Merge pull request #1 from jamesturk/modernize

This commit is contained in:
James Turk 2022-11-10 23:14:42 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 40008d7b53
No known key found for this signature in database
27 changed files with 1658 additions and 1088 deletions

.github/FUNDING.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
github: [jamesturk]

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ""
labels: bug
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Please provide output of `python -V` & `spatula --version`, as well as what operating system you're using, and any other details:
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the feature request here.

.github/workflows/test.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
name: Test & Lint
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
max-parallel: 4
python-version: ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
# Python & dependency installation
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: setup Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: install Poetry
uses: snok/install-poetry@v1.2.1
- name: set poetry config path
run: poetry config virtualenvs.path ~/.virtualenvs
- name: install dependencies
run: poetry install
# - name: lint with mypy
# run: poetry run mypy src
- name: lint with flake8
run: poetry run flake8 --show-source --statistics --ignore=E203,E501,W503 src
- name: pytest
run: poetry run pytest

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
language: python
- "2.7"
- "3.5"
install: pip install nose
script: nosetests

0 Normal file
View File

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import re
import exceptions
class FECSource(object):
class FECSource:
SPLIT_CHAR = '\x1c'

poetry.lock generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
name = "attrs"
version = "22.1.0"
description = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
dev = ["cloudpickle", "coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "furo", "hypothesis", "mypy (>=0.900,!=0.940)", "pre-commit", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "zope.interface"]
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tests = ["cloudpickle", "coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "mypy (>=0.900,!=0.940)", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface"]
tests-no-zope = ["cloudpickle", "coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "mypy (>=0.900,!=0.940)", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "pytest-mypy-plugins"]
name = "black"
version = "22.10.0"
description = "The uncompromising code formatter."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
click = ">=8.0.0"
mypy-extensions = ">=0.4.3"
pathspec = ">=0.9.0"
platformdirs = ">=2"
tomli = {version = ">=1.1.0", markers = "python_full_version < \"3.11.0a7\""}
colorama = ["colorama (>=0.4.3)"]
d = ["aiohttp (>=3.7.4)"]
jupyter = ["ipython (>=7.8.0)", "tokenize-rt (>=3.2.0)"]
uvloop = ["uvloop (>=0.15.2)"]
name = "click"
version = "8.1.3"
description = "Composable command line interface toolkit"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
name = "colorama"
version = "0.4.6"
description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,!=3.5.*,!=3.6.*,>=2.7"
name = "cssselect"
version = "1.2.0"
description = "cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
name = "exceptiongroup"
version = "1.0.1"
description = "Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
test = ["pytest (>=6)"]
name = "flake8"
version = "5.0.4"
description = "the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6.1"
mccabe = ">=0.7.0,<0.8.0"
pycodestyle = ">=2.9.0,<2.10.0"
pyflakes = ">=2.5.0,<2.6.0"
name = "iniconfig"
version = "1.1.1"
description = "iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
name = "lxml"
version = "4.9.1"
description = "Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API."
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, != 3.4.*"
cssselect = ["cssselect (>=0.7)"]
html5 = ["html5lib"]
htmlsoup = ["BeautifulSoup4"]
source = ["Cython (>=0.29.7)"]
name = "mccabe"
version = "0.7.0"
description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
name = "mypy-extensions"
version = "0.4.3"
description = "Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
name = "packaging"
version = "21.3"
description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5"
name = "pathspec"
version = "0.10.1"
description = "Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
name = "platformdirs"
version = "2.5.3"
description = "A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a \"user data dir\"."
category = "dev"
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python-versions = ">=3.7"
docs = ["furo (>=2022.9.29)", "proselint (>=0.13)", "sphinx (>=5.3)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.19.4)"]
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name = "pluggy"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
dev = ["pre-commit", "tox"]
testing = ["pytest", "pytest-benchmark"]
name = "pycodestyle"
version = "2.9.1"
description = "Python style guide checker"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
name = "pyflakes"
version = "2.5.0"
description = "passive checker of Python programs"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
name = "pyparsing"
version = "3.0.9"
description = "pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6.8"
diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"]
name = "pytest"
version = "7.2.0"
description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
attrs = ">=19.2.0"
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
exceptiongroup = {version = ">=1.0.0rc8", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
iniconfig = "*"
packaging = "*"
pluggy = ">=0.12,<2.0"
tomli = {version = ">=1.0.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "pygments (>=2.7.2)", "requests", "xmlschema"]
name = "tomli"
version = "2.0.1"
description = "A lil' TOML parser"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
lock-version = "1.1"
python-versions = "^3.10"
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{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:bcaa1c495ce623966d9fc8a187da80082334236a2a1c7e141763ffaf7a405067"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:6eafc048ea3f1b3c136c71a86db393be36b5b3d9c87b1c25204e7d397cee9536"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:13c90064b224e10c14dcdf8086688d3f0e612db53766e7478d7754703295c7c8"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:206a51077773c6c5d2ce1991327cda719063a47adc02bd703c56a662cdb6c58b"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e8f0c9d65da595cfe91713bc1222af9ecabd37971762cb830dea2fc3b3bb2acf"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:8f0a4d179c9a941eb80c3a63cdb495e539e064f8054230844dcf2fcb812b71d3"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:830c88747dce8a3e7525defa68afd742b4580df6aa2fdd6f0855481e3994d391"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:1e1cf47774373777936c5aabad489fef7b1c087dcd1f426b621fda9dcc12994e"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:5974895115737a74a00b321e339b9c3f45c20275d226398ae79ac008d908bff7"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:1423631e3d51008871299525b541413c9b6c6423593e89f9c4cfbe8460afc0a2"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:2aaf6a0a6465d39b5ca69688fce82d20088c1838534982996ec46633dc7ad6cc"},
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{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp37-cp37m-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6ca2264f341dd81e41f3fffecec6e446aa2121e0b8d026fb5130e02de1402785"},
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{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:eea5d6443b093e1545ad0210e6cf27f920482bfcf5c77cdc8596aec73523bb7e"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:f05251bbc2145349b8d0b77c0d4e5f3b228418807b1ee27cefb11f69ed3d233b"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:487c8e61d7acc50b8be82bda8c8d21d20e133c3cbf41bd8ad7eb1aaeb3f07c97"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.manylinux_2_24_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:8d1a92d8e90b286d491e5626af53afef2ba04da33e82e30744795c71880eaa21"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:b570da8cd0012f4af9fa76a5635cd31f707473e65a5a335b186069d5c7121ff2"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:5ef87fca280fb15342726bd5f980f6faf8b84a5287fcc2d4962ea8af88b35130"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:93e414e3206779ef41e5ff2448067213febf260ba747fc65389a3ddaa3fb8715"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:6653071f4f9bac46fbc30f3c7838b0e9063ee335908c5d61fb7a4a86c8fd2036"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:32a73c53783becdb7eaf75a2a1525ea8e49379fb7248c3eeefb9412123536387"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:1a7c59c6ffd6ef5db362b798f350e24ab2cfa5700d53ac6681918f314a4d3b94"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:1436cf0063bba7888e43f1ba8d58824f085410ea2025befe81150aceb123e345"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:4beea0f31491bc086991b97517b9683e5cfb369205dac0148ef685ac12a20a67"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:41fb58868b816c202e8881fd0f179a4644ce6e7cbbb248ef0283a34b73ec73bb"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.manylinux_2_24_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:bd34f6d1810d9354dc7e35158aa6cc33456be7706df4420819af6ed966e85448"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:edffbe3c510d8f4bf8640e02ca019e48a9b72357318383ca60e3330c23aaffc7"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:6d949f53ad4fc7cf02c44d6678e7ff05ec5f5552b235b9e136bd52e9bf730b91"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:079b68f197c796e42aa80b1f739f058dcee796dc725cc9a1be0cdb08fc45b000"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:9c3a88d20e4fe4a2a4a84bf439a5ac9c9aba400b85244c63a1ab7088f85d9d25"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:4e285b5f2bf321fc0857b491b5028c5f276ec0c873b985d58d7748ece1d770dd"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:ef72013e20dd5ba86a8ae1aed7f56f31d3374189aa8b433e7b12ad182c0d2dfb"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:10d2017f9150248563bb579cd0d07c61c58da85c922b780060dcc9a3aa9f432d"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp37-pypy37_pp73-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:0538747a9d7827ce3e16a8fdd201a99e661c7dee3c96c885d8ecba3c35d1032c"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp37-pypy37_pp73-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:0645e934e940107e2fdbe7c5b6fb8ec6232444260752598bc4d09511bd056c0b"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp37-pypy37_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6daa662aba22ef3258934105be2dd9afa5bb45748f4f702a3b39a5bf53a1f4dc"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp38-pypy38_pp73-macosx_10_15_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:603a464c2e67d8a546ddaa206d98e3246e5db05594b97db844c2f0a1af37cf5b"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp38-pypy38_pp73-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:c4b2e0559b68455c085fb0f6178e9752c4be3bba104d6e881eb5573b399d1eb2"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp38-pypy38_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:0f3f0059891d3254c7b5fb935330d6db38d6519ecd238ca4fce93c234b4a0f73"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.manylinux_2_24_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:c852b1530083a620cb0de5f3cd6826f19862bafeaf77586f1aef326e49d95f0c"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:287605bede6bd36e930577c5925fcea17cb30453d96a7b4c63c14a257118dbb9"},
{file = "lxml-4.9.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:fe749b052bb7233fe5d072fcb549221a8cb1a16725c47c37e42b0b9cb3ff2c3f"},
mccabe = [
{file = "mccabe-0.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6c2d30ab6be0e4a46919781807b4f0d834ebdd6c6e3dca0bda5a15f863427b6e"},
{file = "mccabe-0.7.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:348e0240c33b60bbdf4e523192ef919f28cb2c3d7d5c7794f74009290f236325"},
mypy-extensions = [
{file = "mypy_extensions-0.4.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:090fedd75945a69ae91ce1303b5824f428daf5a028d2f6ab8a299250a846f15d"},
{file = "mypy_extensions-0.4.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2d82818f5bb3e369420cb3c4060a7970edba416647068eb4c5343488a6c604a8"},
packaging = [
{file = "packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ef103e05f519cdc783ae24ea4e2e0f508a9c99b2d4969652eed6a2e1ea5bd522"},
{file = "packaging-21.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:dd47c42927d89ab911e606518907cc2d3a1f38bbd026385970643f9c5b8ecfeb"},
pathspec = [
{file = "pathspec-0.10.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:46846318467efc4556ccfd27816e004270a9eeeeb4d062ce5e6fc7a87c573f93"},
{file = "pathspec-0.10.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7ace6161b621d31e7902eb6b5ae148d12cfd23f4a249b9ffb6b9fee12084323d"},
platformdirs = [
{file = "platformdirs-2.5.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0cb405749187a194f444c25c82ef7225232f11564721eabffc6ec70df83b11cb"},
{file = "platformdirs-2.5.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6e52c21afff35cb659c6e52d8b4d61b9bd544557180440538f255d9382c8cbe0"},
pluggy = [
{file = "pluggy-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:74134bbf457f031a36d68416e1509f34bd5ccc019f0bcc952c7b909d06b37bd3"},
{file = "pluggy-1.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4224373bacce55f955a878bf9cfa763c1e360858e330072059e10bad68531159"},
pycodestyle = [
{file = "pycodestyle-2.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:d1735fc58b418fd7c5f658d28d943854f8a849b01a5d0a1e6f3f3fdd0166804b"},
{file = "pycodestyle-2.9.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2c9607871d58c76354b697b42f5d57e1ada7d261c261efac224b664affdc5785"},
pyflakes = [
{file = "pyflakes-2.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4579f67d887f804e67edb544428f264b7b24f435b263c4614f384135cea553d2"},
{file = "pyflakes-2.5.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:491feb020dca48ccc562a8c0cbe8df07ee13078df59813b83959cbdada312ea3"},
pyparsing = [
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5026bae9a10eeaefb61dab2f09052b9f4307d44aee4eda64b309723d8d206bbc"},
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b020ecf7d21b687f219b71ecad3631f644a47f01403fa1d1036b0c6416d70fb"},
pytest = [
{file = "pytest-7.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:892f933d339f068883b6fd5a459f03d85bfcb355e4981e146d2c7616c21fef71"},
{file = "pytest-7.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c4014eb40e10f11f355ad4e3c2fb2c6c6d1919c73f3b5a433de4708202cade59"},
tomli = [
{file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
{file = "tomli-2.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f"},

