#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Implementation of a webservice for an address to district webservice. This is the code that http://api.sunlightlabs.com/places.getDistrictFromAddress uses. Be sure to set GMAPS_API_KEY and PATH_TO_CDFILES appropriately: GMAPS_API_KEY: Google Maps key (http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html) PATH_TO_CDFILES: copy of cd99 (http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/cd110.html) The CGI script takes two parameters: addr -- address string in any format the google geocoder can handle output -- optional parameter specifying formatting ('xml' or default 'json') ''' import cgi from polipoly import AddressToDistrictService GMAPS_API_KEY = 'define-me' PATH_TO_CDFILES = '' # run as a module if __name__ == '__main__': # get address field and output type fields = cgi.FieldStorage() addr = fields.getvalue('address') output = fields.getvalue('output') # plaintext error if no address is provided if addr is None: print 'Content-type: text/plain\n' print 'error: must provide address parameter' else: # create service and find out districts service = AddressToDistrictService(GMAPS_API_KEY, PATH_TO_CDFILES) lat, lng, districts = service.address_to_district(addr) # JSON output (default) if output is None or output == 'json': print 'Content-type: application/json\n' dist_str = ','.join(['{"state":"%s", "district":"%s"}' % dist for dist in districts]) print '''{"address":"%s", "latitude":"%s", "longitude":"%s", "districts": [ %s ] }''' % (addr, lat, lng, dist_str) # XML output elif output == 'xml': print 'Content-type: text/xml\n' dist_str = '\n'.join([' %s' % dist for dist in districts]) print '''
%s %s %s
''' % (addr, lat, lng, dist_str) else: print 'Content-type: text/plain\n' print 'error: invalid output parameter specified'