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298 lines
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Saucebrush Emitters are filters that instead of modifying the record, output
it in some manner.
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
class Emitter(Filter):
"""ABC for emitters
All derived emitters must provide an emit_record(self, record) that
takes a single record (python dictionary).
Emitters can optionally define a done() method that is called after
all records are processed (allowing database flushes, or printing of
aggregate data).
def process_record(self, record):
return record
def emit_record(self, record):
"""Abstract method to be overridden.
Called with a single record, should "emit" the record unmodified.
raise NotImplementedError(
"emit_record not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
def done(self):
"""No-op Method to be overridden.
Called when all processing is complete
class DebugEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that prints raw records to a file, useful for debugging.
DebugEmitter() by default prints to stdout.
DebugEmitter(open('test', 'w')) would print to a file named test
def __init__(self, outfile=None):
super(DebugEmitter, self).__init__()
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stdout
self._outfile = outfile
def emit_record(self, record):
class CountEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that writes the record count to a file-like object.
CountEmitter() by default writes to stdout.
CountEmitter(outfile=open('text', 'w')) would print to a file name test.
CountEmitter(every=1000000) would write the count every 1,000,000 records.
CountEmitter(every=100, of=2000) would write "<count> of 2000" every 100 records.
def __init__(self, every=1000, of=None, outfile=None, format=None):
super(CountEmitter, self).__init__()
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stdout
self._outfile = outfile
if format is None:
if of is not None:
format = "%(count)s of %(of)s\n"
format = "%(count)s\n"
self._format = format
self._every = every
self._of = of
self.count = 0
def format(self):
return self._format % {"count": self.count, "of": self._of}
def emit_record(self, record):
self.count += 1
if self.count % self._every == 0:
def done(self):
class CSVEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that writes records to a CSV file.
CSVEmitter(open('output.csv','w'), ('id', 'name', 'phone')) writes all
records to a csvfile with the columns in the order specified.
def __init__(self, csvfile, fieldnames):
super(CSVEmitter, self).__init__()
import csv
self._dictwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames)
# write header row
header_row = dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldnames))
def emit_record(self, record):
class SqliteEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that writes records to a SQLite database.
SqliteEmitter('addressbook.db', 'friend') writes all records to the
friends table in the SQLite database named addressbook.db
(To have the emitter create the table, the fieldnames should be passed
as a third parameter to SqliteEmitter.)
def __init__(self, dbname, table_name, fieldnames=None, replace=False, quiet=False):
super(SqliteEmitter, self).__init__()
import sqlite3
self._conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
self._cursor = self._conn.cursor()
self._table_name = table_name
self._replace = replace
self._quiet = quiet
if fieldnames:
create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)" % (
", ".join([" ".join((field, "TEXT")) for field in fieldnames]),
def emit_record(self, record):
import sqlite3
# input should be escaped with ? if data isn't trusted
qmarks = ",".join(("?",) * len(record))
insert = "INSERT OR REPLACE" if self._replace else "INSERT"
insert = "%s INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
self._cursor.execute(insert, list(record.values()))
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ie:
if not self._quiet:
raise ie
self.reject_record(record, ie.message)
def done(self):
class SqlDumpEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that writes SQL INSERT statements.
The output generated by the SqlDumpEmitter is intended to be used to
populate a mySQL database.
SqlDumpEmitter(open('addresses.sql', 'w'), 'friend', ('name', 'phone'))
writes statements to addresses.sql to insert the data
into the friends table.
def __init__(self, outfile, table_name, fieldnames):
super(SqlDumpEmitter, self).__init__()
self._fieldnames = fieldnames
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stderr
self._outfile = outfile
self._insert_str = "INSERT INTO `%s` (`%s`) VALUES (%%s);\n" % (
def quote(self, item):
if item is None:
return "null"
types = (basestring,)
except NameError:
types = (str,)
if isinstance(item, types):
item = item.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'").replace(chr(0), "0")
return "'%s'" % item
return "%s" % item
def emit_record(self, record):
quoted_data = [self.quote(record[field]) for field in self._fieldnames]
self._outfile.write(self._insert_str % ",".join(quoted_data))
class DjangoModelEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that populates a table corresponding to a django model.
Takes a django settings file, app label and model name and uses django
to insert the records into the appropriate table.
DjangoModelEmitter('settings.py', 'addressbook', 'friend') writes
records to addressbook.models.friend model using database settings
from settings.py.
def __init__(self, dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
super(DjangoModelEmitter, self).__init__()
from saucebrush.utils import get_django_model
self._dbmodel = get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name)
if not self._dbmodel:
raise Exception("No such model: %s %s" % (app_label, model_name))
def emit_record(self, record):
class MongoDBEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that creates a document in a MongoDB datastore
The names of the database and collection in which the records will
be inserted are required parameters. The host and port are optional,
defaulting to 'localhost' and 27017, repectively.
def __init__(
super(MongoDBEmitter, self).__init__()
from pymongo.database import Database
if not isinstance(database, Database):
if not conn:
from pymongo.connection import Connection
conn = Connection(host, port)
db = conn[database]
db = database
if drop_collection:
self.collection = db[collection]
def emit_record(self, record):
class LoggingEmitter(Emitter):
"""Emitter that logs to a Python logging.Logger instance.
The msg_template will be passed the record being emitted as
a format parameter. The resulting message will get logged
at the provided level.
import logging
def __init__(self, logger, msg_template, level=logging.DEBUG):
super(LoggingEmitter, self).__init__()
self.logger = logger
self.msg_template = msg_template
self.level = level
def emit_record(self, record):
self.logger.log(self.level, self.msg_template % record)