pyproject.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
name = "saucebrush"
version = "0.6.0"
description = ""
authors = ["James Turk <>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
python = "^3.10"
lxml = "^4.9.1"
cssselect = "^1.2.0"
pytest = "^7.2.0"
flake8 = "^5.0.4"
black = "^22.10.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import unittest
from saucebrush.tests.filters import FilterTestCase
from saucebrush.tests.sources import SourceTestCase
from saucebrush.tests.emitters import EmitterTestCase
from import RecipeTestCase
from saucebrush.tests.stats import StatsTestCase
filter_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(FilterTestCase)
source_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SourceTestCase)
emitter_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(EmitterTestCase)
recipe_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(RecipeTestCase)
stats_suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(StatsTestCase)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from contextlib import closing
from io import StringIO
import os
import unittest
from saucebrush.emitters import (
DebugEmitter, CSVEmitter, CountEmitter, SqliteEmitter, SqlDumpEmitter)
class EmitterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_debug_emitter(self):
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
de = DebugEmitter(output)
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '1\n2\n3\n')
def test_count_emitter(self):
# values for test
values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
# test without of parameter
ce = CountEmitter(every=10, outfile=output, format="%(count)s records\n")
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '10 records\n20 records\n')
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '10 records\n20 records\n22 records\n')
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
# test with of parameter
ce = CountEmitter(every=10, outfile=output, of=len(values))
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '10 of 22\n20 of 22\n')
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), '10 of 22\n20 of 22\n22 of 22\n')
def test_csv_emitter(self):
import cStringIO # if Python 2.x then use old cStringIO
io = cStringIO.StringIO()
io = StringIO() # if Python 3.x then use StringIO
with closing(io) as output:
ce = CSVEmitter(output, ('x','y','z'))
list(ce.attach([{'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}, {'x':5, 'y':5, 'z':5}]))
self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'x,y,z\r\n1,2,3\r\n5,5,5\r\n')
def test_sqlite_emitter(self):
import sqlite3, tempfile
with closing(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.db')) as f:
db_path =
sle = SqliteEmitter(db_path, 'testtable', fieldnames=('a','b','c'))
list(sle.attach([{'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3'}]))
with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_path)) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""SELECT a, b, c FROM testtable""")
results = cur.fetchall()
self.assertEqual(results, [('1', '2', '3')])
def test_sql_dump_emitter(self):
with closing(StringIO()) as bffr:
sde = SqlDumpEmitter(bffr, 'testtable', ('a', 'b'))
list(sde.attach([{'a': 1, 'b': '2'}]))
self.assertEqual(bffr.getvalue(), "INSERT INTO `testtable` (`a`,`b`) VALUES (1,'2');\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import operator
import types
from saucebrush.filters import (Filter, YieldFilter, FieldFilter,
SubrecordFilter, ConditionalPathFilter,
ConditionalFilter, FieldModifier, FieldKeeper,
FieldRemover, FieldMerger, FieldAdder,
FieldCopier, FieldRenamer, Unique)
class DummyRecipe(object):
rejected_record = None
rejected_msg = None
def reject_record(self, record, msg):
self.rejected_record = record
self.rejected_msg = msg
class Doubler(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
return record*2
class OddRemover(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
if record % 2 == 0:
return record
return None # explicitly return None
class ListFlattener(YieldFilter):
def process_record(self, record):
for item in record:
yield item
class FieldDoubler(FieldFilter):
def process_field(self, item):
return item*2
class NonModifyingFieldDoubler(Filter):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def process_record(self, record):
record = dict(record)
record[self.key] *= 2
return record
class ConditionalOddRemover(ConditionalFilter):
def test_record(self, record):
# return True for even values
return record % 2 == 0
class FilterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _simple_data(self):
return [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100}]
def assert_filter_result(self, filter_obj, expected_data):
result = filter_obj.attach(self._simple_data())
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected_data)
def test_reject_record(self):
recipe = DummyRecipe()
f = Doubler()
result = f.attach([1,2,3], recipe=recipe)
# next has to be called for attach to take effect
f.reject_record('bad', 'this one was bad')
# ensure that the rejection propagated to the recipe
self.assertEqual('bad', recipe.rejected_record)
self.assertEqual('this one was bad', recipe.rejected_msg)
def test_simple_filter(self):
df = Doubler()
result = df.attach([1,2,3])
# ensure we got a generator that yields 2,4,6
self.assertEqual(type(result), types.GeneratorType)
self.assertEqual(list(result), [2,4,6])
def test_simple_filter_return_none(self):
cf = OddRemover()
result = cf.attach(range(10))
# ensure only even numbers remain
self.assertEqual(list(result), [0,2,4,6,8])
def test_simple_yield_filter(self):
lf = ListFlattener()
result = lf.attach([[1],[2,3],[4,5,6]])
# ensure we got a generator that yields 1,2,3,4,5,6
self.assertEqual(type(result), types.GeneratorType)
self.assertEqual(list(result), [1,2,3,4,5,6])
def test_simple_field_filter(self):
ff = FieldDoubler(['a', 'c'])
# check against expected data
expected_data = [{'a':2, 'b':2, 'c':6},
{'a':10, 'b':5, 'c':10},
{'a':2, 'b':10, 'c':200}]
self.assert_filter_result(ff, expected_data)
def test_conditional_filter(self):
cf = ConditionalOddRemover()
result = cf.attach(range(10))
# ensure only even numbers remain
self.assertEqual(list(result), [0,2,4,6,8])
### Tests for Subrecord
def test_subrecord_filter_list(self):
data = [{'a': [{'b': 2}, {'b': 4}]},
{'a': [{'b': 5}]},
{'a': [{'b': 8}, {'b':2}, {'b':1}]}]
expected = [{'a': [{'b': 4}, {'b': 8}]},
{'a': [{'b': 10}]},
{'a': [{'b': 16}, {'b':4}, {'b':2}]}]
sf = SubrecordFilter('a', NonModifyingFieldDoubler('b'))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_deep(self):
data = [{'a': {'d':[{'b': 2}, {'b': 4}]}},
{'a': {'d':[{'b': 5}]}},
{'a': {'d':[{'b': 8}, {'b':2}, {'b':1}]}}]
expected = [{'a': {'d':[{'b': 4}, {'b': 8}]}},
{'a': {'d':[{'b': 10}]}},
{'a': {'d':[{'b': 16}, {'b':4}, {'b':2}]}}]
sf = SubrecordFilter('a.d', NonModifyingFieldDoubler('b'))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_nonlist(self):
data = [
expected = [
sf = SubrecordFilter('a.b', NonModifyingFieldDoubler('c'))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_list_in_path(self):
data = [
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 5}}, {'b': {'c': 6}}]},
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 1}}, {'b': {'c': 2}}, {'b': {'c': 3}}]},
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 2}} ]}
expected = [
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 10}}, {'b': {'c': 12}}]},
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 2}}, {'b': {'c': 4}}, {'b': {'c': 6}}]},
{'a': [{'b': {'c': 4}} ]}
sf = SubrecordFilter('a.b', NonModifyingFieldDoubler('c'))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_conditional_path(self):
predicate = lambda r: r['a'] == 1
# double b if a == 1, otherwise double c
cpf = ConditionalPathFilter(predicate, FieldDoubler('b'),
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':4, 'c':3},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':10},
{'a':1, 'b':20, 'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(cpf, expected_data)
### Tests for Generic Filters
def test_field_modifier(self):
# another version of FieldDoubler
fm = FieldModifier(['a', 'c'], lambda x: x*2)
# check against expected data
expected_data = [{'a':2, 'b':2, 'c':6},
{'a':10, 'b':5, 'c':10},
{'a':2, 'b':10, 'c':200}]
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_keeper(self):
fk = FieldKeeper(['c'])
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{'c':3}, {'c':5}, {'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fk, expected_data)
def test_field_remover(self):
fr = FieldRemover(['a', 'b'])
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{'c':3}, {'c':5}, {'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fr, expected_data)
def test_field_merger(self):
fm = FieldMerger({'sum':('a','b','c')}, lambda x,y,z: x+y+z)
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{'sum':6}, {'sum':15}, {'sum':111}]
