//This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net)
//Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk
// Author:
//  James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu)
// Version:
//  $Id: Font.hpp,v 1.9 2005/11/13 07:59:49 cozman Exp $


#include "video/FontResourceManager.hpp"
#include "ResourceManaged.hpp"
#include "video/Color.hpp"

namespace photon
namespace video

class StreamFlusher { };
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StreamFlusher& rhs);

// Class: Font
//  Simple wrapper object around a TrueType font that can be drawn to textures 
//  and rendered via OpenGL.
//  Since Font is a child of <ResourceManaged>, all memory management is 
//  taken care of.
//  Font is a resource managed class, and therefore all resources should
//  be registered using <Font::addResource> and then loaded by their assigned
//  name via <Font::open> or the appropriate constructor.
// Operators:
//  - Font = Font
//  - bool : True if font is loaded, false if not.
class Font : public ResourceManaged<FontResourceManager>
// Group: (Con/De)structors 
    // Function: Font
    //  Default constructor, initalizes internal state of Font.

    // Function: Font
    //  Copy constructor, copies another Font.
    // Parameters:
    //  rhs - Font to construct copy of.
    Font(const Font &rhs);

    // Function: Font
    // Initializing constructor, loads Font via call to <open>.
    // Parameters:
    //  name - Name of the Font <Resource> to open.
    // See Also: 
    //  <open>
    Font(const std::string& name);

// Group: General

    // Function: open
    //  Opens an TrueType font.
    //  Loading is done via FreeType.
    // Parameters:
    //  name - Name of the Font <Resource> to open.
    void open(const std::string& name);
    // Function: isValid
    //  Determine status of Font.
    // Returns:
    //  True if font is loaded, false if font is not loaded/initialized.
    bool isValid() const;

    Font& operator=(const Font &rhs);
    operator bool() const;
// Group: Coloring
    // Function: setColor
    //  Set draw color of the font.
    // Parameters:
    //  color - <Color> to shade font glyphs when drawn.
    void setColor(const Color& color);
    // Function: getColor
    //  Get draw color of the font.
    // Returns:
    //  Currently set <Color> to shade font glyphs when drawn.
    Color getColor() const;
// Group: Drawing

    // Function: drawText
    //  Draw text to screen at a specific position, using an printf-style 
    //  format string.
    // Parameters:
    //  x   - X position to start drawing text at
    //  y   - Y position to start drawing text at.
    //  str - printf-style format string
    //  ... - optional variable arguments referenced in str
    void drawText(scalar x, scalar y, const char *str, ...) const;
    // Function: drawText
    //  Draw text to screen at a specific position.
    // Parameters:
    //  x   - X position to start drawing text at
    //  y   - Y position to start drawing text at.
    //  str - Text to draw at specified posiiton.
    void drawText(scalar x, scalar y, const std::string& str) const;

    // Function: beginDraw
    //  Begin drawing of text using C++ style output streams.
    // Parameters:
    //  x   - X position to start drawing text at
    //  y   - Y position to start drawing text at.
    // Returns:
    //  std::ostream reference, anything written to the stream before
    //  <endDraw> will be drawn starting at the specified position.
    std::ostream& beginDraw(scalar x, scalar y);
    // Function: endDraw
    //  End drawing of text started with <beginDraw>. 
    //  Should be passed to the open beginDraw stream, flushing and writing the
    //  stream to the display.
    StreamFlusher endDraw();

// Group: Font Metrics

    // Function: calcStringWidth
    //  Calculate the width of a string when drawn in the current font.
    // Parameters:
    //  str - String to calculate the width of.
    // Returns:
    //  Width of string (in pixels) when drawn in current font.
    uint calcStringWidth(const std::string& str) const;
    // Function: getHeight
    //  Get height of the font, which is essentially equal to the height of the
    //  tallest character plus a font-specified spacing. 
    // Returns:
    //  Height of the loaded font.
    uint getHeight() const;
// Group: Resource Creation
    // Function: addResource
    //  Define a new named resource.
    //  (Ex. Font::addResource("sans","freesans.ttf") would 
    //   make it so that any attempts to load "sans" would load the font 
    //   freesans.ttf)
    // Parameters:
    //  name - Name to give to resource.
    //  path - Path of resource data file.
    static void addResource(const std::string& name, const std::string& path, 
                            uint size);
    // Function: addResource
    //  Define a new unaliased resource. (name == path).
    //  (Ex. Font::addResource("freesans.ttf") is essentially the same as
    //   Font::addResource("freesans.ttf","freesans.ttf")
    // Parameters:
    //  path - Path of resource data file.
    static void addResource(const std::string& path, uint size);
    // font data
    uint texID_;
    uint listBase_;
    std::vector<ubyte> widths_;
    ubyte height_;
    // stream drawing stuff
    std::ostringstream ss_;
    scalar drawX_;
    scalar drawY_;
    // color
    Color color_;
