saucebrush moving from bzr to svn :(
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
from saucebrush.sources import CSVSource
from saucebrush.outputs import CSVOutput, DebugOutput
def merge_columns(datasource, mapping, merge_func):
for rowdata in datasource:
for to_col,from_cols in mapping.iteritems():
values = [rowdata.pop(col, None) for col in from_cols]
rowdata[to_col] = reduce(merge_func, values)
yield rowdata
def add_column(datasource, column_name, column_value):
if callable(column_value):
for rowdata in datasource:
rowdata[column_name] = column_value()
for rowdata in datasource:
rowdata[column_name] = column_value
def legislators_to_ids(datasource):
for rowdata in datasource:
names = rowdata['members'].split('; ')
parties = rowdata['parties'].split('; ')
states = rowdata['states'].split('; ')
if not len(names) == len(parties) == len(states):
raise Exception('line %d: len(names)=%d, len(parties)=%d, len(states)=%d' % (rowdata['row'], len(names), len(parties), len(states)))
members = zip(names, parties, states)
for name, party, state in members:
def main():
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
column_names = ['house_amount', 'senate_amount', 'conference_amount',
'budget_request', 'request_letter', 'description', 'benficiary',
'address', 'city', 'county', 'state', 'zipcode', 'bill',
'bill_section', 'bill_subsection', 'project_heading',
'house_members', 'house_parties', 'house_states',
'senate_members', 'senate_parties', 'senate_states',
'presidential', 'undisclosed', 'intended_recipient', 'notes']
output_names = ['appropriated', 'budget_request', 'request_letter',
'description', 'benficiary',
'address', 'city', 'county', 'state', 'zipcode', 'bill',
'bill_section', 'bill_subsection', 'project_heading',
'members', 'parties', 'states',
'presidential', 'undisclosed', 'intended_recipient', 'notes']
data = CSVSource(open(filename), column_names, 1)
data = merge_columns(data, {'appropriated': ['house_amount', 'senate_amount', 'conference_amount'],
'members': ['house_members', 'senate_members'],
'parties': ['house_parties', 'senate_parties'],
'states': ['house_states', 'senate_states']},
lambda x,y: x or y)
output = CSVOutput(open('brushed.'+filename,'w'), output_names)
for item in data:
if __name__=='__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
from saucebrush.sources import FixedWidthFileSource
from saucebrush.filters import FieldModifier, FieldRemover
from saucebrush.emitters import SqliteEmitter, SqlDumpEmitter
from saucebrush import run_recipe
CM_FIELDS = [('id',9),('name',90),('treasurer',38),('street_1',34),
# party_1 and party_3 become party and party_2
CN_FIELDS = [('id',9), ('name',38), ('party',3), ('fillerA',3), ('party_2',3),
('seat_status',1), ('fillerB',1), ('status',1), ('street_1',34),
('street_2',34), ('city',18), ('state',2), ('zipcode',5),
('committee_id', 9), ('election_year',2), ('district', 2)]
# Combines year field (split in data for no apparent reason)
INDIV_FIELDS = [('filer_id',9), ('amendment',1), ('report_type', 3),
('primary_general',1), ('microfilm_loc',11),
('transaction_type',3), ('name',34), ('city',18), ('state', 2),
('zipcode', 5), ('occupation', 35), ('month', 2), ('day', 2),
('year',4), ('amount',7), ('other_id',9),
# Combines year field (split in data for no apparent reason)
PAS2_FIELDS = [('id',9), ('amendment',1), ('report_type', 3),
('primary_general',1), ('microfilm_loc',11),
('transaction_type',3), ('month', 2), ('day', 2),
('year',4), ('amount',7), ('other_id',9), ('candidate_id',9),
('fec_record_number', 7)]
def fix_cobol_number(number):
mapping = {']':'0', 'j':'1', 'k':'2', 'l':'3', 'm':'4', 'n':'5', 'o':'6', 'p':'7', 'q':'8', 'r':'9'}
number = number.lstrip('0')
if not number:
number = '0'
elif number[-1] in mapping.keys():
number = '-' + number[0:-1] + mapping[number[-1]]
return number
def process_fec_year(year):