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_merger_keep_fields(self):
fm = FieldMerger({'sum':('a','b','c')}, lambda x,y,z: x+y+z,
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'sum':6},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5, 'sum':15},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100, 'sum': 111}]
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_scalar(self):
fa = FieldAdder('x', 7)
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'x':7},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5, 'x':7},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100, 'x': 7}]
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_callable(self):
fa = FieldAdder('x', lambda: 7)
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'x':7},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5, 'x':7},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100, 'x': 7}]
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_iterable(self):
fa = FieldAdder('x', [1,2,3])
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'x':1},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5, 'x':2},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100, 'x': 3}]
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_replace(self):
fa = FieldAdder('b', lambda: 7)
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':7, 'c':3},
{'a':5, 'b':7, 'c':5},
{'a':1, 'b':7, 'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_no_replace(self):
fa = FieldAdder('b', lambda: 7, replace=False)
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_copier(self):
fc = FieldCopier({'a2':'a', 'b2':'b'})
expected_data = [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'a2':1, 'b2':2},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5, 'a2':5, 'b2':5},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100, 'a2': 1, 'b2': 10}]
self.assert_filter_result(fc, expected_data)
def test_field_renamer(self):
fr = FieldRenamer({'x':'a', 'y':'b'})
expected_data = [{'x':1, 'y':2, 'c':3},
{'x':5, 'y':5, 'c':5},
{'x':1, 'y':10, 'c':100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fr, expected_data)
# TODO: splitter & flattner tests?
def test_unique_filter(self):
u = Unique()
in_data = [{'a': 77}, {'a':33}, {'a': 77}]
expected_data = [{'a': 77}, {'a':33}]
result = u.attach(in_data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected_data)
# TODO: unicode & string filter tests
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
import doctest
import unittest
from saucebrush import Recipe, run_recipe, SaucebrushError, OvercookedError
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
class Raiser(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
raise Exception("bad record")
class Saver(Filter):
def __init__(self):
self.saved = []
def process_record(self, record):
return record
class RecipeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_error_stream(self):
saver = Saver()
recipe = Recipe(Raiser(), error_stream=saver)[{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}])
self.assertEqual(saver.saved[0]['record'], {'a': 1})
self.assertEqual(saver.saved[1]['record'], {'b': 2})
# Must pass either a Recipe, a Filter or an iterable of Filters
# as the error_stream argument
self.assertRaises(SaucebrushError, Recipe, error_stream=5)
def test_run_recipe(self):
saver = Saver()
run_recipe([1, 2], saver)
self.assertEqual(saver.saved, [1, 2])
def test_done(self):
saver = Saver()
recipe = Recipe(saver)[1])
self.assertRaises(OvercookedError,, [2])
self.assertRaises(OvercookedError, recipe.done)
self.assertEqual(saver.saved, [1])
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
import unittest
from saucebrush.sources import (
CSVSource, FixedWidthFileSource, HtmlTableSource, JSONSource)
class SourceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _get_csv(self):
data = '''a,b,c
return StringIO(data)
def test_csv_source_basic(self):
source = CSVSource(self._get_csv())
expected_data = [{'a':'1', 'b':'2', 'c':'3'},
{'a':'5', 'b':'5', 'c':'5'},
{'a':'1', 'b':'10', 'c':'100'}]
self.assertEqual(list(source), expected_data)
def test_csv_source_fieldnames(self):
source = CSVSource(self._get_csv(), ['x','y','z'])
expected_data = [{'x':'a', 'y':'b', 'z':'c'},
{'x':'1', 'y':'2', 'z':'3'},
{'x':'5', 'y':'5', 'z':'5'},
{'x':'1', 'y':'10', 'z':'100'}]
self.assertEqual(list(source), expected_data)
def test_csv_source_skiprows(self):
source = CSVSource(self._get_csv(), skiprows=1)
expected_data = [{'a':'5', 'b':'5', 'c':'5'},
{'a':'1', 'b':'10', 'c':'100'}]
self.assertEqual(list(source), expected_data)
def test_fixed_width_source(self):
data = StringIO('JamesNovember 3 1986\nTim September151999')
fields = (('name',5), ('month',9), ('day',2), ('year',4))
source = FixedWidthFileSource(data, fields)
expected_data = [{'name':'James', 'month':'November', 'day':'3',
{'name':'Tim', 'month':'September', 'day':'15',
self.assertEqual(list(source), expected_data)
def test_json_source(self):
content = StringIO("""[{"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": 3}]""")
js = JSONSource(content)
self.assertEqual(list(js), [{'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3}])
def test_html_table_source(self):
content = StringIO("""
<table id="thetable">
import lxml
hts = HtmlTableSource(content, 'thetable')
self.assertEqual(list(hts), [{'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3'}])
except ImportError:
# Python 2.6 doesn't have skipTest. We'll just suffer without it.
if hasattr(self, 'skipTest'):
self.skipTest("lxml is not installed")
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import unittest
from saucebrush.stats import Sum, Average, Median, MinMax, StandardDeviation, Histogram
class StatsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _simple_data(self):
return [{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3},
{'a':5, 'b':5, 'c':5},
{'a':1, 'b':10, 'c':100}]
def test_sum(self):
fltr = Sum('b')
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), 17)
def test_average(self):
fltr = Average('c')
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), 36.0)
def test_median(self):
# odd number of values
fltr = Median('a')
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), 1)
# even number of values
fltr = Median('a')
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), 3)
def test_minmax(self):
fltr = MinMax('b')
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), (2, 10))
def test_standard_deviation(self):
fltr = StandardDeviation('c')
self.assertEqual(fltr.average(), 36.0)
self.assertEqual(fltr.median(), 5)
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(), (55.4346462061408, 3073.0))
self.assertEqual(fltr.value(True), (45.2621990922521, 2048.6666666666665))
def test_histogram(self):
fltr = Histogram('a')
fltr.label_length = 1
self.assertEqual(str(fltr), "\n1 **\n5 *\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Saucebrush is a data loading & manipulation framework written in python.
from . import filters, emitters, sources, utils
from . import filters, emitters, sources, utils # noqa
class SaucebrushError(Exception):
@ -13,39 +13,39 @@ class OvercookedError(Exception):
Exception for trying to operate on a Recipe that has been finished.
class Recipe(object):
class Recipe:
def __init__(self, *filter_args, **kwargs):
self.finished = False
self.filters = []
for filter in filter_args:
if hasattr(filter, 'filters'):
if hasattr(filter, "filters"):
self.error_stream = kwargs.get('error_stream')
self.error_stream = kwargs.get("error_stream")
if self.error_stream and not isinstance(self.error_stream, Recipe):
if isinstance(self.error_stream, filters.Filter):
self.error_stream = Recipe(self.error_stream)
elif hasattr(self.error_stream, '__iter__'):
elif hasattr(self.error_stream, "__iter__"):
self.error_stream = Recipe(*self.error_stream)
raise SaucebrushError('error_stream must be either a filter'
' or an iterable of filters')
raise SaucebrushError(
"error_stream must be either a filter" " or an iterable of filters"
def reject_record(self, record, exception):
if self.error_stream:[{'record': record,
'exception': repr(exception)}])[{"record": record, "exception": repr(exception)}])
def run(self, source):
if self.finished:
raise OvercookedError('run() called on finished recipe')
raise OvercookedError("run() called on finished recipe")
# connect datapath
data = source
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Recipe(object):
def done(self):
if self.finished:
raise OvercookedError('done() called on finished recipe')
raise OvercookedError("done() called on finished recipe")
self.finished = True
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ class Recipe(object):
def run_recipe(source, *filter_args, **kwargs):
""" Process data, taking it from a source and applying any number of filters
"""Process data, taking it from a source and applying any number of filters"""
r = Recipe(*filter_args, **kwargs)

