2007-12-10 09:27:49 +00:00
"""Python library for working with political boundaries
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Political boundaries are defined by one or more polygons and obtained
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from census.gov shapefiles. Census boundary shapefiles are available at
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
At the moment this library has only been used with State and Congressional
District boundaries.
2007-12-10 09:27:49 +00:00
__author__ = "James Turk (james.p.turk@gmail.com)"
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
__version__ = "0.1.5"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Sunlight Labs"
2007-12-10 09:27:49 +00:00
__license__ = "BSD"
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
import urllib
from shapelib import ShapeFile
from dbflib import DBFFile
### General Utilities ###
# internally used helper function
def left_of_edge(point, ep1, ep2):
"""Determine if point is left of infinite line touching ep1 and ep2"""
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return ((ep1[0]-point[0])*(ep2[1]-point[1]) -
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(ep2[0]-point[0])*(ep1[1]-point[1])) < 0
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
class Polygon(object):
''' Simple polygon class used for point containment testing and conversion
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Allows for testing if a polygon contains a point as well as conversion
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to various portable representations '''
def __init__(self, vertices):
self.vertices = vertices
def contains(self, point):
''' Determine if point lies within the polygon. '''
# initially winds is 0
winds = 0
# iterate over edges
for i in xrange(len(self.vertices)-1):
# add wind if edge crosses point going up and point is to left
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
if (self.vertices[i][1] < point[1] < self.vertices[i+1][1] and
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
left_of_edge(point, self.vertices[i], self.vertices[i+1])):
winds += 1
# end wind if edge crosses point going down and point is to right
elif (self.vertices[i][1] > point[1] > self.vertices[i+1][1] and
not left_of_edge(point, self.vertices[i], self.vertices[i+1])):
winds -= 1
# point is contained if net winds is not zero
return winds != 0
def to_kml(self):
''' get KML polygon representation '''
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
coordstr = ' '.join("%.15f,%.15f" % v for v in self.vertices)
return '''<Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing>
</LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon>''' % coordstr
### Exceptions ###
class GeocodingError(Exception):
"""Custom exception which maps possible google geocoder error codes to
human readable strings.
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
See http://www.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/reference.html#GGeoStatusCode
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
2007-12-17 17:44:19 +00:00
STATUS_CODES = {500: 'Unknown Geocoding Server Error',
601: 'Empty Address',
602: 'Unknown Address',
603: 'Prohibited Address',
610: 'Bad API Key',
620: 'Too Many Requests'}
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2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
def __init__(self, code, extra=None):
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2007-12-17 17:44:19 +00:00
self.code = int(code)
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self.extra = extra
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def __str__(self):
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
desc = 'GeocodingError: %d - %s' % (self.code,
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2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
if self.extra:
desc += ' (%s)' % self.extra
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
class ShapefileError(Exception):
""" Exception for problems with census shapefiles."""
def __init__(self, message):
Exception.__init__(self, message)
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def __str__(self):
return 'ShapefileError: %s' % (self.message)
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
### Census Shapefiles ###
# Mapping of FIPS codes to Postal Abbreviations
# obtained from http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip5-2.htm
'01':'AL', '02':'AK', '04':'AZ', '05':'AR', '06':'CA', '08':'CO', '09':'CT',
'10':'DE', '11':'DC', '12':'FL', '13':'GA', '15':'HI', '16':'ID', '17':'IL',
'18':'IN', '19':'IA', '20':'KS', '21':'KY', '22':'LA', '23':'ME', '24':'MD',
'25':'MA', '26':'MI', '27':'MN', '28':'MS', '29':'MO', '30':'MT', '31':'NE',
'32':'NV', '33':'NH', '34':'NJ', '35':'NM', '36':'NY', '37':'NC', '38':'ND',
'39':'OH', '40':'OK', '41':'OR', '42':'PA', '44':'RI', '45':'SC', '46':'SD',
'47':'TN', '48':'TX', '49':'UT', '50':'VT', '51':'VA', '53':'WA', '54':'WV',
'55':'WI', '56':'WY', '72':'PR' }
class Entity(object):
""" A named list of polygons associated with a political boundary.
