#This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net) #Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk # # Author: # James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu) # # Version: # $Id: SConstruct,v 1.13 2005/06/29 04:30:40 cozman Exp $ import os,os.path import glob import string def getFilesMulti(paths, pat): """Get all files which match a glob in a set of directories""" filelist = [] for d in paths: filelist += glob.glob( os.path.join(d,pat) ) return filelist ## config variables ## LIBRARY = 'photon' SUB_DIRS = ['', 'audio', 'math', 'util', 'util/filesys', 'video'] SRC_DIRS = ["src/%s" % d for d in SUB_DIRS] INC_DIRS = ["include/%s" % d for d in SUB_DIRS] SRC_FILES = [f.replace('src','build') for f in getFilesMulti(SRC_DIRS, '*.cpp')] INC_FILES = getFilesMulti(INC_DIRS, '*.hpp') libsMap = { 'nt':('opengl32','glu32','openal32'), 'posix':('GL','GLU','openal'), 'mac':('GL','GLU','openal')} try: OGL_LIB,GLU_LIB,OAL_LIB = libsMap[os.name] except KeyError: print """Building on this platform (' + os.name + ') is not supported. Contact James (jpt2433@rit.edu) to check on support.""" Exit(1) # Configure the environment (Check libraries): env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, LIBPATH=['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib'], INCPATH=['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']) conf = Configure(env) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(OAL_LIB, 'AL/al.h', 'C++'): print 'OpenAL not found, exiting.' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(OGL_LIB, 'GL/gl.h', 'C++'): print 'OpenGL not found, exiting.' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(GLU_LIB, 'GL/glu.h', 'C++'): print 'GLU not found, exiting.' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('glfw', 'GL/glfw.h', 'C++'): print 'GLFW not found, exiting.' Exit(1) if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('corona', 'corona.h', 'C++'): print 'Corona not found, exiting.' Exit(1) env = conf.Finish() # Build the Super-Header header = file('include/'+LIBRARY+'.hpp','w') incGuard = LIBRARY.upper()+'_HPP' header.write('#ifndef '+incGuard+'\n') header.write('#define '+incGuard+'\n\n') for inc in INC_FILES: header.write('#include "'+inc.replace('include/','')+'"\n') header.write('\n#endif // '+incGuard+'\n') header.close() # Define Builds: BuildDir('build', 'src', duplicate=0) lib = env.Library(os.path.join('lib',LIBRARY), source=SRC_FILES, CPPPATH = ['include', '/usr/include/freetype2/'], CPPFLAGS = '-Wall -pedantic') env.Alias(LIBRARY,lib) env.Default(LIBRARY) ndoc = env.Command('docs/index.html', './include', """NaturalDocs -nag -i $SOURCES -o HTML ./docs -p ./ndoc""") env.Alias("docs",ndoc) # Tests: tests = [] test_srcs = glob.glob( os.path.join('test', '*_test.cpp') ) for test_src in test_srcs: test_name = test_src.replace('_test.cpp','') tests.append(env.Program(test_name, source=test_src, CPPPATH = INC_DIRS+['/usr/include/freetype2/'], LIBPATH='./lib', CPPFLAGS = '-Wall -pedantic', LIBS=['photon',OAL_LIB,'glfw',OGL_LIB,GLU_LIB,'physfs','corona','freetype','ftgl'])) env.Alias('test',tests)