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
Saucebrush Emitters are filters that instead of modifying the record, output
it in some manner.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
class Emitter(Filter):
"""ABC for emitters
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class Emitter(Filter):
all records are processed (allowing database flushes, or printing of
aggregate data).
def process_record(self, record):
return record
@ -24,8 +25,9 @@ class Emitter(Filter):
Called with a single record, should "emit" the record unmodified.
raise NotImplementedError('emit_record not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError(
"emit_record not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
def done(self):
"""No-op Method to be overridden.
@ -41,10 +43,12 @@ class DebugEmitter(Emitter):
DebugEmitter() by default prints to stdout.
DebugEmitter(open('test', 'w')) would print to a file named test
def __init__(self, outfile=None):
super(DebugEmitter, self).__init__()
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stdout
self._outfile = outfile
@ -64,10 +68,11 @@ class CountEmitter(Emitter):
def __init__(self, every=1000, of=None, outfile=None, format=None):
super(CountEmitter, self).__init__()
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stdout
self._outfile = outfile
@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ class CountEmitter(Emitter):
self.count = 0
def format(self):
return self._format % {'count': self.count, 'of': self._of}
return self._format % {"count": self.count, "of": self._of}
def emit_record(self, record):
self.count += 1
@ -103,8 +108,9 @@ class CSVEmitter(Emitter):
def __init__(self, csvfile, fieldnames):
super(CSVEmitter, self).__init__()
import csv
self._dictwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames)
# write header row
header_row = dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldnames))
@ -125,26 +131,33 @@ class SqliteEmitter(Emitter):
def __init__(self, dbname, table_name, fieldnames=None, replace=False, quiet=False):
super(SqliteEmitter, self).__init__()
import sqlite3
self._conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
self._cursor = self._conn.cursor()
self._table_name = table_name
self._replace = replace
self._quiet = quiet
if fieldnames:
create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)" % (table_name,
', '.join([' '.join((field, 'TEXT')) for field in fieldnames]))
create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)" % (
", ".join([" ".join((field, "TEXT")) for field in fieldnames]),
def emit_record(self, record):
import sqlite3
# input should be escaped with ? if data isn't trusted
qmarks = ','.join(('?',) * len(record))
insert = 'INSERT OR REPLACE' if self._replace else 'INSERT'
insert = '%s INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (insert, self._table_name,
qmarks = ",".join(("?",) * len(record))
insert = "INSERT OR REPLACE" if self._replace else "INSERT"
insert = "%s INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
self._cursor.execute(insert, list(record.values()))
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as ie:
@ -169,15 +182,18 @@ class SqlDumpEmitter(Emitter):
def __init__(self, outfile, table_name, fieldnames):
super(SqlDumpEmitter, self).__init__()
self._fieldnames = fieldnames
if not outfile:
import sys
self._outfile = sys.stderr
self._outfile = outfile
self._insert_str = "INSERT INTO `%s` (`%s`) VALUES (%%s);\n" % (
table_name, '`,`'.join(fieldnames))
def quote(self, item):
@ -190,14 +206,14 @@ class SqlDumpEmitter(Emitter):
types = (str,)
if isinstance(item, types):
item = item.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("'","\\'").replace(chr(0),'0')
item = item.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'").replace(chr(0), "0")
return "'%s'" % item
return "%s" % item
def emit_record(self, record):
quoted_data = [self.quote(record[field]) for field in self._fieldnames]
self._outfile.write(self._insert_str % ','.join(quoted_data))
self._outfile.write(self._insert_str % ",".join(quoted_data))
class DjangoModelEmitter(Emitter):
@ -210,9 +226,11 @@ class DjangoModelEmitter(Emitter):
records to addressbook.models.friend model using database settings
def __init__(self, dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
super(DjangoModelEmitter, self).__init__()
from saucebrush.utils import get_django_model
self._dbmodel = get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name)
if not self._dbmodel:
raise Exception("No such model: %s %s" % (app_label, model_name))
@ -228,13 +246,24 @@ class MongoDBEmitter(Emitter):
be inserted are required parameters. The host and port are optional,
defaulting to 'localhost' and 27017, repectively.
def __init__(self, database, collection, host='localhost', port=27017, drop_collection=False, conn=None):
super(MongoDBEmitter, self).__init__()
def __init__(
from pymongo.database import Database
if not isinstance(database, Database):
if not conn:
from pymongo.connection import Connection
conn = Connection(host, port)
db = conn[database]
@ -255,10 +284,11 @@ class LoggingEmitter(Emitter):
a format parameter. The resulting message will get logged
at the provided level.
import logging
def __init__(self, logger, msg_template, level=logging.DEBUG):
super(LoggingEmitter, self).__init__()
self.logger = logger
self.msg_template = msg_template
self.level = level

