.
+ void ZE::ZSound::Pause
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Pause currently playing sound.
+ void ZE::ZSound::Unpause
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Unpause currently playing sound.
+ void ZE::ZSound::Stop
+ (
+ int
+ fadeTime = 0
+ )
+ const
+Stop currently playing sound, if fadeTime is not zero, fade out over specified time.
+ fadeTime Milliseconds to fade out over, defaults to zero for immediate stop.
+ void ZE::ZSound::SetVolume
+ (
+ int
+ volume
+ )
+Change volume of currently playing sample.
+ volume Volume to change to, can be in a range from 0 to 128.
+ bool ZE::ZSound::IsLoaded
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if file is loaded and pointer to data is non-NULL.
Returns: Loaded or Unloaded state of data.
+ bool ZE::ZSound::IsPlaying
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if sound is playing, specifically if it is not stopped. (Paused state should be checked for by IsPaused)
Returns: Playing / Not Playing State of sound.
+ bool ZE::ZSound::IsPaused
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Check if sound is "playing" but currently paused.
Returns: Paused / Not Paused State of Sound.
+ int ZE::ZSound::Volume
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get current volume of sound channel represented as a value from 0-128.
Returns: Volume of sound channel, 0-128.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZTimer-members.html b/doc/html/classZE_1_1ZTimer-members.html
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+Member List
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZTimer Member List This is the complete list of members for ZE::ZTimer , including all inherited members.Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE::ZTimer class Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE::ZTimer Class Reference #include <ZE_ZTimer.h >
+List of all members.
Detailed Description
+ZTimer timing class, class wraps common features of SDL timer. Inherited from ZObject and tied to ZEngine main timer.
+Public Methods
+ ZTimer (bool useZEngine=true)
+ Constructs a new Timer.
+virtual ~ZTimer ()
+ Virtual Destructor.
+void Reset ()
+ Reset Timer.
+void Pause ()
+ Pause Timer.
+void Unpause ()
+ Unpause Timer.
+Uint32 GetTime () const
+ Get Time of Timer.
+bool IsPaused () const
+ Get paused state.
+Protected Methods
+Uint32 GetParentTime () const
+ Get time from parent timer.
+Protected Attributes
+ZEngine * rEngine
+ Pointer to ZEngine Object.
+bool rPaused
+ Paused / Unpaused state of Timer.
+bool rUseZEngine
+ Using ZEngine timer or SDL global timer.
+Uint32 rPausedTime
+ Total time this timer has been paused.
+Uint32 rLastPause
+ Time this Timer was paused.
+Constructor & Destructor Documentation
+ ZE::ZTimer::ZTimer
+ (
+ bool
+ useZEngine = true
+ )
+Sets TimePaused to current ZEngine time if useZEngine is true, otherwise uses SDL timer.
+ useZEngine Tells if timer should use ZEngine or SDL.
+ ZE::ZTimer::~ZTimer
+ (
+ )
+ [virtual]
+Virtual destructor making future inheritance safe.
+Member Function Documentation
+ Uint32 ZE::ZTimer::GetParentTime
+ (
+ )
+ const [protected]
+Protected method to get time from whichever timer is parent.
Returns: Time on parent timer.
+ void ZE::ZTimer::Reset
+ (
+ )
+Set Timer back to Zero, will also unpause timer if it was paused.
+ void ZE::ZTimer::Pause
+ (
+ )
+Pause the timer if it is unpaused.
+ void ZE::ZTimer::Unpause
+ (
+ )
+Unpause the timer if it is paused.
+ Uint32 ZE::ZTimer::GetTime
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Get current time accounting for time paused.
Returns: Current Timer Time.
+ bool ZE::ZTimer::IsPaused
+ (
+ )
+ const
+Find out paused state of timer.
Returns: Paused state for timer.