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eg. a state, congressional district, or school district"""
def __init__(self, name, entity, vertices, extents):
self.name = name
self.entity = entity
self.polygons = [Polygon(vlist) for vlist in vertices]
self.extents = extents
def from_shapefile(obj, rec):
""" Factory function that creates a Entity (or derived class) from
a census.gov shapefile. """
# by using the LSAD determine if a subclass is defined for this entity
lsad_mapping = {
('01'): State,
('C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'): CongressDistrict
for lsads, cls in lsad_mapping.iteritems():
if rec['LSAD'] in lsads:
return cls.from_shapefile(obj, rec)
# if there is no mapping for the LSAD just construct a Entity
return Entity('', rec['LSAD_TRANS'], obj.vertices(), obj.extents())
def in_rect(self, point):
""" Check if a point lies within the bounding extents of the entity """
return self.extents[0][0] < point[0] < self.extents[1][0] and \
self.extents[0][1] < point[1] < self.extents[1][1]
def contains(self, point):
""" Check if a point lies within any of the entities polygons """
if self.in_rect(point):
for poly in self.polygons:
if poly.contains(point):
return True
return False
def to_kml(self):
""" Return a KML Placemark representing the entity """
return """<Placemark><name>%s</name>
</Placemark>""" % (self.name, ''.join(poly.to_kml() for poly in self.polygons))
class CongressDistrict(Entity):
""" Entity with state and district properties. """
def __init__(self, entity, vertices, extents, state, district):
Entity.__init__(self, '%s-%s' % (state, district),
entity, vertices, extents)
self.state = state
self.district = district
def from_shapefile(obj, rec):
""" Construct a CongressDistrict from a census.gov shapefile """
return CongressDistrict(rec['LSAD_TRANS'], obj.vertices(),
obj.extents(), FIPS_TO_STATE[rec['STATE']],
class State(Entity):
""" Entity for states, adds a state property """
def __init__(self, vertices, extents, state):
Entity.__init__(self, 'State', state, vertices, extents)
self.state = state
def from_shapefile(obj, rec):
""" Construct a State from a census.gov shapefile """
return State(obj.vertices(), obj.extents(), rec['NAME'])
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def read_census_shapefile(filename):
"""Read census shapefile and return list of entity-derived objects.
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
Given the base name of a census .shp/.dbf file returns a list of all
Entity-derived objects described by the the file.
shp = ShapeFile(filename)
except IOError:
raise ShapefileError('Could not open %s.shp' % filename)
dbf = DBFFile(filename)
except IOError:
raise ShapefileError('Could not open %s.dbf' % filename)
shape_count = shp.info()[0]
# shape_count should always equal dbf.record_count()
if shape_count != dbf.record_count():
raise ShapefileError('SHP/DBF record count mismatch (SHP=%d, DBF=%d)' %
(shape_count, dbf.record_count()))
# generator version
#for i in xrange(shp.info()[0]):
# yield Entity.fromShapefile(shp.read_object(i), dbf.read_record(i))
# shp.info()[0] is the number of objects
return [Entity.from_shapefile(shp.read_object(i), dbf.read_record(i))
for i in xrange(shape_count)]
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
### Geocoding ###
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
class AddressToDistrictService(object):
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
"""Abstract base class for service which maps addresses to districts using
the census data and a geocoder."""
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
def __init__(self, census_file, geocoder=GEOCODER_US, apikey=None):
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
"""AddressToDistrictService constructor
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
Initialize given a path to a census.gov all congressional districts
(cd99) dataset.
The cd99_110 dataset is available from:
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
if geocoder == self.GEOCODER_GMAPS and not apikey:
raise GeocodingError(610) # bad api key
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
self.boundaries = read_census_shapefile(census_file)
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self.geocoder = geocoder
self.apikey = apikey
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
def _google_geocode(self, address):
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
"""Convert an address into a latitude/longitude via google maps"""
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
url = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?output=csv&q=%s&key=%s' % \
(urllib.quote(address), self.apikey)
# returns status,level-of-detail,lat,long
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
status, _, lat, lng = urllib.urlopen(url).read().split(',')
2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
# 200 - OK
if status == '200':
return lat, lng
raise GeocodingError(status)
2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
def _geocoderus_geocode(self, address):
"""Convert an address into a latitude/longitude via geocoder.us"""
if not address:
raise GeocodingError(601) # empty address
url = 'http://rpc.geocoder.us/service/csv?address=%s' % \
data = urllib.urlopen(url).readline() # only get first line for now
# returns lat,long,street,city,state,zip or #: errmsg
if data.startswith('2:'):
raise GeocodingError(602) # address not found
lat, lng, _, _, _, _ = data.split(',')
return lat, lng
except ValueError:
raise GeocodingError(500, data) # unmapped error
def lat_long_to_district(self, lat, lng):
""" Obtain the district containing a given latitude and longitude."""
2008-06-19 20:44:50 +00:00
flat, flng = float(lat), -abs(float(lng))
districts = []
for cb in self.boundaries:
if cb.contains((flng,flat)):
if cb.district == '98':
cb.district = '00'
elif cb.district[0] == '0':
cb.district = cb.district[1]
districts.append((cb.state, cb.district))
return lat, lng, districts
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def address_to_district(self, address):
"""Given an address returns the congressional district it lies within.
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2007-11-29 06:40:47 +00:00
This function works by geocoding the address and then finding the point
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that the returned lat/long returned lie within.
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2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
if self.geocoder == self.GEOCODER_GMAPS:
lat, lng = self._google_geocode(address)
elif self.geocoder == self.GEOCODER_US:
lat, lng = self._geocoderus_geocode(address)
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2008-01-17 19:05:20 +00:00
return self.lat_long_to_district(lat, lng)