View File

@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ import re
import time
## Abstract Filters ##
# Abstract Filters #
class Filter(object):
class Filter:
"""ABC for filters that operate on records.
All derived filters must provide a process_record(self, record) that
@ -27,11 +28,12 @@ class Filter(object):
Called with a single record, should return modified record.
raise NotImplementedError('process_record not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError(
"process_record not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
def reject_record(self, record, exception):
recipe = getattr(self, '_recipe')
recipe = getattr(self, "_recipe")
if recipe:
recipe.reject_record(record, exception)
@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ class FieldFilter(Filter):
def __init__(self, keys):
super(FieldFilter, self).__init__()
self._target_keys = utils.str_or_list(keys)
def process_record(self, record):
@ -91,11 +93,13 @@ class FieldFilter(Filter):
def process_field(self, item):
"""Given a value, return the value that it should be replaced with."""
raise NotImplementedError('process_field not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError(
"process_field not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
return "%s( %s )" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
class ConditionalFilter(YieldFilter):
"""ABC for filters that only pass through records meeting a condition.
@ -120,14 +124,17 @@ class ConditionalFilter(YieldFilter):
def test_record(self, record):
"""Given a record, return True iff it should be passed on"""
raise NotImplementedError('test_record not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError(
"test_record not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
class ValidationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, record):
super(ValidationError, self).__init__(repr(record))
self.record = record
def _dotted_get(d, path):
utility function for SubrecordFilter
@ -135,15 +142,16 @@ def _dotted_get(d, path):
dives into a complex nested dictionary with paths like a.b.c
if path:
key_pieces = path.split('.', 1)
key_pieces = path.split(".", 1)
piece = d[key_pieces[0]]
if isinstance(piece, (tuple, list)):
return [_dotted_get(i, '.'.join(key_pieces[1:])) for i in piece]
return [_dotted_get(i, ".".join(key_pieces[1:])) for i in piece]
elif isinstance(piece, (dict)):
return _dotted_get(piece, '.'.join(key_pieces[1:]))
return _dotted_get(piece, ".".join(key_pieces[1:]))
return d
class SubrecordFilter(Filter):
"""Filter that calls another filter on subrecord(s) of a record
@ -152,8 +160,8 @@ class SubrecordFilter(Filter):
def __init__(self, field_path, filter_):
if '.' in field_path:
self.field_path, self.key = field_path.rsplit('.', 1)
if "." in field_path:
self.field_path, self.key = field_path.rsplit(".", 1)
self.field_path = None
self.key = field_path
@ -178,6 +186,7 @@ class SubrecordFilter(Filter):
return record
class ConditionalPathFilter(Filter):
"""Filter that uses a predicate to split input among two filter paths."""
@ -192,10 +201,12 @@ class ConditionalPathFilter(Filter):
return self.false_filter.process_record(record)
## Generic Filters ##
# Generic Filters #
class FieldModifier(FieldFilter):
"""Filter that calls a given function on a given set of fields.
@ -204,15 +215,18 @@ class FieldModifier(FieldFilter):
def __init__(self, keys, func):
super(FieldModifier, self).__init__(keys)
self._filter_func = func
def process_field(self, item):
return self._filter_func(item)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__,
str(self._target_keys), str(self._filter_func))
def __str__(self):
return "%s( %s, %s )" % (
class FieldKeeper(Filter):
@ -223,7 +237,7 @@ class FieldKeeper(Filter):
def __init__(self, keys):
super(FieldKeeper, self).__init__()
self._target_keys = utils.str_or_list(keys)
def process_record(self, record):
@ -241,7 +255,7 @@ class FieldRemover(Filter):
def __init__(self, keys):
super(FieldRemover, self).__init__()
self._target_keys = utils.str_or_list(keys)
def process_record(self, record):
@ -249,8 +263,8 @@ class FieldRemover(Filter):
record.pop(key, None)
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
def __str__(self):
return "%s( %s )" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self._target_keys))
class FieldMerger(Filter):
@ -263,7 +277,7 @@ class FieldMerger(Filter):
def __init__(self, mapping, merge_func, keep_fields=False):
super(FieldMerger, self).__init__()
self._field_mapping = mapping
self._merge_func = merge_func
self._keep_fields = keep_fields
@ -277,10 +291,12 @@ class FieldMerger(Filter):
record[to_col] = self._merge_func(*values)
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__,
def __str__(self):
return "%s( %s, %s )" % (
class FieldAdder(Filter):
@ -297,10 +313,10 @@ class FieldAdder(Filter):
def __init__(self, field_name, field_value, replace=True):
super(FieldAdder, self).__init__()
self._field_name = field_name
self._field_value = field_value
if hasattr(self._field_value, '__iter__'):
if hasattr(self._field_value, "__iter__"):
value_iter = iter(self._field_value)
if hasattr(value_iter, "next"):
self._field_value =
@ -317,8 +333,12 @@ class FieldAdder(Filter):
return record
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s( %s, %s )' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._field_name,
return "%s( %s, %s )" % (
class FieldCopier(Filter):
"""Filter that copies one field to another.
@ -326,8 +346,9 @@ class FieldCopier(Filter):
Takes a dictionary mapping destination keys to source keys.
def __init__(self, copy_mapping):
super(FieldCopier, self).__init__()
self._copy_mapping = copy_mapping
def process_record(self, record):
@ -336,13 +357,15 @@ class FieldCopier(Filter):
record[dest] = record[source]
return record
class FieldRenamer(Filter):
"""Filter that renames one field to another.
Takes a dictionary mapping destination keys to source keys.
def __init__(self, rename_mapping):
super(FieldRenamer, self).__init__()
self._rename_mapping = rename_mapping
def process_record(self, record):
@ -351,6 +374,7 @@ class FieldRenamer(Filter):
record[dest] = record.pop(source)
return record
class FieldNameModifier(Filter):
"""Filter that calls a given function on a given set of fields.
@ -359,7 +383,7 @@ class FieldNameModifier(Filter):
def __init__(self, func):
super(FieldNameModifier, self).__init__()
self._filter_func = func
def process_record(self, record):
@ -368,6 +392,7 @@ class FieldNameModifier(Filter):
record[dest] = record.pop(source)
return record
class Splitter(Filter):
"""Filter that splits nested data into different paths.
@ -380,7 +405,7 @@ class Splitter(Filter):
def __init__(self, split_mapping):
super(Splitter, self).__init__()
self._split_mapping = split_mapping
def process_record(self, record):
@ -422,8 +447,9 @@ class Flattener(FieldFilter):
{'addresses': [{'state': 'NC', 'street': '146 shirley drive'},
{'state': 'NY', 'street': '3000 Winton Rd'}]}
def __init__(self, keys):
super(Flattener, self).__init__(keys)
def process_field(self, item):
result = []
@ -436,8 +462,8 @@ class Flattener(FieldFilter):
class DictFlattener(Filter):
def __init__(self, keys, separator='_'):
super(DictFlattener, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, keys, separator="_"):
self._keys = utils.str_or_list(keys)
self._separator = separator
@ -446,11 +472,10 @@ class DictFlattener(Filter):
class Unique(ConditionalFilter):
""" Filter that ensures that all records passing through are unique.
"""Filter that ensures that all records passing through are unique."""
def __init__(self):
super(Unique, self).__init__()
self._seen = set()
def test_record(self, record):
@ -461,6 +486,7 @@ class Unique(ConditionalFilter):
return False
class UniqueValidator(Unique):
validator = True
@ -472,8 +498,8 @@ class UniqueID(ConditionalFilter):
of a composite ID.
def __init__(self, field='id', *args):
super(UniqueID, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, field="id", *args):
self._seen = set()
self._id_fields = [field]
@ -486,45 +512,16 @@ class UniqueID(ConditionalFilter):
return False
class UniqueIDValidator(UniqueID):
validator = True
class UnicodeFilter(Filter):
""" Convert all str elements in the record to Unicode.
def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
super(UnicodeFilter, self).__init__()
self._encoding = encoding
self._errors = errors
def process_record(self, record):
for key, value in record.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
record[key] = unicode(value, self._encoding, self._errors)
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
record[key] = value.decode(self._encoding, self._errors)
return record
class StringFilter(Filter):
def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'):
super(StringFilter, self).__init__()
self._encoding = encoding
self._errors = errors
def process_record(self, record):
for key, value in record.items():
if isinstance(value, unicode):
record[key] = value.encode(self._encoding, self._errors)
return record
## Commonly Used Filters ##
# Commonly Used Filters #
class PhoneNumberCleaner(FieldFilter):
"""Filter that cleans phone numbers to match a given format.
@ -534,10 +531,11 @@ class PhoneNumberCleaner(FieldFilter):
PhoneNumberCleaner( ('phone','fax'), number_format='%s%s%s-%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s')
would format the phone & fax columns to 555-123-4567 format.
def __init__(self, keys, number_format='%s%s%s.%s%s%s.%s%s%s%s'):
super(PhoneNumberCleaner, self).__init__(keys)
def __init__(self, keys, number_format="%s%s%s.%s%s%s.%s%s%s%s"):
self._number_format = number_format
self._num_re = re.compile('\d')
self._num_re = re.compile(r"\d")
def process_field(self, item):
nums = self._num_re.findall(item)
@ -545,19 +543,21 @@ class PhoneNumberCleaner(FieldFilter):
item = self._number_format % tuple(nums)
return item
class DateCleaner(FieldFilter):
"""Filter that cleans dates to match a given format.
Takes a list of target keys and to and from formats in strftime format.
def __init__(self, keys, from_format, to_format):
super(DateCleaner, self).__init__(keys)
self._from_format = from_format
self._to_format = to_format
def process_field(self, item):
return time.strftime(self._to_format,
time.strptime(item, self._from_format))
return time.strftime(self._to_format, time.strptime(item, self._from_format))
class NameCleaner(Filter):
"""Filter that splits names into a first, last, and middle name field.
@ -570,21 +570,27 @@ class NameCleaner(Filter):
# first middle? last suffix?
FIRST_LAST = re.compile('''^\s*(?:(?P<firstname>\w+)(?:\.?)
FIRST_LAST = re.compile(
\s*$''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
# last, first middle? suffix?
LAST_FIRST = re.compile('''^\s*(?:(?P<lastname>[A-Za-z'-]+),
LAST_FIRST = re.compile(
\s*$''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, keys, prefix='', formats=None, nomatch_name=None):
super(NameCleaner, self).__init__()
def __init__(self, keys, prefix="", formats=None, nomatch_name=None):
self._keys = utils.str_or_list(keys)
self._name_prefix = prefix
self._nomatch_name = nomatch_name

