saucebrush |release| ==================== Overview -------- saucebrush is a tool for writing ETL pipelines in pure python. The basic premise of saucebrush is that you write `Recipe` that can then be applied to data. A `Recipe` is a pipeline consisting of `sources`, `filters`, and `sinks`. A `source` is a simple object that yields one data one piece at a time. An example of a source might be a CSV file or database, it is also possible to write your own sources. A `filter` is a function that takes a single record and returns a modified version of that record. Writing a filter is as simple as writing a function that modifies a single record in the desired way. A fairly comprehensive suite of common filters is also available making it possible to do common tasks without writing any of your own filters. An `emitter` is actually a special case `filter` that doesn't modify the record but instead writes data out in some way. Emitters can be hooked in anywhere in your pipeline but are typically placed at the end to save the results of a recipe. Similarly to `sources` filters exist for most common formats (CSV, various SQL dialects, etc.) and it is also possible to write your own emitter. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`