//This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net)
//Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk
// Author:
//  James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu)
// Version:
//  $Id: Kernel.hpp,v 1.1 2005/03/15 19:22:07 cozman Exp $


#include <list>
#include <algorithm>

#include "util/Singleton.hpp"
#include "Task.hpp"

namespace photon

// Class: Kernel
//  Singleton Kernel class, maintains a list of <Tasks> and manages their 
//  status, including adding, deleting, pausing, and unpausing tasks.
//  To use Kernel:
//      - (1) Add any tasks (should be derived from <Task>)
//      - (2) call <Kernel::run>
//      - (3) in order to avoid running forever, all tasks should eventually die
class Kernel : public util::Singleton<Kernel>

// Group: (Con/De)structors
    // Function: Kernel
    //  Kernel constructor, initializes kernel singleton.
    // Function: ~Kernel
    //  Kernel destructor, destroys kernel singleton.

// Group: Running
    // Function: run
    //  Runs tasks until all tasks are asleep or dead.
    //  Each 'frame' all tasks are run in order of their priorities, if two 
    //  tasks have the same priority, they are run in the order they were added.
    void run();

// Group: Task Management
    // Function: addTask
    //  Add a new <Task> to the Kernel's list.  All tasks MUST have unique 
    //  names.
    // Parameters:
    //  task - <TaskPtr> representing instance of <Task> subclass to add. 
    void addTask(TaskPtr task);
    // Function: killTask
    //  Kill a task in the Kernel task list.
    //  Dead tasks are removed in next loop through tasks. 
    // Parameters:
    //  taskName - Name of task to kill.
    void killTask(const std::string& taskName);
    // Function: pauseTask
    //  Pause a task in the Kernel task list.
    // Parameters:
    //  taskName - Name of task to pause.
    void pauseTask(const std::string& taskName);
    // Function: unpauseTask
    //  Unpause a task in the Kernel task list.
    // Parameters:
    //  taskName - Name of task to unpause.
    void unpauseTask(const std::string& taskName);

    // Function: killAllTasks
    //  Kills all tasks.
    //  Dead tasks are removed in next loop through tasks.
    void killAllTasks();

// data members

    //stored list of tasks (stored in order of priority highest to lowest)
    std::list<TaskPtr> tasks_; 
    //predicate for search
    class TaskNameEq : public std::binary_function<TaskPtr, std::string, bool>
        bool operator()(const TaskPtr& lhs, const std::string& rhs) const;
