/******************************************************************************* This file is Part of the Gewi GUI Library for ZEngine. Gewi and ZEngine Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 James Turk Licensed under a BSD-style license. (see licensing.txt) The maintainer of this library is James Turk (james@conceptofzero.net) this library is found at the home of ZEngine http://zengine.sourceforge.net *******************************************************************************/ /*! \file ZE_ZConfigFile.h \brief Definition file for ZConfigFile. Definition file for ZConfigFile, an INI-style config file format.
$ id: ZE_ZConfigFile.h,v 1.9 2003/02/10 04:40:16 cozman Exp $
\author James Turk **/ #ifndef __gewicontainer_h__ #define __gewicontainer_h__ #include "GewiIncludes.h" #include "GewiWidgetList.h" #include "GewiWidget.h" namespace Gewi { class GContainer : public GWidget { //friend here is used simply to allow GWidget proper access to what used to belong to it before //the class split GWidget needs access to Add/ReleaseChild but to make them public would _reduce_ //encapsulation (for those keeping score, this is to many people the only effective use of friend) friend GWidget; protected: WidgetList rChildList; void AddChild(GWidget *widget); void ReleaseChild(GWidget *widget); void InsertWidget(WidgetNode *node); public: GContainer(GContainer *parent=NULL); void Move(float x, float y); void Message(SDL_Event *rawEvent, GewiEvent event, Uint16 mouseX, Uint16 mouseY, char ch); void Show(); }; } #endif //__gewicontainer_h__