//This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net)
//Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk
// Author:
//  James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu)
// Version:
//  $Id: filesys.hpp,v 1.3 2005/03/02 08:39:03 cozman Exp $


#include "exceptions.hpp"

#include "physfs.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Title: filesys::

namespace photon
namespace util
namespace filesys

// Group: System Directories ///////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Function: getCDDirs
//  Gets a listing of the CD directories on a system (not supported on all
//  systems)
// Returns:
//  A vector of strings containing the path to the CD directories.
std::vector<std::string> getCDDirs();

// Function: getBaseDir
//  Get the path to the directory that the application is running in.
// Returns:
//  Path to directory that application is running from.
std::string getBaseDir();

// Function: getUserDir
//  Get the path to the directory that the OS specifies for the user's home.
// Returns:
//  Path to user's home directory.
std::string getUserDir();

// Group: Search Path //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Function: addToSearchPath
//  Attempts to add a directory to the search path.
// Parameters:
//  dir - Directory to add to the search path
//  append - if true, directory will be added to end of path
//           if false, directory will be added to front of path
// See Also:
//  <removeFromSearchPath>
//  <getSearchPath>
void addToSearchPath(const std::string& dir, bool append);

// Function: removeFromSearchPath
//  Removes a directory from the search path, if it exists on the path.
// Parameters:
//  dir - Directory to remove from the search path, if it doesn't exist
//        nothing happens.
// See Also:
//  <addToSearchPath>
//  <getSearchPath>
void removeFromSearchPath(const std::string& dir);

// Function: getSearchPath
//  Obtain the currently configured search path.
// Returns:
//  List of strings in search path.
// See Also:
//  <addToSearchPath>
//  <removeFromSearchPath>
std::vector<std::string> getSearchPath();

// Group: Manipulation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Function: setWriteDir
//  Sets the writing directory, used by <mkdir> and <remove>.
// Parameters:
//  dir - Directory to make writeable
// See Also:
//  <getWriteDir>
void setWriteDir(const std::string& dir);

// Function: getWriteDir
//  Gets the writing directory.
// Returns:
//  Writable directory, if set.
// See Also:
//  <setWriteDir>
std::string getWriteDir();

// Function: mkdir
//  Attempts to create a directory.
// Parameters:
//  dir - name of directory to create
// Returns:
//  true iff directory was created, false if not
bool mkdir(const std::string& dir);

// Function: remove
//  Attempts to remove a file or directory.
// Parameters:
//  remove - name of file or directory to remove
// Returns:
//  true iff file/directory was removed, false if not
bool remove(const std::string& item);

// Group: Searching ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Function: listDir
//  Lists the contents of a directory.
// Parameters:
//  dir - name of directory to get contents of
// Returns:
//  list of strings representing items found in 'dir'
std::vector<std::string> listDir(const std::string& dir);

// Function: exists
//  Checks if a file/directory exists.
// Parameters:
//  item - file/directory to check existance of
// Returns:
//  true iff file/directory exists, false if not
bool exists(const std::string& item);

// Function: isDir
//  Checks if a name refers to a directory.
// Parameters:
//  item - name to check
// Returns:
//  true iff item is a directory, false if not
bool isDir(const std::string& item);

// Function: isSymbolicLink
//  Checks if a name refers to a symbolic link.
// Parameters:
//  item - name to check
// Returns:
//  true iff item is a symbolic link, false if not
bool isSymbolicLink(const std::string& item);

// Group: Other ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Function: getDirSeparator
//  Gets the system standard directory separator.
//  (/ on unix, \\ on windows, : on MacOS)
// Returns:
//  System directory separator.
std::string getDirSeparator();

// Function: permitSymbolicLinks
//  Enables or disables symbolic linking. (which is off by default)
// Parameters:
//  allow - true if you wish to enable linking, false if you wish to disable it
void permitSymbolicLinks(bool allow);

// Function: getModTime
//  Gets last modification time for a file.
// Parameters:
//  item - name of item to get last modification time of
// Returns:
//  Last modification time of a file in seconds since the epoch.
PHYSFS_sint64 getModTime(const std::string& item);
