import datetime import hashlib import random import sys import pymongo import scrapelib from .storage import engines from celery.execute import send_task class Kernel(object): """ oyster's workhorse, handles tracking """ def __init__(self, mongo_host='localhost', mongo_port=27017, mongo_db='oyster', mongo_log_maxsize=100000000, user_agent='oyster', rpm=60, timeout=300, retry_attempts=3, retry_wait_minutes=60, doc_classes=None, default_storage_engine='dummy', ): """ configurable for ease of testing, only one should be instantiated """ # set up a capped log if it doesn't exist self.db = pymongo.Connection(mongo_host, mongo_port)[mongo_db] try: self.db.create_collection('logs', capped=True, size=mongo_log_maxsize) except pymongo.errors.CollectionInvalid: # cap collection if not capped? pass # create status document if it doesn't exist if self.db.status.count() == 0: self.db.status.insert({'update_queue': 0}) # ensure an index on _random self.db.tracked.ensure_index('_random') self.db.tracked.ensure_index('url') self.scraper = scrapelib.Scraper(user_agent=user_agent, requests_per_minute=rpm, follow_robots=False, raise_errors=True, timeout=timeout) self.retry_attempts = retry_attempts self.retry_wait_minutes = retry_wait_minutes # load engines = {} for name, StorageCls in engines.iteritems():[name] = StorageCls(self) # set document classes _doc_class_fields = ('update_mins', 'onchanged') self.doc_classes = doc_classes or {} for dc_name, dc_props in self.doc_classes.iteritems(): for key in _doc_class_fields: if key not in dc_props: raise ValueError('doc_class %s missing key %s' % (dc_name, key)) # set a default storage engine if 'storage_engine' not in dc_props: dc_props['storage_engine'] = default_storage_engine def _wipe(self): """ exists primarily for debug use, wipes entire db """ self.db.drop_collection('tracked') self.db.drop_collection('logs') self.db.drop_collection('status') def log(self, action, url, error=False, **kwargs): """ add an entry to the oyster log """ kwargs['action'] = action kwargs['url'] = url kwargs['error'] = error kwargs['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.db.logs.insert(kwargs) def _add_doc_class(self, doc_class, **properties): self.doc_classes[doc_class] = properties def track_url(self, url, doc_class, id=None, **kwargs): """ Add a URL to the set of tracked URLs, accessible via a given filename. url URL to start tracking doc_class document type, can be any arbitrary string **kwargs any keyword args will be added to the document's metadata """ if doc_class not in self.doc_classes: error = 'unregistered doc_class %s' % doc_class self.log('track', url=url, error=error) raise ValueError(error) # try and find an existing version of this document tracked = None if id: tracked = self.db.tracked.find_one({'_id': id}) else: tracked = self.db.tracked.find_one({'url': url}) # if id exists, ensure that URL and doc_class haven't changed # then return existing data (possibly with refreshed metadata) if tracked: if (tracked['url'] == url and tracked['doc_class'] == doc_class): if kwargs != tracked['metadata']: tracked['metadata'] = kwargs, safe=True) return tracked['_id'] else: # id existed but with different URL error = ('%s already exists with different data (tracked: ' '%s, %s) (new: %s, %s)' % (tracked['_id'], tracked['url'], tracked['doc_class'], url, doc_class)) self.log('track', url=url, error=error) raise ValueError(error) self.log('track', url=url) newdoc = dict(url=url, doc_class=doc_class, _random=random.randint(0, sys.maxint), versions=[], metadata=kwargs) if id: newdoc['_id'] = id return self.db.tracked.insert(newdoc, safe=True) def md5_versioning(self, olddata, newdata): """ return True if md5 changed or if file is new """ old_md5 = hashlib.md5(olddata).hexdigest() new_md5 = hashlib.md5(newdata).hexdigest() return old_md5 != new_md5 def update(self, doc): """ perform update upon a given document :param:`doc` must be a document from the `tracked` collection * download latest document * check if document has changed using versioning func * if a change has occurred save the file * if error occured, log & keep track of how many errors in a row * update last_update/next_update timestamp """ new_version = True error = False now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() try: doc_class = self.doc_classes[doc['doc_class']] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unregistered doc_class %s' % doc['doc_class']) update_mins = doc_class['update_mins'] storage =[doc_class['storage_engine']] # fetch strategies could be implemented here as well try: url = doc['url'].replace(' ', '%20') newdata = self.scraper.urlopen(url) content_type = newdata.response.headers['content-type'] except Exception as e: new_version = False error = str(e) # only do versioning check if at least one version exists if new_version and doc['versions']: # room here for different versioning schemes olddata = storage.get(doc['versions'][-1]['storage_key']) new_version = self.md5_versioning(olddata, newdata) if new_version: storage_id = storage.put(doc, newdata, content_type) doc['versions'].append({'timestamp': now, 'storage_key': storage_id, 'storage_type': storage.storage_type, }) # fire off onchanged functions for onchanged in doc_class.get('onchanged', []): send_task(onchanged, (doc['_id'],)) if error: # if there's been an error, increment the consecutive_errors count # and back off a bit until we've reached our retry limit c_errors = doc.get('consecutive_errors', 0) doc['consecutive_errors'] = c_errors + 1 if c_errors <= self.retry_attempts: update_mins = self.retry_wait_minutes * (2 ** c_errors) else: # reset error count if all was ok doc['consecutive_errors'] = 0 # last_update/next_update are separate from question of versioning doc['last_update'] = now if update_mins: doc['next_update'] = now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=update_mins) else: doc['next_update'] = None self.log('update', url=url, new_doc=new_version, error=error), safe=True) def get_update_queue(self): """ Get a list of what needs to be updated. Documents that have never been updated take priority, followed by documents that are simply stale. Within these two categories results are sorted in semirandom order to decrease odds of piling on one server. """ # results are always sorted by random to avoid piling on single server # first we try to update anything that we've never retrieved new = self.db.tracked.find({'next_update': {'$exists': False}}).sort('_random') queue = list(new) # pull the rest from those for which next_update is in the past next = self.db.tracked.find({'$and': [ {'next_update': {'$ne': None}}, {'next_update': {'$lt': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}}, ]}).sort('_random') queue.extend(next) return queue def get_update_queue_size(self): """ Get the size of the update queue, this should match ``len(self.get_update_queue())``, but is computed more efficiently. """ new = self.db.tracked.find({'next_update': {'$exists': False}}).count() next = self.db.tracked.find({'$and': [ {'next_update': {'$ne': None}}, {'next_update': {'$lt': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}}, ]}).count() return new + next def get_last_version(self, doc): try: doc_class = self.doc_classes[doc['doc_class']] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unregistered doc_class %s' % doc['doc_class']) storage =[doc_class['storage_engine']] return storage.get(doc['versions'][-1]['storage_key']) def extract_text(self, doc): version = self.get_last_version(doc) doc_class = self.doc_classes[doc['doc_class']] try: extract_text = doc_class['extract_text'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('doc_class %s missing extract_text' % doc['doc_class']) return extract_text(doc, version) def _get_configured_kernel(): """ factory, gets a connection configured with oyster.conf.settings """ from oyster.conf import settings return Kernel(mongo_host=settings.MONGO_HOST, mongo_port=settings.MONGO_PORT, mongo_db=settings.MONGO_DATABASE, mongo_log_maxsize=settings.MONGO_LOG_MAXSIZE, user_agent=settings.USER_AGENT, rpm=settings.REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE, timeout=settings.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, retry_attempts=settings.RETRY_ATTEMPTS, retry_wait_minutes=settings.RETRY_WAIT_MINUTES, doc_classes=settings.DOCUMENT_CLASSES, default_storage_engine=settings.DEFAULT_STORAGE_ENGINE, ) kernel = _get_configured_kernel()