diff --git a/include/ZE_ZError.h b/include/ZE_ZError.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6f93254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ZE_ZError.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
+ Licensed under a BSD-style license.
+ The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net)
+ and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net
+\par File Header:
+File: ZE_ZError.h
+Description: Header file for ZEngine Error Object.
+Author(s): James Turk
+$Id: ZE_ZError.h,v 1.1 2003/01/15 05:40:09 cozman Exp $
+ \file ZE_ZError.h
+ \brief Definition file for ZError.
+ Definition file for ZError, the Error logging class for ZEngine.
+ This class should never be used by the average user, it is used by ZEngine to store information on an error.
+#ifndef __ze_zerror_h__
+#define __ze_zerror_h__
+#include "ZE_Macros.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ZE
+enum ZErrorCode
+ ZERR_NONE, //no error
+ ZERR_SDL_INTERNAL, //other internal error
+ ZERR_SDL_INIT, ZERR_MIX_INIT, ZERR_TTF_INIT, //Initialization errors
+ ZERR_VIDMODE, //Error setting video mode.
+ \brief ZError class for describing errors.
+ ZError class for storing and printing information on errors. Inherited from ZObject and tied closely to ZEngine.
+ \since 0.8.2
+class ZError
+ protected:
+ //! Static Array of Error Identifiers
+ static string sErrorDesc[ZERR_LAST];
+ //! Error ID.
+ ZErrorCode rCode;
+ //! Error Description.
+ string rDescription;
+ //! File which error occured in.
+ string rFilename;
+ //! Line which error occured on.
+ unsigned int rLine;
+ public:
+ /*!
+ \brief Default constructor for ZError.
+ Make new ZError object, by default set rCode to ZERR_NONE with no description.
+ \param code ZErrorCode to set object to, defaults to ZERR_NONE.
+ \param desc Description to use for object, defaults to nothing.
+ \param file Optional argument specifying the file the error occured in.
+ \param line Optional argument specifying the line the error occured on.
+ **/
+ ZError(ZErrorCode code=ZERR_NONE, string desc="", string file="", int line=0);
+ /*!
+ \brief Set members of error object.
+ Set new values in ZError object.
+ \param code ZErrorCode to set object to.
+ \param desc Description to use for object, defaults to nothing.
+ \param file Optional argument specifying the file the error occured in.
+ \param line Optional argument specifying the line the error occured on.
+ **/
+ void Create(ZErrorCode code, string desc="", string file="", int line=0);
+ /////////////
+ //Accessors//
+ /////////////
+ /*!
+ \brief Get ZErrorCode of error.
+ Access ZErrorCode of the ZError object.
+ \return The error ZErrorCode.
+ **/
+ ZErrorCode Code();
+ /*!
+ \brief Get formatted string for log file.
+ Return the string to be written to the logfile. Called by ZEngine in LogError.
+ **/
+ string LogString();
+#endif //__ze_zerror_h__
diff --git a/src/ZE_ZError.cpp b/src/ZE_ZError.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6c70b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ZE_ZError.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
+ Licensed under a BSD-style license.
+ The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net)
+ and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net
+\par File Header:
+File: ZE_ZError.cpp
+Description: Implementation source file for core ZEngine Error Object.
+Author(s): James Turk
+$Id: ZE_ZError.cpp,v 1.1 2003/01/15 05:40:09 cozman Exp $
+ \file ZE_ZError.cpp
+ \brief Source file for ZError.
+ Implementation of ZError, the ZEngine internal error information storage class.
+#include "ZE_ZError.h"
+namespace ZE
+string ZError::sErrorDesc[] =
+ "No Error. [%s]",
+ "SDL Error. [%s]",
+ "Error Initializing SDL: %s", "Error Initializing SDL_mixer: %s", "Error Initializing SDL_ttf: %s",
+ "Error Creating Display: %s",
+ "Failed to load Image: %s", "Failed to load Sound: %s", "Failed to load Music: %s", "Failed to load Font: %s",
+ "Called ZImage::%s with no Image loaded.", "Called ZSound::%s with no Sound loaded.",
+ "Called ZMusic::%s with no Music loaded.", "Called ZFont::%s with no Font loaded."
+ZError::ZError(ZErrorCode code, string desc, string file, int line)
+ rCode = code;
+ rDescription = desc;
+ rFilename = file;
+ rLine = line;
+void ZError::Create(ZErrorCode code, string desc, string file, int line)
+ rCode = code;
+ rDescription = desc;
+ rFilename = file;
+ rLine = line;
+ZErrorCode ZError::Code()
+ return rCode;
+string ZError::LogString()
+ string msg;
+ msg = rDescription.length() ? FormatStr(sErrorDesc[rCode].c_str(),rDescription.c_str()) : sErrorDesc[rCode];
+ if(rLine != 0)
+ return FormatStr(" -%s(%d): %s\n",rFilename.c_str(),rLine,msg.c_str());
+ else if(rFilename.length())
+ return FormatStr(" -%s: %s\n",rFilename.c_str(),msg.c_str());
+ else
+ return FormatStr(" -%s\n",msg.c_str());