# committees
source = FixedWidthFileSource(open('%s/foiacm.dta' % year), CM_FIELDS)
#sqlite = SqliteOutput('fec%s.sqlite' % year, 'committee', [f[0] for f in CM_FIELDS if f[0] != 'filler'])
emit_mysql = SqlDumpEmitter(open('fec%s.sql' % year,'a'), 'committee', [f[0] for f in CM_FIELDS if f[0] != 'filler'])
run_recipe(source, [emit_mysql])
# candidate
source = FixedWidthFileSource(open('%s/foiacn.dta' % year), CN_FIELDS)
fieldremover = FieldRemover(('fillerA', 'fillerB'))
#sqlite = SqliteOutput('fec%s.sqlite' % year, 'candidate', [f[0] for f in CN_FIELDS if f[0] != 'filler'])
emit_mysql = SqlDumpEmitter(open('fec%s.sql' % year,'a'), 'candidate', [f[0] for f in CN_FIELDS if not f[0].startswith('filler')])
run_recipe(source, [fieldremover, emit_mysql])
# contributions
source = FixedWidthFileSource(open('%s/itcont.dta' % year), INDIV_FIELDS)
decobolizer = FieldModifier(('amount', ), fix_cobol_number)
#sqlite = SqliteOutput('fec%s.sqlite' % year, 'contribution', [f[0] for f in INDIV_FIELDS if f[0] != 'filler'])
emit_mysql = SqlDumpEmitter(open('fec%s.sql' % year,'a'), 'contribution', [f[0] for f in INDIV_FIELDS if f[0] != 'filler'])
run_recipe(source, [decobolizer, emit_mysql])
if __name__=='__main__':
#for year in [2000,2002,2004,2006,2008]:
# process_fec_year(year)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import re
import exceptions
class FECSource(object):
SPLIT_CHAR = '\x1c'
'F56' : ['form_type', 'committee_id', 'transaction_id', 'entity_type',
'contributor_organization', 'contributor_lastname', 'contributor_firstname',
'contributor_middlename', 'contributor_prefix', 'contributor_suffix',
'contributor_street1', 'contributor_street2', 'contributor_city',
'contributor_state', 'contributor_zip', 'contributor_committee_id',
'date', 'amount', 'contributor_employer', 'contributor_occupation']
# use Regex to map forms to keys in FORM_FIELDS
('F1(A|N)', 'F1'),
('F1S', 'F1S'),
('F1M(A|N)', 'F1M'),
('F2(A|N)', 'F2'),
('F2S', 'F2S'),
('F24', 'F24'),
('F3(N|A|T)', 'F3'),
('F3S', 'F3S'),
('F3ZT?', 'F3Z'),
('F3P(N|A|T)', 'F3P'),
('F3PS', 'F3PS'),
('F3P31AL', 'F3P31AL'),
('F3X(N|A|T)', 'F3X'),
('F4(N|A|T)', 'F4'),
('F5(N|A|T)', 'F5'),
('F56', 'F56'),
('F57', 'F57'),
('F6', 'F6'),
('F65', 'F65'),
('F7(N|A|T)', 'F7'),
('F76', 'F76'),
('F8(N|A|T)', 'F8'),
('F82', 'F82'),
('F83', 'F83'),
('F9(A|N)', 'F9'),
('F91', 'F91'),
('F92', 'F92'),
('F93', 'F93'),
('F94', 'F94'),
('F10', 'F10'),
('F105', 'F105'),
('F13(A|N)', 'F13'),
('F132', 'F132'),
('F133', 'F133'),
('F99', 'F99'),
('SA.+', 'SA'),
('SB.+', 'SB'),
('SC/.+', 'SC'),
('SC1/.+', 'SC1'),
('SC2/.+', 'SC2'),
('SD.+', 'SD'),
('SE', 'SE'),
('SF', 'SF'),
('H1', 'H1'),
('H2', 'H2'),
('H3', 'H3'),
('H4', 'H4'),
('H5', 'H5'),
('H6', 'H6'),
('SI', 'SI'),
('SL', 'SL'),
('TEXT', 'TEXT'),
# compile regexes with optional quotes
FORM_MAPPING = dict( [(re.compile("(\")?%s(\")?" % pattern), form)
for pattern,form in FORM_MAPPING] )
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.fecfile = open(filename)
self.header = self.fecfile.readline().split(self.SPLIT_CHAR)
if self.header[0] != "HDR":
print self.header
#assert self.header[2].startswith("6.2"), self.header
self._in_textblock = False
def get_form_type(rectype):
for type_re, type in FECSource.FORM_MAPPING.iteritems():
if type_re.match(rectype):
return type
def process_file(self):
begintext = re.compile('\[BEGINTEXT\]', re.IGNORECASE)
endtext = re.compile('\[ENDTEXT\]', re.IGNORECASE)
in_textblock = False
for line in self.fecfile:
# get fields from line
fields = line.split(self.SPLIT_CHAR)
# handle the BEGINTEXT/ENDTEXT blocks
if begintext.match(fields[0]):
in_textblock = True
elif begintext.match(fields[0]):
in_textblock = False
elif line != '\n' and not in_textblock:
type = self.get_form_type(fields[0])
if type in self.FORM_FIELDS:
yield dict(zip(self.FORM_FIELDS[type], fields))
