//This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net)
//Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk
// Author:
//  James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu)
// Version:
//  $Id: Task.hpp,v 1.1 2005/03/15 19:22:07 cozman Exp $


#include <string>

#include "types.hpp"

namespace photon

// Title: Task
// Group: Helper Types

class Task;
class Kernel;

// Type: TaskPtr
//  Pointer to a task, used since Task is abstract and will always be accessed 
//  via a pointer.
typedef shared_ptr<Task> TaskPtr;

// Enum: PriorityLevel
//  Enumeration defining priority of a Task.
// Values:
//  PRI_LOWEST  - Lowest priority available.
//  PRI_LOW     - Lower-than-usual priority.
//  PRI_NORMAL  - Normal priority, suitable for most tasks.
//  PRI_HIGH    - Lower-than-usual priority.
//  PRI_CORE    - Priority used by the various cores, between high and highest.
//  PRI_HIGHEST - Highest priority available.
enum PriorityLevel 
// Class: Task
//  Abstract class for tasks, which are runnable classes for use with <Kernel>.
//  When writing a task, only update() needs to be overloaded.
class Task
// Group: (Con/De)structors
    // Function: Task
    //  Constructor, every task needs a name and priority.
    // Parameters:
    //  name - Name for task, must be unique!
    //  priority - Optional argument for desired <PriorityLevel> for the Task, 
    //              controls order in which tasks are run by the <Kernel>.
    //              [default = PRI_NORMAL]
    Task(const std::string& name, PriorityLevel priority=PRI_NORMAL);
    // Function: ~Task
    //  Virtual destructor, exists simply to make inheritance safe.
    virtual ~Task();
// Group: Control
    // Function: update
    //  Pure virtual, every child task must overload it's own update(), when a 
    //  task is active this is called every 'frame.'
    virtual void update()=0;
    // Function: onStart
    //  Virtual function, overload to define behavior when the task is started.
    virtual void onStart();
    // Function: onKill
    //  Virtual function, overload to define behavior when the task is killed.
    virtual void onKill();
    // Function: onPause
    //  Virtual function, overload to define behavior every time that the 
    //  task is paused.
    // Note:
    //  Children of onPause should call Task::onPause to let the task know it's
    //  been paused.
    virtual void onPause();
    // Function: onUnpause
    //  Virtual function, overload to define behavior every time that the 
    //  task is unpaused.
    // Note:
    //  Children of onUnpause should call Task::onUnpause to let the task know 
    //  it's been paused.
    virtual void onUnpause();
    // Function: kill
    //  Sets state of application to dead, dead tasks remove themselves from 
    //  the Kernel's task pool.
    void kill();
// Group: Accessors
    // Function: getName
    //  Get the name of the task.
    // Return:
    //  Name of task.
    std::string getName() const;

    // Function: getPriority
    //  Get the priority of the task.
    // Return:
    //  <PriorityLevel> of task.
    PriorityLevel getPriority() const;

    // Function: isAlive
    //  Check if task is alive or not. 
    // Return:
    //  true if task is alive, false if task has been killed
    bool isAlive() const;

    // Function: isPaused
    //  Check if task is paused or not. 
    // Return:
    //  true iff task is paused
    bool isPaused() const;

// data members
    std::string name_;
    PriorityLevel priority_;
    bool alive_;
    bool paused_;
