diff --git a/include/ZE_Defines.h b/include/ZE_Defines.h
index 1ba85c6..4730c7c 100644
--- a/include/ZE_Defines.h
+++ b/include/ZE_Defines.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
\brief Define file for ZEngine where all #define statements to control compilation options are placed.
Definition file, holds #define statements describing optional features of ZEngine.
$Id: ZE_Defines.h,v 1.23 2003/09/05 19:44:13 cozman Exp $
$Id: ZE_Defines.h,v 1.24 2003/10/03 22:03:29 cozman Exp $
\author James Turk
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
//! Define to include sound support.
-//! Define to use the Physfs file system.
-//#define USE_PHYSFS
//! Define to use depreciated code that has not been entirely removed.
diff --git a/include/ZE_ZEngine.h b/include/ZE_ZEngine.h
index 9aa4be5..1977753 100644
--- a/include/ZE_ZEngine.h
+++ b/include/ZE_ZEngine.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
\brief Definition file for core ZEngine class.
ZEngine Game Engine core Engine definition.
$Id: ZE_ZEngine.h,v 1.51 2003/10/03 21:54:42 cozman Exp $
$Id: ZE_ZEngine.h,v 1.52 2003/10/03 22:03:29 cozman Exp $
\author James Turk
@@ -646,38 +646,6 @@ class ZEngine
double RandDouble();
- /*!
- \brief Load a Sound
- Loads a Sound to a SoundData class which keeps vital information on the Sound
- \param filename path to file to load.
- \return A Mix_Chunk pointer to data.
- **/
- Mix_Chunk* LoadSound(std::string filename);
- /*!
- \brief Load a Music File
- Loads a Music Clip to a MusicData class which keeps vital information on the Music Data
- \param filename path to file to load.
- \return A Mix_Music pointer to data.
- **/
- Mix_Music* LoadMusic(std::string filename);
-#ifdef USE_SDL_TTF
- /*!
- \brief Load a Font.
- Loads a Font to a FontData class which keeps vital information on the Font
- \param filename path to file to load.
- \param size point size of font
- \return A TTF_Font pointer to data.
- **/
- TTF_Font* LoadFont(std::string filename, int size);
diff --git a/include/ZE_ZRect.h b/include/ZE_ZRect.h
index 2cff327..f6873f9 100644
--- a/include/ZE_ZRect.h
+++ b/include/ZE_ZRect.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
\brief Definition file for ZRect.
Definition file for ZRect, the Rectangle class for ZEngine.
$Id: ZE_ZRect.h,v 1.12 2003/08/01 21:57:32 cozman Exp $
$Id: ZE_ZRect.h,v 1.13 2003/10/03 22:03:29 cozman Exp $
\author James Turk
@@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ class ZRect
ZRect(const ZRect &rhs);
+ /*!
+ \brief Virtual Destructor.
+ Virtual destructor making future inheritance safe.
+ **/
+ virtual ~ZRect();
\brief Overload for = operator with ZRect.
@@ -89,13 +96,6 @@ class ZRect
const ZRect& operator=(const ZRect &rhs);
- /*!
- \brief Virtual Destructor.
- Virtual destructor making future inheritance safe.
- **/
- virtual ~ZRect();
\brief Overload for < operator with ZRect, based upon location then size.