def __iter__(self):
return self.process_file()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
CREATE TABLE `candidate` (
`id` char(9) default NULL,
`name` varchar(38) default NULL,
`party` char(3) default NULL,
`party_2` char(3) default NULL,
`seat_status` char(1) default NULL,
`status` char(1) default NULL,
`street_1` varchar(34) default NULL,
`street_2` varchar(34) default NULL,
`city` varchar(18) default NULL,
`state` char(2) default NULL,
`zipcode` char(5) default NULL,
`committee_id` char(9) default NULL,
`election_year` char(2) default NULL,
`district` char(2) default NULL
CREATE TABLE `committee` (
`id` char(9) default NULL,
`name` varchar(90) default NULL,
`treasurer` varchar(38) default NULL,
`street_1` varchar(34) default NULL,
`street_2` varchar(34) default NULL,
`city` varchar(18) default NULL,
`state` char(2) default NULL,
`zipcode` char(5) default NULL,
`designation` char(1) default NULL,
`type` char(1) default NULL,
`party` char(3) default NULL,
`filing_frequency` char(1) default NULL,
`interest_group_category` char(1) default NULL,
`connected_org_name` varchar(38) default NULL,
`candidate_id` char(9) default NULL
CREATE TABLE `contribution` (
`filer_id` char(9) default NULL,
`amendment` char(1) default NULL,
`report_type` char(3) default NULL,
`primary_general` char(1) default NULL,
`microfilm_loc` char(11) default NULL,
`transaction_type` char(3) default NULL,
`name` varchar(34) default NULL,
`city` varchar(18) default NULL,
`state` char(2) default NULL,
`zipcode` char(5) default NULL,
`occupation` varchar(35) default NULL,
`month` char(2) default NULL,
`day` char(2) default NULL,
`year` char(4) default NULL,
`amount` char(7) default NULL,
`other_id` char(9) default NULL,
`fec_record_number` char(7) default NULL
) ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from saucebrush.filters import Splitter, PhoneNumberCleaner, FieldMerger, FieldAdder
from saucebrush.emitters import DebugEmitter
import operator
import saucebrush
data = [{'person': {'firstname': 'James', 'lastname': 'Turk'},
'phones': [{'phone': '222-222-2222'}, {'phone': '(202) 333-3321'}]
namemerger = FieldMerger({'name': ('firstname', 'lastname')}, lambda x,y: ' '.join((x,y)))
phonecleaner = PhoneNumberCleaner(('phone',))
splitter = Splitter({'person':[namemerger], 'phones':[phonecleaner]})
ider = FieldAdder('id', [1,2,3,4,5])
saucebrush.run_recipe(data, [ider, splitter, DebugEmitter()])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Komodo Project File - DO NOT EDIT -->
<project id="875b0025-d5d2-49c0-8af5-948657bec420" kpf_version="4" name="saucebrush.kpf">
<preference-set idref="875b0025-d5d2-49c0-8af5-948657bec420">
<boolean id="import_live">1</boolean>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import filters, emitters, sources, utils
def run_recipe(source, filters):
# connect datapath
data = source
for filter in filters:
data = filter(data)
# actually run the data through (causes iterators to actually be called)
for record in data:
# try and call done() on all filters
for filter in filters:
except AttributeError:
pass # don't care if there isn't a done method
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
Saucebrush Emitters are filters that instead of modifying the record, output
it in some manner.
from exceptions import NotImplementedError
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
class Emitter(Filter):
""" ABC for emitters
All derived emitters must provide an emit_record(self, record) that
takes a single record (python dictionary).
Emitters can optionally define a close() method that is called after
all records are processed (allowing database flushes, or printing of
aggregate data).
def __init__(self):
super(Emitter, self).__init__()
def process_record(self, record):
return record
def emit_record(self, record):
""" Abstract method to be overridden.