+ The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/files.html b/doc/html/files.html
new file mode 100644
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+File Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine File List Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/functions.html b/doc/html/functions.html
new file mode 100644
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+Compound Member Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine Compound Members
+a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | k | l | m | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | ~
+Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
+: ZE::ZImage RandDouble()
+: ZE::ZEngine RandLong()
+: ZE::ZEngine rBGColor
+: ZE::ZFont RButtonPressed()
+: ZE::ZEngine rChannelID
+: ZE::ZSound rCode
+: ZE::ZError rColor
+: ZE::ZFont rDescription
+: ZE::ZError Release()
+: ZE::ZSound , ZE::ZMusic , ZE::ZImage , ZE::ZFont ReleaseInstance()
+: ZE::ZEngine Reload()
+: ZE::ZImage rEngine
+: ZE::ZTimer , ZE::ZSound , ZE::ZMusic , ZE::ZImage , ZE::ZFont ReportError()
+: ZE::ZEngine RequestQuit()
+: ZE::ZEngine Reset()
+: ZE::ZTimer Resize()
+: ZE::ZRect , ZE::ZImage , ZE::ZFont ResizeRel()
+: ZE::ZRect Rewind()
+: ZE::ZMusic rFileLayout
+: ZE::ZConfigFile rFilename
+: ZE::ZFont , ZE::ZError , ZE::ZConfigFile rFont
+: ZE::ZFont rHeight
+: ZE::ZRect , ZE::ZImage Right()
+: ZE::ZRect rImage
+: ZE::ZImage rLastPause
+: ZE::ZTimer rLine
+: ZE::ZError rMusic
+: ZE::ZMusic rPaused
+: ZE::ZTimer rPausedTime
+: ZE::ZTimer rSound
+: ZE::ZSound rTexID
+: ZE::ZImage rTexMaxX
+: ZE::ZImage rTexMaxY
+: ZE::ZImage rTexMinX
+: ZE::ZImage rTexMinY
+: ZE::ZImage rUseZEngine
+: ZE::ZTimer rWidth
+: ZE::ZRect , ZE::ZImage rX
+: ZE::ZRect rY
+: ZE::ZRect
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/globals.html b/doc/html/globals.html
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+File Member Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine File Members
+f | m | u | v | z
+Here is a list of all documented file members with links to the documentation:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/index.html b/doc/html/index.html
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+ZEngine Documentation
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine Documentation
0.8.3 Author: James Turk
+Version: 0.8.3
+Date: April 27, 2003
+About ZEngine
+ -ZEngine is designed to provide a powerful yet easy to use 2D game engine in a well designed Object Oriented manner, and uses cross platform libraries such as SDL and OpenGL. (ZEngine can use SDL_ttf,SDL_image, SDL_mixer, and PhysFS all of which are cross platform as well as Open Source.)
+ -It is licensed under a BSD-style license, and anyone is free to suggest or implement changes to be added to the Engine, as well as modify the engine to their own needs or use it however they like.
+ -ZEngine now uses OpenGL rather than SDL to do 2D drawing, thus increasing the uses of the engine and making the engine much faster in all test cases, and the engine was tested for memory leaks with MSVC and is known to have no leaks.
+ -The ZEngine website : http://zengine.sourceforge.net/.
+ -The ZEngine tutorials : http://conceptofzero.net/tutorials/zengine/.
+ -The ZEngine forums : http://www.conceptofzero.net/forums/index.php?act=SF&f=15
+ This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
+ Licensed under a BSD-style license.
+ The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net )
+ and the home of this Library is http://zengine.sourceforge.net
+Contributing Authors
+ James Turk james@conceptofzero.net - Core Engine, Design, Docs, and Classes
+ Gamer Tazar tazar@conceptofzero.net - OpenGL assistance
+ Sean sean@conceptofzero.net - MSVC++6 Project Files
+ Kevin Watters kwatters@adelphia.net - Fix to ZImage::SetColorKey<br>Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/mt19937ar_8h-source.html b/doc/html/mt19937ar_8h-source.html
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+/include/external/mt19937ar.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/external/mt19937ar.h 00001 #ifndef __mt19937ar__
+00002 #define __mt19937ar__
+00007 #include <cstdio>
+00009 #define N 624
+00010 #define M 397
+00011 #define MATRIX_A 0x9908b0dfUL
+00012 #define UPPER_MASK 0x80000000UL
+00013 #define LOWER_MASK 0x7fffffffUL
+00015 void init_genrand(unsigned long s);
+00016 unsigned long genrand_int32(void );
+00017 long genrand_int31(void );
+00018 double genrand_real1(void );
+00019 double genrand_real2(void );
+00020 double genrand_real3(void );
+00021 double genrand_res53(void );
+00023 #endif //__mt19937ar__
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
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+ZE Namespace Reference
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZE Namespace Reference Detailed Description
+Namespace for ZEngine classes and utility functions.