View File

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
All sources must implement the iterable interface and return python
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import string
from saucebrush import utils
class CSVSource(object):
class CSVSource:
"""Saucebrush source for reading from CSV files.
Takes an open csvfile, an optional set of fieldnames and optional number
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class CSVSource(object):
def __init__(self, csvfile, fieldnames=None, skiprows=0, **kwargs):
import csv
self._dictreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames, **kwargs)
for _ in range(skiprows):
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class CSVSource(object):
return self._dictreader
class FixedWidthFileSource(object):
class FixedWidthFileSource:
"""Saucebrush source for reading from fixed width field files.
FixedWidthFileSource expects an open fixed width file and a tuple
@ -67,13 +68,8 @@ class FixedWidthFileSource(object):
record[name] = line[range_[0] : range_[1]].rstrip(self._fillchars)
return record
def next(self):
""" Keep Python 2 next() method that defers to __next__().
return self.__next__()
class HtmlTableSource(object):
class HtmlTableSource:
"""Saucebrush source for reading data from an HTML table.
HtmlTableSource expects an open html file, the id of the table or a
@ -93,38 +89,40 @@ class HtmlTableSource(object):
# extract the table
from lxml.html import parse
doc = parse(htmlfile).getroot()
if isinstance(id_or_num, int):
table = doc.cssselect('table')[id_or_num]
table = doc.cssselect("table")[id_or_num]
table = doc.cssselect('table#%s' % id_or_num)
table = doc.cssselect("table#%s" % id_or_num)
table = table[0] # get the first table
# skip the necessary number of rows
self._rows = table.cssselect('tr')[skiprows:]
self._rows = table.cssselect("tr")[skiprows:]
# determine the fieldnames
if not fieldnames:
self._fieldnames = [td.text_content()
for td in self._rows[0].cssselect('td, th')]
self._fieldnames = [
td.text_content() for td in self._rows[0].cssselect("td, th")
skiprows += 1
self._fieldnames = fieldnames
# skip the necessary number of rows
self._rows = table.cssselect('tr')[skiprows:]
self._rows = table.cssselect("tr")[skiprows:]
def process_tr(self):
for row in self._rows:
strings = [td.text_content() for td in row.cssselect('td')]
strings = [td.text_content() for td in row.cssselect("td")]
yield dict(zip(self._fieldnames, strings))
def __iter__(self):
return self.process_tr()
class DjangoModelSource(object):
class DjangoModelSource:
"""Saucebrush source for reading data from django models.
DjangoModelSource expects a django settings file, app label, and model
@ -135,26 +133,30 @@ class DjangoModelSource(object):
friends from the friend model in the phonebook app described in
def __init__(self, dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
dbmodel = utils.get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name)
# only get values defined in model (no extra fields from custom manager)
self._data = dbmodel.objects.values(*[
for f in dbmodel._meta.fields])
self._data = dbmodel.objects.values(*[ for f in dbmodel._meta.fields])
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data)
class MongoDBSource(object):
class MongoDBSource:
"""Source for reading from a MongoDB database.
The record dict is populated with records matching the spec
from the specified database and collection.
def __init__(self, database, collection, spec=None, host='localhost', port=27017, conn=None):
def __init__(
self, database, collection, spec=None, host="localhost", port=27017, conn=None
if not conn:
from pymongo.connection import Connection
conn = Connection(host, port)
self.collection = conn[database][collection]
self.spec = spec
@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ class MongoDBSource(object):
for doc in self.collection.find(self.spec):
yield dict(doc)
# dict_factory for sqlite source
def dict_factory(cursor, row):
d = {}
@ -173,7 +176,8 @@ def dict_factory(cursor, row):
d[col[0]] = row[idx]
return d
class SqliteSource(object):
class SqliteSource:
"""Source that reads from a sqlite database.
The record dict is populated with the results from the
@ -213,7 +217,7 @@ class SqliteSource(object):
class FileSource(object):
class FileSource:
"""Base class for sources which read from one or more files.
Takes as input a file-like, a file path, a list of file-likes,
@ -226,26 +230,28 @@ class FileSource(object):
def __iter__(self):
# This method would be a lot cleaner with the proposed
# 'yield from' expression (PEP 380)
if hasattr(self._input, '__read__') or hasattr(self._input, 'read'):
if hasattr(self._input, "__read__") or hasattr(self._input, "read"):
for record in self._process_file(self._input):
yield record
elif isinstance(self._input, str):
with open(self._input) as f:
for record in self._process_file(f):
yield record
elif hasattr(self._input, '__iter__'):
elif hasattr(self._input, "__iter__"):
for el in self._input:
if isinstance(el, str):
with open(el) as f:
for record in self._process_file(f):
yield record
elif hasattr(el, '__read__') or hasattr(el, 'read'):
elif hasattr(el, "__read__") or hasattr(el, "read"):
for record in self._process_file(f):
yield record
def _process_file(self, file):
raise NotImplementedError('Descendants of FileSource should implement'
' a custom _process_file method.')
raise NotImplementedError(
"Descendants of FileSource should implement"
" a custom _process_file method."
class JSONSource(FileSource):
@ -271,6 +277,7 @@ class JSONSource(FileSource):
yield obj
class XMLSource(FileSource):
"""Source for reading from XML files. Use with the same kind of caution
that you use to approach anything written in XML.
@ -281,14 +288,13 @@ class XMLSource(FileSource):
almost never going to be useful at the top level.
def __init__(self, input, node_path=None, attr_prefix='ATTR_',
super(XMLSource, self).__init__(input)
self.node_list = node_path.split('.')
def __init__(self, input, node_path=None, attr_prefix="ATTR_", postprocessor=None):
self.node_list = node_path.split(".")
self.attr_prefix = attr_prefix
self.postprocessor = postprocessor
def _process_file(self, f, attr_prefix='ATTR_'):
def _process_file(self, f, attr_prefix="ATTR_"):
"""xmltodict can either return attributes of nodes as prefixed fields
(prefixes to avoid key collisions), or ignore them altogether.
@ -299,8 +305,9 @@ class XMLSource(FileSource):
import xmltodict
if self.postprocessor:
obj = xmltodict.parse(f, attr_prefix=self.attr_prefix,
obj = xmltodict.parse(
f, attr_prefix=self.attr_prefix, postprocessor=self.postprocessor
obj = xmltodict.parse(f, attr_prefix=self.attr_prefix)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
from saucebrush.utils import FallbackCounter
import collections
import itertools
import math
def _average(values):
"""Calculate the average of a list of values.
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ def _average(values):
if len(values) > 0:
return sum(values) / float(value_count)
def _median(values):
"""Calculate the median of a list of values.
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ def _median(values):
mid = int(count / 2)
return sum(values[mid - 1 : mid + 1]) / 2.0
def _stddev(values, population=False):
"""Calculate the standard deviation and variance of a list of values.
@ -56,9 +57,9 @@ def _stddev(values, population=False):
return (math.sqrt(variance), variance) # stddev is sqrt of variance
class StatsFilter(Filter):
""" Base for all stats filters.
"""Base for all stats filters."""
def __init__(self, field, test=None):
self._field = field
@ -70,12 +71,13 @@ class StatsFilter(Filter):
return record
def process_field(self, record):
raise NotImplementedError('process_field not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError(
"process_field not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__
def value(self):
raise NotImplementedError('value not defined in ' +
raise NotImplementedError("value not defined in " + self.__class__.__name__)
class Sum(StatsFilter):
"""Calculate the sum of the values in a field. Field must contain either
@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ class Sum(StatsFilter):
def __init__(self, field, initial=0, **kwargs):
super(Sum, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._value = initial
def process_field(self, item):
@ -92,13 +94,14 @@ class Sum(StatsFilter):
def value(self):
return self._value
class Average(StatsFilter):
"""Calculate the average (mean) of the values in a field. Field must
contain either int or float values.
def __init__(self, field, initial=0, **kwargs):
super(Average, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._value = initial
self._count = 0
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ class Average(StatsFilter):
def value(self):
return self._value / float(self._count)
class Median(StatsFilter):
"""Calculate the median of the values in a field. Field must contain
either int or float values.
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ class Median(StatsFilter):
def __init__(self, field, **kwargs):
super(Median, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._values = []
def process_field(self, item):
@ -128,13 +132,14 @@ class Median(StatsFilter):
def value(self):
return _median(self._values)
class MinMax(StatsFilter):
"""Find the minimum and maximum values in a field. Field must contain
either int or float values.
def __init__(self, field, **kwargs):
super(MinMax, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._max = None
self._min = None
@ -148,6 +153,7 @@ class MinMax(StatsFilter):
def value(self):
return (self._min, self._max)
class StandardDeviation(StatsFilter):
"""Calculate the standard deviation of the values in a field. Calling
value() will return a standard deviation for the sample. Pass
@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ class StandardDeviation(StatsFilter):
def __init__(self, field, **kwargs):
super(StandardDeviation, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._values = []
def process_field(self, item):
@ -180,6 +186,7 @@ class StandardDeviation(StatsFilter):
return _stddev(self._values, population)
class Histogram(StatsFilter):
"""Generate a basic histogram of the specified field. The value() method
returns a dict of value to occurance count mappings. The __str__ method
@ -193,11 +200,8 @@ class Histogram(StatsFilter):
label_length = 6
def __init__(self, field, **kwargs):
super(Histogram, self).__init__(field, **kwargs)
if hasattr(collections, 'Counter'):
super().__init__(field, **kwargs)
self._counter = collections.Counter()
self._counter = FallbackCounter()
def process_field(self, item):
self._counter[self.prep_field(item)] += 1

