2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2002-12-29 06:50:19 +00:00
This file is Part of the ZEngine Library for 2D game development.
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2002-12-29 06:50:19 +00:00
Licensed under a BSD-style license.
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net)
2002-12-29 06:50:19 +00:00
and the home of this Library is http://www.zengine.sourceforge.net
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
\par File Header:
File: ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp <br>
Description: Implementation source file for ZConfigFile, the ZEngine INI-Style Config File. <br>
Author(s): James Turk <br>
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
$Id: ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp,v 1.6 2003/02/10 04:02:38 cozman Exp $<br>
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
\file ZE_ZConfigFile.cpp
\brief Source file for ZConfigFile.
Implementation of ZConfigFile, the ZEngine INI-Style Config File.
#include "ZE_ZConfigFile.h"
namespace ZE
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
string ZConfigFile::CleanString(string str) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
string tmpStr;
bool inQuotes = false;
//cycle through, only copy spaces and if a character is uppercase, convert it to lowercase
for(string::size_type i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
if(!isspace(str[i]) || inQuotes)
if(str[i] == '\"')
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
if(isupper(str[i]) && !inQuotes)
str[i] = static_cast<char>(tolower(str[i]));
tmpStr += str[i];
return tmpStr;
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
bool ZConfigFile::Exists(string sec) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
sec = CleanString(sec);
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); secIter++)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)
return true;
return false;
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
bool ZConfigFile::Exists(string sec, string var) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;
list<ZCF_Variable>::const_iterator varIter;
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
sec = CleanString(sec);
var = CleanString(var);
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); secIter++)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)
for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); varIter++)
if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var)
return true;
return false;
void ZConfigFile::SetVariable(string sec, string var, string val)
list<ZCF_Section>::iterator secIter;
list<ZCF_Variable>::iterator varIter;
sec = CleanString(sec);
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); secIter++)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec) //if this is the section
var = CleanString(var);
for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); varIter++)
if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var) //if this is the variable
(*varIter).val = val;
break; //break from this loop
break; //done in the for loop, time to go
ZCF_Variable tempVar;
tempVar.var = var;
ZCF_Section tempSec;
tempSec.section = sec;
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
string ZConfigFile::GetVariable(string sec, string var, string defVal) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;
list<ZCF_Variable>::const_iterator varIter;
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
sec = CleanString(sec);
var = CleanString(var);
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); secIter++)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec) //if this is the section
for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); varIter++)
if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var) //if this is the variable
return (*varIter).val; //return now
break; //done in the for loop, time to go
return defVal;
return defVal; //if it gets to the end just return the default
ZConfigFile::ZConfigFile() {}
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
ZConfigFile::ZConfigFile(string rFilename)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
void ZConfigFile::Process(string filename)
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
rFilename = filename;
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
ifstream cfile(rFilename.c_str());
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
string section, str, var, tmp;
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
while(!cfile.eof() && cfile.is_open())
getline(cfile,str); //read in a line
tmp = CleanString(str); //get a clean version
//if string is bracketed it is a section, if it begins in a letter it is a variable
if(tmp[0] == '[' && tmp[tmp.length()-1] == ']')
section = str;
else if(isalpha(tmp[0]))
var = str.substr(0,str.find('=')); //split the string at the equals sign
2003-02-10 03:04:46 +00:00
float ZConfigFile::GetFloat(string section, string var, float defVal) const
string val;
char tmp[20];
section = CleanString(section);
var = CleanString(var);
section = '[' + section + ']';
val = GetVariable(section,var,tmp);
if(!atof(val.c_str()) && val[0] !='0') //if it is zero but doesn't start with a zero
return defVal;
return static_cast<float>(atof(val.c_str())); //atof returns a double(?!)
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
int ZConfigFile::GetInt(string section, string var, int defVal) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
string val;
char tmp[20];
section = CleanString(section);
var = CleanString(var);
section = '[' + section + ']';
val = GetVariable(section,var,tmp);
if(!atoi(val.c_str()) && val[0] !='0') //if it is zero but doesn't start with a zero
return defVal;
return atoi(val.c_str());
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
bool ZConfigFile::GetBool(string section, string var, bool defVal) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
string val,tmp;
section = CleanString(section);
var = CleanString(var);
section = '[' + section + ']';
tmp = defVal ? "true" : "false";
val = CleanString(GetVariable(section,var,tmp));
if(val == "true" || val == "1")
return true;
else if(val == "false" || val == "0")
return false;
return defVal;
2003-01-16 05:45:58 +00:00
string ZConfigFile::GetString(string section, string var, string defVal) const
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
string val;
section = CleanString(section);
var = CleanString(var);
section = '[' + section + ']';
val = CleanString(GetVariable(section,var,defVal));
if(val == CleanString(defVal))
val = defVal;
if(val[0] == '\"' && val[val.length()-1] == '\"')
return val.substr(1,val.length()-2); //chop off quotes
return val;
2003-02-10 03:04:46 +00:00
void ZConfigFile::SetFloat(string section, string var, float val)
char buf[20];
section = '[' + section + ']';
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
void ZConfigFile::SetInt(string section, string var, int val)
char buf[20];
section = '[' + section + ']';
void ZConfigFile::SetBool(string section, string var, bool val)
string tmp = val ? "true" : "false";
section = '[' + section + ']';
void ZConfigFile::SetString(string section, string var, string val)
section = '[' + section + ']';
val = "\"" + val + "\"";
void ZConfigFile::Flush()
list<ZCF_Section>::iterator secIter;
list<ZCF_Variable>::iterator varIter;
string secName;
//in case the filename is already cleared somehow
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
ofstream cfile(rFilename.c_str(), ios::out|ios::trunc);
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
//iteration through sections
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); secIter++)
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00
//ensure that section is valid
secName = CleanString((*secIter).section);
if(secName.length() && secName[0] == '[' && secName[secName.length()-1] == ']')
cfile << (*secIter).section << endl; //write out raw section title
//for each variable in section, write out variable=value
for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); varIter++)
if(CleanString((*varIter).var).length()) //ensures that variable is valid
cfile << (*varIter).var << '=' << (*varIter).val << endl;
void ZConfigFile::Close()
2003-02-10 04:02:38 +00:00
rFilename = "";
2002-12-01 07:56:17 +00:00