+class ZConfigFile
+ ZConfigFile Class for use in ZEngine . More...
+class ZCF_Variable
+ ZConfigFile Variable class. More...
+class ZCF_Section
+ ZConfigFile Section class. More...
+class ZEngine
+ Main ZEngine Singleton Class. More...
+class ZError
+ ZError class for describing errors. More...
+class ZFont
+ ZFont class for basic Font use. More...
+class ZImage
+ ZImage class for basic Image use. More...
+class ZMusic
+ ZMusic class for playing full length music (eg. ogg or wav). More...
+class ZRect
+ ZEngine class for simplified rectangle use. More...
+class ZSound
+ ZSound class for playing sound effects. (WAV). More...
+class ZTimer
+ ZTimer class for Timer use. More...
+enum ZErrorCode {
+ }
+ Enumeration of ZEngine error codes. More...
+string FormatStr (const char *fmtstr,...)
+ Parses a string and interprets variable arguments, similar to sprintf.
+Enumeration Type Documentation
+ enum ZE::ZErrorCode
+All the error codes currently possibly by ZEngine , note that ZERR_LAST is not used as an error code, but instead as a range check on the others.
Enumeration values:
+No error has occured.
+Error internal to SDL has occured, usually more detail is given by SDL.
+Error Initializing SDL.
+Error Initializing SDL_mixer.
+Error Initializing SDL_ttf.
+Error Initializing SDL_net.
+Error setting up the display.
+Error loading an image.
+Error loading a sound sample.
+Error loading music.
+Error loading a font.
+Error trying to use a ZImage without properly loading an image.
+Error trying to use a ZSound without properly loading a sound.
+Error trying to use a ZMusic without properly loading music.
+Error trying to use a ZFont without properly loading a font.
+Error trying to use a ZClient without having an open socket.
+Error using SDL_net in ZClient.
+Error using SDL_net in ZClient.
+Value used as range index, not a valid error code.
+Function Documentation
+ string ZE::FormatStr
+ (
+ const char *
+ fmtstr ,
+ ...
+ )
+Takes identifiers out of fmtstr and parses them, replacing them with cooresponding values in the variable arguments list. For more detail view stdarg documentation.
+ fmtstr defines format of resulting string
+ ... variable number of arguments after fmtstr
+Returns: string of parsed and combined string
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/namespacemembers.html b/doc/html/namespacemembers.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Namespace Member Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine Namespace Members
+f | z
+Here is a list of all documented namespace members with links to the namespaces they belong to:
+: ZE ZErrorCode
+: ZE
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/namespaces.html b/doc/html/namespaces.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Namespace Index
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+ZEngine Namespace List Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
+Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:01 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2
diff --git a/doc/html/physfsrwops_8h-source.html b/doc/html/physfsrwops_8h-source.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839520c
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+/include/external/physfsrwops.h Source File
+Main Page Namespace List Compound List File List Namespace Members Compound Members File Members
+/include/external/physfsrwops.h 00001
+00022 #ifndef _INCLUDE_PHYSFSRWOPS_H_
+00023 #define _INCLUDE_PHYSFSRWOPS_H_
+00025 #include <physfs.h>
+00026 #include <SDL.h>
+00038 SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openRead(const char *fname);
+00050 SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openWrite(const char *fname);
+00062 SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openAppend(const char *fname);
+00074 SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_makeRWops(PHYSFS_file *handle);
+00077 #endif
+ Generated on Sun Apr 27 18:14:00 2003 for ZEngine by
+ 1.3-rc2