Thank you for downloading photon,
    photon is an API which is designed primarily to ease creation of hardware 
accelerated 2D games with OpenGL and other open source & cross platform 
libraries. Photon aims to simplify portable game development, enabling 
developers to focus on the gameplay. Photon uses OpenGL for hardware accelerated
rotation, alpha blending, resizing, and drawing. Photon is built entirely on 
free software, using libraries like GLFW, PhysFS, OpenAL, and boost. Using 
Photon does not require knowledge of any of these libraries as their needed 
functionality is wrapped entirely within Photon’s rich class library so that 
anyone with a decent grasp of C++ can use Photon.
    photon is a cross platform API, designed primarily for game development.
photon is designed to run on as many operating systems as possible, and OS 
support is only limited by libraries which Photon depends on, at the moment
photon should run on Windows, Linux, OSX, and other Operating Systems
which have OpenGL support. 


If this is a source distribution you'll need to build photon before you can use 
it in your own applications, for details on how to build and install photon 
check out INSTALL.txt.  

If this is a binary distribution you can start using photon right away by 
linking the photon library (found in the lib/ subfolder) and it's dependencies
with your applications.

If you need any help or have any questions check out IFAQ.txt or visit photon's
homepage at

$Id: README.txt,v 1.1 2005/07/17 22:41:03 cozman Exp $