Called with a single record, should "emit" the record unmodified.
raise NotImplementedError('emit_record not defined in ' +
def done(self):
""" No-op Method to be overridden.
Called when all processing is complete
class DebugEmitter(Emitter):
""" Emitter that prints raw records to a file, useful for debugging.
DebugEmitter() by default prints to stdout.
DebugEmitter(open('test', 'w')) would print to a file named test
def __init__(self, outfile=None):
super(DebugEmitter, self).__init__()
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stdout
self._outfile = outfile
def emit_record(self, record):
self._outfile.write(str(record) + '\n')
class CSVEmitter(Emitter):
""" Emitter that writes records to a CSV file.
CSVEmitter(open('output.csv','w'), ('id', 'name', 'phone')) writes all
records to a csvfile with the columns in the order specified.
def __init__(self, csvfile, fieldnames=None):
super(CSVEmitter, self).__init__()
import csv
self._dictwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames)
# write header row
self._dictwriter.writerow(dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldnames)))
def emit_record(self, record):
class SqliteEmitter(Emitter):
""" Emitter that writes records to a SQLite database.
SqliteEmitter('addressbook.db', 'friend') writes all records to the
friends table in the SQLite database named addressbook.db
(To have the emitter create the table, the fieldnames should be passed
as a third parameter to SqliteEmitter.)
def __init__(self, dbname, table_name, fieldnames=None):
self(SqliteEmitter, self).__init__()
import sqlite3
self._conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
self._cursor = self.conn.cursor()
self._table_name = table_name
if fieldnames:
create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)" % (table_name,
', '.join([' '.join((field, 'TEXT')) for field in fieldnames]))
def emit_record(self, record):
# input should be escaped with ? if data isn't trusted
qmarks = ','.join(('?',) * len(record))
insert = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (self._table_name,
self._cursor.execute(insert, record.values())
def done(self):
class SqlDumpEmitter(Emitter):
""" Emitter that writes SQL INSERT statements.
The output generated by the SqlDumpEmitter is intended to be used to
populate a mySQL database.
SqlDumpEmitter(open('addresses.sql', 'w'), 'friend', ('name', 'phone'))
writes statements to addresses.sql to insert the data
into the friends table.
def __init__(self, outfile, table_name, fieldnames):
super(SqlDumpEmitter, self).__init__()
self._fieldnames = fieldnames
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stderr
self._outfile = outfile
self._insert_str = "INSERT INTO `%s` (`%s`) VALUES (%%s);\n" % (table_name, '`,`'.join(fieldnames))
def quote(self, item):
return "'%s'" % item.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("'","\\'").replace(chr(0),'0')
def emit_record(self, record):
quoted_data = [self.quote(record[field]) for field in self._fieldnames]
self._outfile.write(self._insert_str % ','.join(quoted_data))
def done(self):
class DjangoModelEmitter(Emitter):
""" Emitter that populates a table corresponding to a django model.
Takes a django settings file, app label and model name and uses django
to insert the records into the appropriate table.
DjangoModelOutput('', 'addressbook', 'friend') writes
records to addressbook.models.friend model using database settings
def __init__(self, dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
super(DjangoModelEmitter, self).__init__()
from saucebrush.utils import get_django_model
self.dbmodel = get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name)
def emit_record(self, record):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
Saucebrush Filters are callables that take a Saucebrush source and yield
back filtered records.
The Filter, YieldFilter, and FieldFilter abstract base types are provided
for convenience. Derived classes only need to implement process_record
(or process_field for FieldFilter).
from exceptions import NotImplementedError
## Abstract Filters ##
class Filter(object):
""" ABC for filters that operate on records.
All derived filters must provide a process_record(self, record) that
takes a single record (python dictionary) and returns a result.
def __init__(self):
def process_record(self, record):
""" Abstract method to be overridden.
Called with a single record, should return modified record.
raise NotImplementedError('process_record not defined in ' +
def __call__(self, source):
for record in source:
yield self.process_record(record)
class YieldFilter(Filter):
""" ABC for defining filters where process_record yields.
If process_record cannot return exactly one result for every record
it is passed, it should yield back as many records as needed and the
filter must derive from YieldFilter.
def __init__(self):
super(YieldFilter, self).__init__()
def __call__(self, source):
for record in source:
for result in self.process_record(record):
yield result
class FieldFilter(Filter):
""" ABC for filters that do a single operation on individual fields.