View File

@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
import collections
import os
from urllib.request import urlopen # attemp py3 first
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen # fallback to py2
from urllib.request import urlopen
General utilities used within saucebrush that may be useful elsewhere.
def get_django_model(dj_settings, app_label, model_name):
Get a django model given a settings file, app label, and model name.
from django.conf import settings
if not settings.configured:
from django.db.models import get_model
return get_model(app_label, model_name)
def flatten(item, prefix='', separator='_', keys=None):
def flatten(item, prefix="", separator="_", keys=None):
Flatten nested dictionary into one with its keys concatenated together.
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ def flatten(item, prefix='', separator='_', keys=None):
if isinstance(item, dict):
# don't prepend a leading _
if prefix != '':
if prefix != "":
prefix += separator
retval = {}
for key, value in item.items():
@ -53,35 +54,20 @@ def flatten(item, prefix='', separator='_', keys=None):
return {prefix: item}
def str_or_list(obj):
if isinstance(obj, str):
return [obj]
return obj
# utility classes
class FallbackCounter(collections.defaultdict):
""" Python 2.6 does not have collections.Counter.
This is class that does the basics of what we need from Counter.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FallbackCounter, self).__init__(int)
def most_common(n=None):
l = sorted(self.items(),
cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
if n is not None:
l = l[:n]
return l
class Files(object):
class Files:
"""Iterate over multiple files as a single file. Pass the paths of the
files as arguments to the class constructor:
@ -111,7 +97,8 @@ class Files(object):
yield line
class RemoteFile(object):
class RemoteFile:
"""Stream data from a remote file.
:param url: URL to remote file
@ -126,7 +113,8 @@ class RemoteFile(object):
yield line.rstrip()
class ZippedFiles(object):
class ZippedFiles:
"""unpack a zipped collection of files on init.
Takes a string with file location or zipfile.ZipFile object
@ -137,10 +125,12 @@ class ZippedFiles(object):
if using a ZipFile object, make sure to set mode to 'a' or 'w' in order
to use the add() function.
def __init__(self, zippedfile):
import zipfile
if type(zippedfile) == str:
self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zippedfile,'a')
self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zippedfile, "a")
self._zipfile = zippedfile
self.paths = self._zipfile.namelist()

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
from contextlib import closing
from io import StringIO
import os
from saucebrush.emitters import (
def test_debug_emitter():
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
de = DebugEmitter(output)
list(de.attach([1, 2, 3]))
assert output.getvalue() == "1\n2\n3\n"
def test_count_emitter():
# values for test
values = [
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
# test without of parameter
ce = CountEmitter(every=10, outfile=output, format="%(count)s records\n")
assert output.getvalue() == "10 records\n20 records\n"
assert output.getvalue() == "10 records\n20 records\n22 records\n"
with closing(StringIO()) as output:
# test with of parameter
ce = CountEmitter(every=10, outfile=output, of=len(values))
assert output.getvalue() == "10 of 22\n20 of 22\n"
assert output.getvalue() == "10 of 22\n20 of 22\n22 of 22\n"
def test_csv_emitter():
io = StringIO() # if Python 3.x then use StringIO
with closing(io) as output:
ce = CSVEmitter(output, ("x", "y", "z"))
list(ce.attach([{"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, {"x": 5, "y": 5, "z": 5}]))
assert output.getvalue() == "x,y,z\r\n1,2,3\r\n5,5,5\r\n"
def test_sqlite_emitter():
import sqlite3
import tempfile
with closing(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".db")) as f:
db_path =
sle = SqliteEmitter(db_path, "testtable", fieldnames=("a", "b", "c"))
list(sle.attach([{"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3"}]))
with closing(sqlite3.connect(db_path)) as conn:
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""SELECT a, b, c FROM testtable""")
results = cur.fetchall()
assert results == [("1", "2", "3")]
def test_sql_dump_emitter():
with closing(StringIO()) as bffr:
sde = SqlDumpEmitter(bffr, "testtable", ("a", "b"))
list(sde.attach([{"a": 1, "b": "2"}]))
assert bffr.getvalue() == "INSERT INTO `testtable` (`a`,`b`) VALUES (1,'2');\n"

