2005-07-18 22:32:26 +00:00

61 lines
1.6 KiB

<h2>About GLFT_Font</h2>
GLFT_Font is originally by <a href="">James Turk</a>
although it is based on the work of
<a href="">Marijn Haverbeke</a>. GLFT_Font allows
programmers to use fonts in their OpenGL applications with great ease on any
platform for which both <a href="">FreeType2</a> and
<a href="">OpenGL</a> are available.
<h2>Obtaining GLFT_Font</h2>
The latest copy of GLFT_Font will be available via this website.
At the moment the latest version is <a href="glftfont-0.2.tar.gz">0.2</a>.
<h2>Using GLFT_Font</h2>
Using GLFT_Font is designed to be extremely simple. The simplest use is:
<hr />
#include "GLFT_Font.h"
Font fnt("somefont.ttf", size);
fnt.drawText(x, y, "Hello World");
<hr />
GLFT_Font also includes support for finding the width/height of a string and
drawText supports printf-style argument formatting. <br />
<strong>New in 0.2:</strong> GLFT_Font now allows outputting text using C++
style stream operators.
<li> <a href="glftfont-0.2.tar.gz">Version 0.2</a> - 18 July 2005 -
Added beginDraw/endDraw and changed vsprintf to vsnprintf </li>
<li> <a href="glftfont-0.1.tar.gz">Version 0.1</a> - 1 July 2005 -
Initial Release </li>
<hr />
<p><em>$Id: index.html,v 1.2 2005/07/18 22:32:26 cozman Exp $</em></p>