All derived filters must provide a process_field(self, item) that
returns a modified item. process_field is called on one or more keys
passed into __init__.
def __init__(self, keys):
super(FieldFilter, self).__init__()
self._target_keys = keys
def process_record(self, record):
""" Calls process_field on all keys passed to __init__. """
for key in self._target_keys:
record[key] = self.process_field(record[key])
return record
def process_field(self, item):
""" Given a value, return the value that it should be replaced with. """
raise NotImplementedError('process_field not defined in ' +
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
## Generic Filters ##
class FieldModifier(FieldFilter):
""" Filter that calls a given function on a given set of fields.
FieldModifier(('spam','eggs'), abs) to call the abs method on the spam
and eggs fields in each record filtered.
def __init__(self, keys, func):
super(FieldModifier, self).__init__(keys)
self._filter_func = func
def process_field(self, item):
return self._filter_func(item)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys),
class FieldRemover(Filter):
""" Filter that removes a given set of fields.
FieldRemover(('spam', 'eggs')) removes the spam and eggs fields from
every record filtered.
def __init__(self, keys):
super(FieldRemover, self).__init__()
self._target_keys = keys
def process_record(self, record):
for key in self._target_keys:
record.pop(key, None)
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
class FieldMerger(Filter):
""" Filter that merges a given set of fields using a supplied merge_func.
Takes a mapping (dictionary of new_column:(from_col1,from_col2))
FieldMerger({"bacon": ("spam", "eggs")}, operator.add) creates a new
column bacon that is the result of spam+eggs
def __init__(self, mapping, merge_func):
super(FieldMerger, self).__init__()
self._field_mapping = mapping
self._merge_func = merge_func
def process_record(self, record):
for to_col,from_cols in self._field_mapping.iteritems():
values = [record.pop(col, None) for col in from_cols]
record[to_col] = self._merge_func(*values)
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__,
class FieldAdder(Filter):
""" Filter that adds a new field.
Takes a name for the new field and a value, field_value can be an
iterable, a function, or a static value.
from itertools import count
FieldAdder('id', count)
def __init__(self, field_name, field_value):
super(FieldAdder, self).__init__()
self._field_name = field_name
self._field_value = iter(field_value).next
except TypeError:
self._field_value = field_value
def process_record(self, record):
if callable(self._field_value):
record[self._field_name] = self._field_value()
record[self._field_name] = self._field_value
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._field_name,
class Splitter(Filter):
""" Filter that splits nested data into different paths.
Takes a dictionary of keys and a series of filters to run against the
associated dictionaries.
{'person': {'firstname': 'James', 'lastname': 'Turk'},
'phones': [{'phone': '222-222-2222'}, {'phone': '335-333-3321'}]
def __init__(self, split_mapping):
super(Splitter, self).__init__()
self._split_mapping = split_mapping
def process_record(self, record):
for key, filters in self._split_mapping.iteritems():
subrecord = record[key]
# if a dict, use process_record directly
if isinstance(subrecord, dict):
for filter in filters:
subrecord = filter.process_record(subrecord)
# if a list or tuple, use __call__
elif isinstance(subrecord, (list, tuple)):
for filter in filters:
subrecord = filter(subrecord)
subrecord = [r for r in subrecord] # unchain generators
# place back from whence it came
record[key] = subrecord
return record
## Commonly Used Filters ##
class PhoneNumberCleaner(FieldFilter):
""" Filter that cleans phone numbers to match a given format.
Takes a list of target keys and an optional phone # format that has
10 %s placeholders.
PhoneNumberCleaner( ('phone','fax'), number_format='%s%s%s-%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s')
would format the phone & fax columns to 555-123-4567 format.
def __init__(self, keys, number_format='%s%s%s.%s%s%s.%s%s%s%s'):
import re
super(PhoneNumberCleaner, self).__init__(keys)
self._number_format = number_format
self._num_re = re.compile('\d')
def process_field(self, item):
nums = self._num_re.findall(item)
if len(nums) == 10:
item = self._number_format % tuple(nums)
return item
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Saucebrush data sources, convert data in some format into python dicts.
All sources must implement the iterable interface and return python
import string
class CSVSource(object):
""" Saucebrush source for reading from CSV files.
Takes an open csvfile, an optional set of fieldnames and optional number
of rows to skip.
CSVSource(open('test.csv')) will read a csvfile, using the first row as
the field names.