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
import unittest
import types
from saucebrush.filters import (
class DummyRecipe:
rejected_record = None
rejected_msg = None
def reject_record(self, record, msg):
self.rejected_record = record
self.rejected_msg = msg
class Doubler(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
return record * 2
class OddRemover(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
if record % 2 == 0:
return record
return None # explicitly return None
class ListFlattener(YieldFilter):
def process_record(self, record):
for item in record:
yield item
class FieldDoubler(FieldFilter):
def process_field(self, item):
return item * 2
class NonModifyingFieldDoubler(Filter):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def process_record(self, record):
record = dict(record)
record[self.key] *= 2
return record
class ConditionalOddRemover(ConditionalFilter):
def test_record(self, record):
# return True for even values
return record % 2 == 0
class FilterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _simple_data(self):
return [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100},
def assert_filter_result(self, filter_obj, expected_data):
result = filter_obj.attach(self._simple_data())
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected_data)
def test_reject_record(self):
recipe = DummyRecipe()
f = Doubler()
result = f.attach([1, 2, 3], recipe=recipe)
# next has to be called for attach to take effect
f.reject_record("bad", "this one was bad")
# ensure that the rejection propagated to the recipe
self.assertEqual("bad", recipe.rejected_record)
self.assertEqual("this one was bad", recipe.rejected_msg)
def test_simple_filter(self):
df = Doubler()
result = df.attach([1, 2, 3])
# ensure we got a generator that yields 2,4,6
self.assertEqual(type(result), types.GeneratorType)
self.assertEqual(list(result), [2, 4, 6])
def test_simple_filter_return_none(self):
cf = OddRemover()
result = cf.attach(range(10))
# ensure only even numbers remain
self.assertEqual(list(result), [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
def test_simple_yield_filter(self):
lf = ListFlattener()
result = lf.attach([[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
# ensure we got a generator that yields 1,2,3,4,5,6
self.assertEqual(type(result), types.GeneratorType)
self.assertEqual(list(result), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
def test_simple_field_filter(self):
ff = FieldDoubler(["a", "c"])
# check against expected data
expected_data = [
{"a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 6},
{"a": 10, "b": 5, "c": 10},
{"a": 2, "b": 10, "c": 200},
self.assert_filter_result(ff, expected_data)
def test_conditional_filter(self):
cf = ConditionalOddRemover()
result = cf.attach(range(10))
# ensure only even numbers remain
self.assertEqual(list(result), [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
# Tests for Subrecord
def test_subrecord_filter_list(self):
data = [
{"a": [{"b": 2}, {"b": 4}]},
{"a": [{"b": 5}]},
{"a": [{"b": 8}, {"b": 2}, {"b": 1}]},
expected = [
{"a": [{"b": 4}, {"b": 8}]},
{"a": [{"b": 10}]},
{"a": [{"b": 16}, {"b": 4}, {"b": 2}]},
sf = SubrecordFilter("a", NonModifyingFieldDoubler("b"))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_deep(self):
data = [
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 2}, {"b": 4}]}},
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 5}]}},
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 8}, {"b": 2}, {"b": 1}]}},
expected = [
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 4}, {"b": 8}]}},
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 10}]}},
{"a": {"d": [{"b": 16}, {"b": 4}, {"b": 2}]}},
sf = SubrecordFilter("a.d", NonModifyingFieldDoubler("b"))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_nonlist(self):
data = [
{"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}},
{"a": {"b": {"c": 2}}},
{"a": {"b": {"c": 3}}},
expected = [
{"a": {"b": {"c": 2}}},
{"a": {"b": {"c": 4}}},
{"a": {"b": {"c": 6}}},
sf = SubrecordFilter("a.b", NonModifyingFieldDoubler("c"))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_subrecord_filter_list_in_path(self):
data = [
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 5}}, {"b": {"c": 6}}]},
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 1}}, {"b": {"c": 2}}, {"b": {"c": 3}}]},
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 2}}]},
expected = [
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 10}}, {"b": {"c": 12}}]},
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 2}}, {"b": {"c": 4}}, {"b": {"c": 6}}]},
{"a": [{"b": {"c": 4}}]},
sf = SubrecordFilter("a.b", NonModifyingFieldDoubler("c"))
result = sf.attach(data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected)
def test_conditional_path(self):
predicate = lambda r: r["a"] == 1 # noqa
# double b if a == 1, otherwise double c
cpf = ConditionalPathFilter(predicate, FieldDoubler("b"), FieldDoubler("c"))
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 4, "c": 3},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 10},
{"a": 1, "b": 20, "c": 100},
self.assert_filter_result(cpf, expected_data)
# Tests for Generic Filters
def test_field_modifier(self):
# another version of FieldDoubler
fm = FieldModifier(["a", "c"], lambda x: x * 2)
# check against expected data
expected_data = [
{"a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 6},
{"a": 10, "b": 5, "c": 10},
{"a": 2, "b": 10, "c": 200},
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_keeper(self):
fk = FieldKeeper(["c"])
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{"c": 3}, {"c": 5}, {"c": 100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fk, expected_data)
def test_field_remover(self):
fr = FieldRemover(["a", "b"])
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{"c": 3}, {"c": 5}, {"c": 100}]
self.assert_filter_result(fr, expected_data)
def test_field_merger(self):
fm = FieldMerger({"sum": ("a", "b", "c")}, lambda x, y, z: x + y + z)
# check against expected results
expected_data = [{"sum": 6}, {"sum": 15}, {"sum": 111}]
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_merger_keep_fields(self):
fm = FieldMerger(
{"sum": ("a", "b", "c")}, lambda x, y, z: x + y + z, keep_fields=True
# check against expected results
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "sum": 6},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5, "sum": 15},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100, "sum": 111},
self.assert_filter_result(fm, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_scalar(self):
fa = FieldAdder("x", 7)
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": 7},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5, "x": 7},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100, "x": 7},
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_callable(self):
fa = FieldAdder("x", lambda: 7)
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": 7},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5, "x": 7},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100, "x": 7},
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_iterable(self):
fa = FieldAdder("x", [1, 2, 3])
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "x": 1},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5, "x": 2},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100, "x": 3},
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_replace(self):
fa = FieldAdder("b", lambda: 7)
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 7, "c": 3},
{"a": 5, "b": 7, "c": 5},
{"a": 1, "b": 7, "c": 100},
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_adder_no_replace(self):
fa = FieldAdder("b", lambda: 7, replace=False)
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100},
self.assert_filter_result(fa, expected_data)
def test_field_copier(self):
fc = FieldCopier({"a2": "a", "b2": "b"})
expected_data = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "a2": 1, "b2": 2},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5, "a2": 5, "b2": 5},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100, "a2": 1, "b2": 10},
self.assert_filter_result(fc, expected_data)
def test_field_renamer(self):
fr = FieldRenamer({"x": "a", "y": "b"})
expected_data = [
{"x": 1, "y": 2, "c": 3},
{"x": 5, "y": 5, "c": 5},
{"x": 1, "y": 10, "c": 100},
self.assert_filter_result(fr, expected_data)
# TODO: splitter & flattner tests?
def test_unique_filter(self):
u = Unique()
in_data = [{"a": 77}, {"a": 33}, {"a": 77}]
expected_data = [{"a": 77}, {"a": 33}]
result = u.attach(in_data)
self.assertEqual(list(result), expected_data)
# TODO: unicode & string filter tests
if __name__ == "__main__":

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import pytest
from saucebrush import Recipe, run_recipe, SaucebrushError, OvercookedError
from saucebrush.filters import Filter
class Raiser(Filter):
def process_record(self, record):
raise Exception("bad record")
class Saver(Filter):
def __init__(self):
self.saved = []
def process_record(self, record):
return record
def test_error_stream():
saver = Saver()
recipe = Recipe(Raiser(), error_stream=saver)[{"a": 1}, {"b": 2}])
assert saver.saved[0]["record"] == {"a": 1}
assert saver.saved[1]["record"] == {"b": 2}
# Must pass either a Recipe, a Filter or an iterable of Filters
# as the error_stream argument
assert pytest.raises(SaucebrushError, Recipe, error_stream=5)
def test_run_recipe():
saver = Saver()
run_recipe([1, 2], saver)
assert saver.saved == [1, 2]
def test_done():
saver = Saver()
recipe = Recipe(saver)[1])
assert pytest.raises(OvercookedError,, [2])
assert pytest.raises(OvercookedError, recipe.done)
assert saver.saved == [1]

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
from io import StringIO
from saucebrush.sources import (
def _get_csv():
data = """a,b,c
return StringIO(data)
def test_csv_source_basic():
source = CSVSource(_get_csv())
expected_data = [
{"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3"},
{"a": "5", "b": "5", "c": "5"},
{"a": "1", "b": "10", "c": "100"},
assert list(source) ==expected_data
def test_csv_source_fieldnames():
source = CSVSource(_get_csv(), ["x", "y", "z"])
expected_data = [
{"x": "a", "y": "b", "z": "c"},
{"x": "1", "y": "2", "z": "3"},
{"x": "5", "y": "5", "z": "5"},
{"x": "1", "y": "10", "z": "100"},
assert list(source) == expected_data
def test_csv_source_skiprows():
source = CSVSource(_get_csv(), skiprows=1)
expected_data = [
{"a": "5", "b": "5", "c": "5"},
{"a": "1", "b": "10", "c": "100"},
assert list(source) == expected_data
def test_fixed_width_source():
data = StringIO("JamesNovember 3 1986\nTim September151999")
fields = (("name", 5), ("month", 9), ("day", 2), ("year", 4))
source = FixedWidthFileSource(data, fields)
expected_data = [
{"name": "James", "month": "November", "day": "3", "year": "1986"},
{"name": "Tim", "month": "September", "day": "15", "year": "1999"},
assert list(source) == expected_data
def test_json_source():
content = StringIO("""[{"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": 3}]""")
js = JSONSource(content)
assert list(js) == [{"a": 1, "b": "2", "c": 3}]
def test_html_table_source():
content = StringIO(
<table id="thetable">
hts = HtmlTableSource(content, "thetable")
assert list(hts) == [{"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3"}]

tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from saucebrush.stats import Sum, Average, Median, MinMax, StandardDeviation, Histogram
def _simple_data():
return [
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
{"a": 5, "b": 5, "c": 5},
{"a": 1, "b": 10, "c": 100},
def test_sum():
fltr = Sum("b")
assert fltr.value() == 17
def test_average():
fltr = Average("c")
assert fltr.value() == 36.0
def test_median():
# odd number of values
fltr = Median("a")
assert fltr.value() == 1
# even number of values
fltr = Median("a")
assert fltr.value() == 3
def test_minmax():
fltr = MinMax("b")
assert fltr.value() == (2, 10)
def test_standard_deviation():
fltr = StandardDeviation("c")
assert fltr.average() == 36.0
assert fltr.median() == 5
assert fltr.value() == (55.4346462061408, 3073.0)
assert fltr.value(True) == (45.2621990922521, 2048.6666666666665)
def test_histogram():
fltr = Histogram("a")
fltr.label_length = 1
assert str(fltr) == "\n1 **\n5 *\n"