--------------- Creating Themes --------------- A theme is represented by a single django template, currently kept at templates/themes/themename.html Required Elements ----------------- The theme must include a content block that will be filled by the page, the theme should also include "idea_form.html" if you wish to use the generic idea submission form. Example dynamic content block:

project description

{% block content %} {% endblock %}

Submit New Idea

{% include "idea_form.html" %}
Styling the Theme ----------------- Obviously the styling/design of the static portions of the theme is entirely within the hands of the designer. There are however a few dynamic sections which typically will need some form of styling. index ..... The 'content' block of the index contains two divs: 'div#ideas' and 'div#pagination'. 'div#ideas' contains an list where each li is a pair of div.btnVote and div.voteContent. When a div.btnVote has been voted up it will have the additional class 'voted' to allow for additional styling. 'div.btnVote' contains the link 'a.vote_link' for voting and 'div.votes_counted' for displaying the current vote total. 'div.voteContent' contains an

with the idea title, a div.commentMeta with the idea's submitter/date, and a

with the description. idea .... The content block of the idea page contains two divs: 'div#idea' and 'div#comments'. 'div#idea' contains a single pair of 'div.btnVote' and 'div.voteContent' (see `index`_ for description of these elements) 'div#comments' contains an

with the number of comments, then an ordered list where each
  • has the following elements: * div.commentMeta which contains span.commentMetaAuthor and span.commentMetaDate * div.commentContent which contains a

    with the comment itself (TODO: comment form)