CSVSource(open('test.csv'), ('name', 'phone', 'address'), 1) will read
in a CSV file and treat the three columns as name, phone, and address,
ignoring the first row (presumed to be column names).
def __init__(self, csvfile, fieldnames=None, skiprows=0):
import csv
self._dictreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames)
for _ in xrange(skiprows):
def __iter__(self):
return self._dictreader
class FixedWidthFileSource(object):
""" Saucebrush source for reading from fixed width field files.
FixedWidthFileSource expects an open fixed width file and a tuple
of fields with their lengths. There is also an optional fillchars
command that is the filler characters to strip from the end of each
field. (defaults to whitespace)
FixedWidthFileSource(open('testfile'), (('name',30), ('phone',12)))
will read in a fixed width file where the first 30 characters of each
line are part of a name and the characters 31-42 are a phone number.
def __init__(self, fwfile, fields, fillchars=string.whitespace):
self._fwfile = fwfile
self._fields_dict = {}
self._fillchars = fillchars
from_offset = 0
to_offset = 0
for field, size in fields:
to_offset += size
self._fields_dict[field] = (from_offset, to_offset)
from_offset += size
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
line =
record = {}
for name, range in self._fields_dict.iteritems():
record[name] = line[range[0]:range[1]].rstrip(self._fillchars)
return record
class HtmlTableSource(object):
""" Saucebrush source for reading data from an HTML table.
HtmlTableSource expects an open html file, the id of the table or a
number indicating which table on the page to use, an optional fieldnames
tuple, and an optional number of rows to skip.
HtmlTableSource(open('test.html'), 0) opens the first HTML table and
uses the first row as the names of the columns.
HtmlTableSource(open('test.html'), 'people', ('name','phone'), 1) opens
the HTML table with an id of 'people' and names the two columns
name and phone, skipping the first row where alternate names are
def __init__(self, htmlfile, id_or_num, fieldnames=None, skiprows=0):
# extract the table
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(
if isinstance(id_or_num, int):
table = soup.findAll('table')[id_or_num]
elif isinstance(id_or_num, str):
table = soup.find('table', id=id_or_num)
# skip the necessary number of rows
self._rows = table.findAll('tr')[skiprows:]
# determine the fieldnames
if not fieldnames:
self._fieldnames = [td.string for td in self.rows[0].findAll(('td','th'))]
self._fieldnames = fieldnames
def process_tr():
for row in self._rows:
strings = [string_dig(td) for td in row.findAll('td')]
yield dict(zip(self._fieldnames, strings))
def __iter__(self):
return self.process_tr()
class DjangoModelSource(object):
""" Saucebrush source for reading data from django models.
DjangoModelSource expects a django settings file, app label, and model
name. The resulting records contain all columns in the table for the
specified model.
DjangoModelSource('', 'phonebook', 'friend') would read all
friends from the friend model in the phonebook app described in
def __init__(self, dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
dbmodel = get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name)
# only get values defined in model (no extra fields from custom manager)
self._data = dbmodel.objects.values(*[ for f in dbmodel._meta.fields])
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
General utilities used within saucebrush that may be useful elsewhere.
def get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
Get a django model given a settings file, app label, and model name.
from django.conf import settings
if not settings.configured:
from django.db.models import get_model
dbmodel = get_model(app_label, model_name)
def string_dig(element, joiner=''):
Dig into BeautifulSoup HTML elements looking for inner strings.
If element resembled: <p><b>test</b><em>test</em></p>
then string_dig(element, '~') would return test~test
if element.string:
return element.string
return joiner.join([string_dig(child) for child in element.findAll(True)])
def dotted_key_lookup(dict_, dotted_key, default=KeyError, separator='.'):
Do a lookup within dict_ by the various elements of dotted_key.
Optionally specifiy a default to return if key does not exist (similar
to default
>>> d = {'a': {'b': {'c': 3} } }
>>> dotted_key_lookup(d, 'a.b.c')
>>> dotted_key_lookup(d, 'a.z', -1)
>>> dotted_key_lookup(d, 'a|b|c', separator='|')
>>> dotted_key_lookup(d, '
val = dict_
for key in dotted_key.split(separator):
if isinstance(val, dict):
val = val[key]
elif isinstance(val, (list,tuple)):
val = val[int(key)]
val = getattr(val, key)
except (KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError):
if default is KeyError:
val = default
return val
Reference in New Issue
Block a user