#This file is part of Photon (http://photon.sourceforge.net) #Copyright (C) 2004-2005 James Turk # # Author: # James Turk (jpt2433@rit.edu) # # Version: # $Id: SConstruct,v 1.5 2005/03/15 19:21:51 cozman Exp $ import os,os.path import glob import string subDirs = ['', 'audio', 'math', 'util', 'util/filesys', 'video'] libName = 'photon' class Builder: def __init__(self, subDirs): self.subDirs = subDirs self.srcDirs = self.combine('src',self.subDirs) self.incDirs = self.combine('include',self.subDirs) self.srcFiles = Flatten([self.getFiles(d, '*.cpp') for d in self.srcDirs]) self.srcFiles = [f.replace('src','build') for f in self.srcFiles] self.incFiles = Flatten([self.getFiles(d, '*.hpp') for d in self.incDirs]) def getFilesRecursive(self, path, pat): files = glob.glob( os.path.join(path,pat) ) for item in os.walk(path): basePath = item[0] for subdir in item[1]: files += glob.glob( os.path.join(basePath,subdir,pat) ) return [modf.replace(path+os.sep, '').replace(os.sep,'/') for modf in files] def combine(self, prefix, dirs): """Add a prefix to all directories""" return [os.path.join(prefix,d) for d in dirs] def getFiles(self, path, pat): """Get all files which match a glob in a directory""" return glob.glob( os.path.join(path,pat) ) def checkLibrary(self, name, lib, header): """Check if a library/header pair exists, report and bail if not""" if not self.conf.CheckLibWithHeader(lib, header, 'C++'): print name,'not found, exiting.' Exit(1) def checkDepends(self): """Check all the dependencies for the current project""" self.env = Environment(ENV = os.environ) self.conf = Configure(self.env) self.checkLibrary('OpenAL','OpenAL32','al.h') self.checkLibrary('OpenGL','opengl32','gl/gl.h') self.checkLibrary('GLFW','GLFW','glfw.h') self.env = self.conf.Finish() def namedBuild(self, name, target, buildType, default=False, **extra): """Add a build target which can be addressed by name on the command line name - Name to give to the target (using Alias) target - Actual build target buildType - string describing what is being built (eg. Library, PDF) [default - whether or not target is built by default (False)] **extra - any options which should be given to the builder (eg. source='foo.c', CPPPATH='/foo/bar/baz') """ # create a string with the desired buildType regStr = "self.env."+buildType+"(target = target, **extra)" # alias the build to the given name reg = self.env.Alias(name, eval(regStr)) if default: self.env.Default(reg) return reg def buildSuperHeader(self,libName): header = file('include/'+libName+'.hpp','w') incGuard = string.upper(libName)+'_HPP' header.write('#ifndef '+incGuard+'\n') header.write('#define '+incGuard+'\n\n') for inc in self.getFilesRecursive('./include','*.hpp'): header.write('#include "'+inc+'"\n') header.write('\n#endif // '+incGuard+'\n') def build(self): BuildDir('build', 'src', duplicate=0) self.checkDepends() self.namedBuild('photon', os.path.join('lib',libName), 'Library', default=True, source = self.srcFiles, CPPPATH = 'include', CPPFLAGS = '-Wall -pedantic -pg') self.namedBuild('test00', 'test00', 'Program', default=False, source = 'test00.cpp', CPPPATH = self.incDirs, LIBPATH='./lib', LIBS=['photon','openal32','glfw','opengl32','glu32','physfs'], CPPFLAGS = '-Wall -pedantic -pg', LINKFLAGS='-pg') self.buildSuperHeader(libName) ndoc = self.env.Command('docs/index.html', './include', """NaturalDocs -nag -i $SOURCES -o HTML ./docs -p ./ndoc""", target_factory=Dir) self.env.Alias("docs",ndoc) self.env.AlwaysBuild('docs/index.html') b = Builder(subDirs) b.build()