2005-07-17 02:40:39 +00:00

172 lines
6.5 KiB

//This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net)
//Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk
// Author:
// James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu)
// Version:
// $Id: math_test.cpp,v 1.3 2005/07/17 02:40:39 cozman Exp $
// Tests almost everything within photon::math
// Doesn't test:
// -Circle-Rectangle intersection: hard to test without graphics
// -Accessors: so many of them, simple to detect problems, possibly add later
// -Rect: coming soon
// -Vector2: coming soon
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "photon.hpp"
using namespace photon;
using namespace std;
// example checks should always contain a positive check followed by a negative
// ex:
// a contains origin
// b doesn't contain origin
void testGeneral()
// Show sample usage of all functions in math.hpp
cout << "--General Math-------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "PI = " << setprecision(10) << math::PI << "\n";
cout << setprecision(3);
cout << "clamp(2.5, 0, 5) = " << math::clamp(2.5, 0, 5) << "\n";
cout << "clamp(-1, 0, 5) = " << math::clamp(-1, 0, 5) << "\n";
cout << "clamp(1000, 0, 5) = " << math::clamp(1000, 0, 5) << "\n";
cout << "scalarCompare(3.0, 3.0000001) are " <<
(math::scalarCompare(3.0, 3.0000001) ? "" : "not") << " equal\n";
cout << "scalarCompare(3.0, 3.1) are " <<
(math::scalarCompare(3.0, 3.1) ? "" : "not") << " equal\n";
cout << "PI/6 radians = " << math::radToDeg(math::PI/6) << " degrees\n";
cout << "45 degrees = " << math::degToRad(45) << " radians\n";
cout << endl;
void testCircle()
// Demo Circle class
cout << "--Circles------------------------------------------------------\n";
math::Circle a( math::Point2(0, 0), 1); // circle at origin w/ radius 5
math::Circle b( math::Point2(10, 10), 25); // circle at 10,10 w/ radius 25
math::Circle c( math::Point2(-10, -10), 1); // circle at -10,-10 w/ radius 1
math::Point2 ori(0, 0); //origin
cout << "a: " << a << "\nb: " << b << "\nc: " << c << "\n";
cout << (a == a ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " a\n";
cout << (a == b ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " b\n";
cout << "Moving a to 100,100: ";
a.moveTo( math::Point2(100, 100) );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Moving a by -100,-100: ";
a.moveRel( -100, -100 );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Resizing a's radius to 2: ";
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Resizing a's radius by -3 (can't have negative radius): ";
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Resizing a's radius by +3: ";
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "a and b" << (a.intersects(b) ? "" : " do not") << " intersect.\n";
cout << "a and c" << (a.intersects(c) ? "" : " do not") << " intersect.\n";
cout << "a " << (a.contains(ori) ? "contains " : "doesn't contain ") << ori
<< ".\n";
cout << "c " << (c.contains(ori) ? "contains " : "doesn't contain ") << ori
<< ".\n";
cout << endl;
void testRect()
// Demo Rect class
cout << "--Rects--------------------------------------------------------\n";
// show both construction methods
math::Rect a(math::Point2(-4, -4), 4, 4);
math::Rect b(math::Point2(-4, -4), math::Point2(6, 6));
math::Rect c(a); // copy of a for later use
math::Rect d(math::Point2(-3, -3), 1, 1);
math::Point2 ori(0, 0); //origin
cout << "a: " << a << "\nb: " << b << "\nc: " << c << "\nd: " << d << "\n";
cout << (a == a ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " a\n";
cout << (a == b ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " b\n";
cout << "Moving a to 0,0: ";
a.moveTo( math::Point2(0, 0) );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Moving a by 4,4: ";
a.moveRel( 4, 4 );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Resizing a to 8x8: ";
a.resize( 8, 8 );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Resizing a by 2 in each direction: ";
a.resizeRel( 2, 2 );
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "a and b" << (a.intersects(b) ? "" : " do not") << " intersect.\n";
cout << "a and c" << (a.intersects(c) ? "" : " do not") << " intersect.\n";
cout << "c " << (c.contains(d) ? "contains" : "doesn't contain") << " d\n";
cout << "d " << (d.contains(c) ? "contains" : "doesn't contain") << " c\n";
cout << "c " << (c.contains(ori) ? "contains " : "doesn't contain ") << ori
<< ".\n";
cout << "d " << (d.contains(ori) ? "contains " : "doesn't contain ") << ori
<< ".\n";
cout << "a.calcIntersection(b) = " << a.calcIntersection(b) << "\n";
cout << "a.calcIntersection(a) = " << a.calcIntersection(a) << "\n";
cout << "a.calcIntersection(c) = " << a.calcIntersection(c) << "\n";
cout << endl;
void testVector2()
// Demo Vector2 class
cout << "--Vector2------------------------------------------------------\n";
math::Vector2 a;
math::Vector2 b(1, 2);
cout << "a: " << a << "\nb: " << b << "\n";
cout << "Setting a to [5,5]: ";
a.set(5, 5);
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Setting a to 5 units long at 45 degrees: ";
a.resolveDeg(5, 45);
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Setting a to 5 units long at pi radians: ";
a.resolveRad(5, math::PI);
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << "Normalizing a: ";
cout << "a: " << a << "\n";
cout << (a == a ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " a\n";
cout << (a == b ? "a ==" : "a !=") << " b\n";
cout << "-a = " << -a << "\n";
cout << "a.b = " << a.dot(b) << "\n";
cout << "a+b = " << a+b << "\n";
cout << "a-b = " << a-b << "\n";
cout << "2*a = " << 2*a << "\n";
cout << "a/2 = " << a/2 << "\n";
cout << "a += b: " << a << "\n";
cout << "a -= b: " << a << "\n";
cout << "|a| = " << a.getMagnitude() << "\n";
cout << "|b| = " << b.getMagnitude() << "\n";
cout << "angle of a (deg) = " << a.getAngleDeg() << "\n";
cout << "angle of b (deg) = " << b.getAngleDeg() << "\n";
cout << "angle of a (rad) = " << a.getAngleRad() << "\n";
cout << "angle of b (rad) = " << b.getAngleRad() << "\n";
cout << "normal of a: " << a.calcNormal() << "\n";
cout << "normal of b: " << b.calcNormal() << "\n";
cout << "angle between a and b (deg): " << a.calcInnerAngleDeg(b) << "\n";
cout << "angle between a and b (rad): " << b.calcInnerAngleRad(a) << "\n";
cout << "distance between a and b: " << math::distance(a,b) << "\n";
cout << endl;
int main()